Informational Sessions:
Wed. Sept. 11, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Room: W-434
Thurs. Sept 12, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Room: L-324
Join like-minded colleagues to meet the team and learn about the opportunity. Light food provided
The COVID pandemic and other natural disasters have recently elevated economic development to a top policy priority nationally and locally, as public and private sector leaders seek to address economic inequities and increase resilience to economic shocks. In the US, current federal spending programs emphasize place-based investment strategies supporting domestic industry and innovation, injecting “once-in-a-generation” resource flows directly into state and local economic development ecosystems. These resources have opened new horizons to bolster equity and resilience for some places, and have also highlighted unresolved historical and existing challenges in state and local economic development.
Economic Development Seminar
Our flagship annual opportunity is a yearlong, monthly, 6-session seminar for 30 select HKS graduate student applicants who are committed to public service and interested in state and local economic development. Through formal and informal discussions with visiting economic development professionals from across the US, students learn about the field and profession, and discover implications for policymaking and professional public administration in developing and executing state and local economic development strategies.
The seminar format is designed to foster dynamic discussion, the sharing of different perspectives, and active participation by all students. Each month, students will engage in:
THREE-DAY RURAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TREK TO VERMONT – OCT 4 - 6: In three fast-paced and experience-filled days, all seminar participants will join a road trip through rural Vermont to meet government and community leaders and learn about economic development from those who understand it best, in the places where they work. The trek is a critical element of the learning and community-building experience, and seminar participation is contingent on attendance.
BOSTON-BASED FIELD TRIP – MAY 2: At the close of the academic year, meet some of Boston’s own economic development rockstars and go behind the scenes of some of the city’s greatest successes and ongoing problem-solving efforts.
The Seminar Series is for Harvard Kennedy School students from all degree programs (MPP, MPA, MPA/ID, MC/MPA, Joint & Concurrent) who have an interest in state and local economic development and policy domains operative in community and individual economic outcomes. Students should have an interest in applying what they learn through this series to positively influence state and local government economic development policy and decision making, either serving as, or in collaboration with, public sector leaders. The Taubman Center provides catering for each session and travel expenses for field trips.
Seminar Sessions:
All at HKS, rooms TBD
Thursdays 5:45 - 7:00 p.m.
Fridays 9:00 - 10:30 a.m.
Information Sessions:
Important Dates:
The focus of this seminar is on domestic U.S. economic development. Topics include economic development theory and practice, with specific examples and case studies from across the country. Themes include:
Guest speakers are outstanding economic development professionals with experience managing economic development efforts facing a wide variety of local, national, and global circumstances and conditions. A combination of emerging professionals and veteran economic developers who are now leaders in other roles, new speakers each month will share personal insights and experiences, plus current developments and leading-edge innovation related to their session topic.
Speakers for the 2023-2024 Seminar included:
Approximately 30 students will be invited to participate as the 2024-2025 Seminar Cohort.
Selected applicants will be invited to participate in the seminar contingent upon committing to attending 1) every monthly session, and 2) the 3-day Rural Trek to Vermont. Please consider the dates and your availability carefully prior to applying for the seminar.
Participants are expected to complete pre-reading (approximately one hour) prior to each session and actively participate in discussions.