HKS Affiliated Authors

Co-Director, Women and Public Policy Program
Roy E. Larsen Senior Lecturer in Public Policy and Management
Red and blue book cover for Engaged Fatherhood.

Women have made tremendous gains in the workforce in the past fifty years, but this gender revolution has stalled. The glass ceiling, the gender pay gap, and the demands of childrearing remain stubborn obstacles to advancement and earnings, particularly for mothers of young children. On the flip side, the same stereotypes that narrowly define women as “caretakers” also constrain men as “breadwinners”—and leave both fathers and mothers struggling to balance their home and work lives. While men’s engagement in fatherhood is on the rise, workplace norms, government policies, and healthcare systems still treat women as the “primary parent,” boxing men out of roles that could enrich the lives of their families and themselves and the pursuit of gender equality. Together, the expert contributors to Engaged Fatherhood for Men, Families and Gender Equality provide compelling evidence that when fathers are welcomed and enabled to engage with their children’s lives, everyone wins.


Grau-Grau, Marc, Mireia las Heras Maestro, and Hannah Riley Bowles. Engaged Fatherhood for Men, Families and Gender Equality: Healthcare, Social Policy, and Work Perspectives. Springer, 2021.