Showing results 261 - 270 of 293

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Martina Viarengo, Ricardo Hausmann
In this paper we establish six stylized facts related to marriage and work in Latin America and present a simple model to account for them. First, skilled women are less likely to…
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
In this paper, I analyze the impacts of a centuries-old social institution, the caste system, (directly) on households'access to water resources and (indirectly) on female time…
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Two experimental studies examined the effect of power-seeking intentions on backlash toward women in political office. It was hypothesized that a female politician’s career…
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Visions of the post-conflict reintegration process in Sierra Leone as a moment of healing, reconstruction, opportunity and rehabilitation do not take into account the experience…
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Can political affirmative action for women reduce gender bias? Rohini Pande, January 8, 2009, Article. "“While women have the legal right to equal participation in politics…
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Rohini Pande, January 2009:  “We exploit random assignment of gender quotas for leadership positions across Indian village councils to show that prior exposure to a female…
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Iris Bohnet
Women, and particularly women in all-female groups, appear to be especially adept at providing public goods in developing countries. We use a one-shot Public Goods game to explore…
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
I elicit causal effects of spousal observability and communication on financial choices of married individuals in the Philippines. When choices are private, men put money into…
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
This article focuses on the construction of “soldier” and “victim” by post-conflict programs in Sierra Leone. Focusing on the absence of individual testimonies and interviews that…
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
In addition to facing earnings penalties because of their race and additional penalties because of their gender, black women appear to suffer a small but additional penalty…