Selen Şiringil Perker is a Research Fellow with the Program in Criminal Justice Policy and Management (PCJ) at Harvard Kennedy School (HKS). She is currently working in the Indicators in Development: Safety and Justice project in Ethiopia, helping justice officials design and use indicators in their reform efforts, and leading the field influence stream of the project that includes production of innovative online tools distilling key principles of PCJ’s approach and experiences across the world in developing locally designed and owned governance indicators in justice and safety. Her past work with the PCJ has focused on recent trends in the practice of criminal justice in Turkey, especially implementation of criminal law and procedure reforms started in 2005, and followed by a decade of dynamic series of new legislation to curb excessive use of pretrial detention and to enhance the prosecutorial oversight of law enforcement activity in the country.
Selen completed her Master of Laws (LLM) at Harvard Law School in 2010, where she nurtured her interest in interdisciplinary understanding of law at the intersection of governance and economics. She received her Bachelor of Laws (summa cum laude) from Galatasaray University Law School (Turkey, 2007), following which she was awarded the prestigious Bourse d’Excellence by French government to pursue her master’s degree in International and European Law at the University of Paris I (Panthéon – Sorbonne).
Prior to coming to Harvard, Selen worked for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in the “Reduction of Socio-economic Disparities in South-Eastern Anatolia – Empowerment of Women” project focusing on enhancing institutional capacities and women’s labor market participation in southeast Turkey. Selen also clerked at Istanbul courts and with the Istanbul Bar Association. She is an attorney licensed to practice law in Turkey and New York, USA. Born and raised in Istanbul, Turkey, Selen speaks Turkish, French, and English.
Contact Information
- Email Selen Siringil Perker
Related Links
- Indicators in Development: Safety and Justice project
- Ethiopia project
- Video Series Developing Governance Indicators
- Article Judicial Performance Evaluation in Ethiopia: Local Reforms Meet Global Challenges
- Article Building a Case for a New Victim Support System in Turkey: What Role for Indicators?
- Project Site A Measure of Justice
- Selen Siringil Perker’s Website