January 22, 2016

About this Event

At this hearing Senior Research Fellow, Vincent Schiraldi, with the Program in Criminal Justice Policy and Management (PCJ) at Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) provided testimony before the Illinois General Assembly on Friday, January 22, 2016 at a special Hearing on Young Adults in Conflict with the Law at 10:00 AM Central Time (11 Eastern). The event was livestreamed.

Schiraldi and other experts were asked to discuss how to most effectively address young adults who come into conflict with the law and the state's justice system. This Hearing was held as joint hearing of the Youth & Young Adults, Human Services, Juveninle Justice and System Involved Youth, and Judiciary - Criminal House Committees, and organized Illinois State Representative Laura Fine, D-Glenview and Chairwoman of the House Youth and Young Adults Committee.

  • Illinois State Representative Laura Fine has noted 'My goal for this hearing is to begin a conversation about how the criminal justice system can better address the young adult population with a focus on reducing recidivism rates.' She also said, 'Experts have increasingly raised concerns abouut the effectiveness of the adult criminal justice system in dealing with young adults, so I wouuld like to find a way for Illinois to deal with this issue in a cost-effective way that helps troubled youth get rehabilitated while not comprommising public safety.'

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