Join us at Harvard Kennedy School at 9:00 AM on Friday, November 20th for a discussion with some of the leading voices in the fight to improve juvenile justice:
A national juvenile justice campaign is underway with the ambitious goal of closing all youth prisons and replacing them with community-based alternatives for the great majority of youth who can safely remain in the community, and small residential programs near their communities for the small number of very high-risk youth who need to be placed out of home for some period of time. Each day some 54,000 young people are incarcerated nationwide at a cost to taxpayers of about $5 billion a year. Money saved from closing juvenile correctional facilities could go toward paying for much more effective community-based alternatives that better serve one of the juvenile justice system’s central missions: Rehabilitation of youths.
Featured Panelists
- Liz Ryan, President & CEO, Youth First Initiative
- Marc Schindler, Executive Director, Justice Policy Institute
- Tanya Washington, Senior Associate, Annie E. Casey Foundation
- Vincent Schiraldi, Senior Research Fellow, Program in Criminal Justice, Harvard Kennedy School (Moderator)
Event Details
- Friday, November 20, 2015 - 9:00 AM
- Harvard Kennedy School | Bell Hall, Belfer Center, 5th Floor
79 JFK Street, Cambridge | Directions
About this Event
This event is sponsored by the Program in Criminal Policy and Management (PCJ) and the Criminal Justice PIC at Harvard Kennedy School (HKS).