Rohan SandhuRohan Sandhu is co-founder of the Reimagining the Economy initiative at the Harvard Kennedy School, which he directs alongside Professors Gordon Hanson and Dani Rodrik. Rohan has spent over a decade working at the intersection of research and practice, in economic development, education, and state capacity. Previously, Rohan was Associate Director at the International Innovation Corps. In that role, he set up and led the organization’s India operations, managing 30 Project Managers and Associates from around the world, on implementation projects in education, health, and agriculture, with government departments, philanthropy, and social enterprises. Prior to that, he was part of the founding team of the Brookings Institution’s India Center. His professional experiences also include roles at the City of Chicago, the Department of IT and Youth Affairs in Kenya, and as Chief of Staff to the Chief Opposition Whip in the Indian Parliament. 

He is a co-editor and lead author of Accelerating Access to Quality Education (Brookings: 2015) and has written columns for leading newspapers and policy publications. He has a Masters in Public Administration in International Development (MPA/ID) from the Harvard Kennedy School, and a B.A. (with honors) in Economics and Political Science from the University of Chicago.


  • “Accelerating Access to Quality Education” (with Subir Gokarn), Brookings: 2015 (Edited volume)

Articles and Book Chapters

  • "Industrial Policy is a Verb" (with Kartik Akileswaran), ProMarket, Chicago Booth Stigler Center for the Study of the Economy and the State,  April 4, 2024 
  • "Bottom Up Bidenomics", Time, October 16, 2024
  • Funding Digital Government Initiatives” (with David Eaves, Emily Middleton, and Claire Bedoui), Harvard Ash Center, February 4, 2021
  • “The pandemic has yielded more than a learning crisis,” Mint, August 27, 2021
  • “Putting the Social in a Social Stock Exchange,” The Business Line, July 12, 2020
  • “Towards a New Education Paradigm,” The Business Line, February 5, 2020
  • "Stairway to Prosperity" (with Subir Gokarn), The Indian Express, September 22, 2017
  • "Breaking Down the Barriers," in Meaningful Education in Times of Uncertainty: Collection of Essays, Center for Universal Education, Brookings Institution, August 2017
