Showing results 1 - 10 of 18

Cover page for Renewing Britain
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Vidit Doshi, Huw Spencer
An unenviable industrial in-tray: The new UK government faces the task of developing a new green industrial strategy at the same time as accelerating growth in an economy that has…
Cover page for Servicing Development
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Dani Rodrik, Rohan Sandhu
The future of developing countries is in services as that is where the jobs will be. Enhancing productivity in labor-absorbing services must be an essential priority, for reasons…
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Rohan Sandhu
Critics of industrial policy claim that state interventions into the market lead to inefficient subsidies, protectionism, or the “picking of winners.” Kartik Akileswaran and Rohan…
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Dani Rodrik
December 8, 2023, Opinion: "Manufacturing industries are no longer the labor-absorbing sectors they used to be, and that is a big problem for developed and developing economies…
Joe Biden standing in front of a large sign that reads "bidenomics"
Rohan Sandhu
For much of the past few months, President Joe Biden’s administration has been trying to drum up public enthusiasm around “Bidenomics”—an economic agenda formed around the logic…
cover to the Industrial Policy paper
Dani Rodrik
September 2023, Paper: "Industrial policy is experiencing a global resurgence. The governments of Brazil, the European Union, South Africa, and the United States are just a few of…
Man working in a field with cable from a large spool
Dani Rodrik
August 2023, Paper: "There are few economic policies that generate more kneejerk opposition from economists than industrial policy. This has not stopped governments from making…
Dani Rodrik seated in front of books
Dani Rodrik, Réka Juhász, Nathan Lane
August 4, 2023, Opinion: "In the past, economists assessing the performance of industrial policies often focused on indicators such as import tariffs, capturing only limited…
A lighted sign that reads "come in, we're hiring!"
Dani Rodrik, Vidit Doshi, Huw Spencer
The United Kingdom faces a good-jobs challenge. The British economy falls short on inequality metrics on the one hand, and average household disposable income levels on the other…
Workers in a supermarket stocking shelves
Dani Rodrik
March 2023, Paper: "We are today in the midst of a transition away from what has come to be called “neoliberalism,” with much uncertainty about what will replace it. We might…