Robert Manley MPA writes, “Having incorporated the Center for Global Responsibility, a small think tank, in 2009, I’m working to finish two books, one focusing on the concept of and dimensions of global responsibility, the other on aspects of my background relevant to the GR orientation.”
Stephen Sloane MPA, who, after a career as a naval officer now serves on the faculty at Saint Mary’s College of California, has been awarded the Best Ethnographic Symposium Best Paper Award by the University of Liverpool for his paper “The Inspired Maverick: Dirty Harry Lives on the Edge.”
1966 / 50th Reunion
Harry Harris MC/MPA says retirement continues to elude him. After a long career in government and academia, he remains as founder and president of HealthCare California. Entering the 11th year, the company maintains its position as the largest home health agency in central California. With the Affordable Care Act and a dynamic health care industry, the company’s achievements abound. At the same time, Harry is an inveterate global traveler enjoying the pleasures of new adventures and establishing friendships along with occasional consultancies.
Geoff Dutton MCRP continues to work as a technical writer/editor and enjoys writing articles and stories on many topics. “Find a selection at cowbird.com. My work in software and IT for a long time made me innovation-averse, and so I’m working on a book describing how digital technologies are fundamentally changing humanity and what drives these changes. In October I’ll present a paper at the Digital Earth Summit summarizing my work in the field of discrete global grids that I began at a fecund lab in the GSD that just had a 50th birthday party!
1971 / 45th Reunion
Gibbs Kinderman MC/MPA writes, “I read with unease the description in the latest HKS Magazine of the new HKS behemoth under construction. Has the school developed an edifice complex? In the first MPP class (1969–70) we had one room in Littauer and a stellar cast of teachers. An epigram defined an ideal college as ‘Mark Hopkins on one end of a log and a student on the other.’ We had that amazing chemistry in the baby MPP program. Are spontaneity and personhood surviving in the new mega-Kennedy School?”
Henry “Duke” Ryan MC/MPA writes, “My book, Turning Points: Stories of Crime, Love, and Faith, became available last November. It consists of four short novels that have been called ‘a mature mixture of realism, romance, and thrills . . . Immensely entertaining and at the same time thought-provoking’ (BookWire). The stories ask, ‘What is evil, what is sin, what is the power of love and its loss?’ These questions can force themselves upon us, making everything else insignificant, as they do with the characters in these four stories.”
Jay Urwitz MPP has been named deputy general counsel of the U.S. Department of Education, after 32 years at Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr. After receiving his MPP and law degrees, he clerked for a federal appeals court judge. He was then the legislative assistant for domestic policy for Senator Edward Kennedy. At WilmerHale, he practiced education law and was on the executive committee. Prior to joining the government, Jay was a trustee of Teachers College, Columbia University and the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation. He has written for a number of publications.
1976 / 40th Reunion
Sheila Burns MCRP writes, “Armed with my notable degree from HKS, I am fortunate to have made a contribution to my community in the field of public transportation and public policy. I am thankful for my many blessings, including a thriving logistics business, great friends, and most importantly, a loving and supportive family, which now includes my boy/girl twin grandbabies. Here’s hoping the next decade brings continued blessings!!”
Wendy Gray MPP writes, “Classmates and I mourn the recent death of our dear friend Laurie Miller MPP after a yearlong battle with brain cancer. After graduation, Laurie served as special assistant to Secretary Joseph Califano and deputy commissioner of the Administration for Children, Youth and Families at HEW. She attended Yale Law School. Upon graduating in 1988, Laurie clerked for Justice Byron White and then became a trial lawyer, focusing on government investigations and white-collar defense. Active in numerous professional organizations, Laurie loved and supported the arts and mentored students. We will remember her insatiable, passionate love of learning and fun.”
Shalom Saar MC/MPA says the past few years have been very exciting. “Serving as a full-time professor of leadership at Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in Beijing. CKGSB is a leading business school in China and has just established a partnership with HKS. My book, Leading With Conviction, published by Wiley, is doing very well and will be going through a second edition. I am currently working on my book on China, comparing Western with Chinese executives’ ways of thinking. I also worked as a strategic advisor to Moshe Kahlon, who is now serving as the minister of finance in Israel.”
Bill Ballenger MC/MPA writes, “Two years ago I sold my subscription newsletter, Inside Michigan Politics, which I founded in 1987, but I’m still writing for it. Also continuing my TV and radio stuff as well as a lot of public speaking to trade groups, PACs, and professional associations.”
Alfred Marcus PhD, professor of strategy and technological leadership at the University of Minnesota, has published Innovations in Sustainability: Fuel and Food (Cambridge University Press).
Michael Phillips MCRP was recognized by the FDIC board of directors with the Douglas H. Jones Award for outstanding legal counsel at the FDIC. He has served in the FDIC’s Legal Division since 1989 and has been active in the implementation of the Dodd-Frank Act.
Rina Spence MC/MPA has been named the honorary consul for Monaco in Boston, covering the New England states.
Alexandra Schweitzer MPP recently joined an amazing start-up, Iora Health, founded by Rushika Fernandopulle MPP 1994 to transform health care. “My job is to help bridge the work and cultures between our health plan sponsors (lots of rules and regulations) and our practice operations (built to break the rules and put patients first, always). Very energizing and inspiring to be so close to the front lines of bringing humanity to health care.”
1981 / 35th Reunion
Edward Edelson MC/MPA is running for his third term as the chief elected official of Southbury, Connecticut. “As the only Democrat to ever be reelected, I have had strong and vocal opposition from local Republicans since my reelection in 2013. They have brought frivolous lawsuits against me and accused me of many ridiculous and untrue things. Sound familiar? However, I still feel it is a rewarding position where I can use my skills and background to improve the quality of life for this town. Governance at any level is hard work.”
Richard Paton MC/MPA published his second management book. He will be teaching an MPA course, at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, on leadership in nonprofit organizations. His book is Leading Business Associations: Making Successful Transitions.
Ahmad Chowdhury MC/MPA writes, “Hi, my classmates, I would love to know your present status and continue our connections. An email from you would be welcome.”
Guy de Fontgalland MC/MPA is launching an NGO dedicated to providing assistance to remote and deprived rural schools in developing countries — providing financial assistance mainly for repair and enhancement of physical facilities as well as building new low-cost schools in remote areas. “We plan to work in cooperation with ministries of education in each target country. We also plan to leverage our assistance program to build community-focused education programs as part of our strategy to assist schools in nation building — peace, economic development, and social cohesion among rural communities. Wish to be connected with interested HKS alumni and students.”
Elliot Gordon MPP writes, “After a 30-year litigation career, I have become a full-time arbitrator and mediator in Los Angeles, with a primary focus on health care, employment, and complex litigation matters.”
Ned Daly MCRP reports that his short video Pastiche Vol1 No1 (2014) was an official selection of the 2015 Arlington International Film Festival (held last October) and was selected for screening at the Bideodromo 2015 in Bilbao, Spain. A French-language version was released in 2015.
Denise Fort HKSEE writes, “I’m working on climate change mitigation, as so many of us are. In particular, trying to reduce the use of coal by electric utilities and supporting the control of methane (a potent greenhouse gas) by the oil and gas industry. Glad to collaborate with others in the field.”
Kay Goss HKSEE was elected U.S. president of The International Emergency Management Society and selected as 2015 Distinguished Alum of the Year at the University of Arkansas.
Verna McDaniel MC/MPA writes, “Greetings, class of 1983! After a long career in public service, I retired in May of 2015. I am back on contract until they find a new county administrator for Washtenaw County, Michigan. Go to ewashtenaw.org.”
Muhammad Siddiqi MC/MPA has been teaching in the management school of a public university since his retirement from civil service in 2002. “Discussing the governance issues, I give a reference to what is happening in the United States and other developed and developing countries. Fortunately, I have visited more than 40 countries on official visits, and acquired a global perspective. I enjoy sharing this knowledge with MPA students. My association with HKS is a feather in my cap — Harvard certainly has a unique distinction in the academic world. I am promoting the cause of education in so many ways!”
David Barol MPP recently published The Long Green Tunnel, an adventure book that also explores relationships, communities, and dreams.
Michael Cichon MC/MPA, after 27 years in the UN system (i.e., the International Labour Office), was elected president of the International Council on Social Welfare in 2012 (mandate expires in 2016) and appointed professor of social protection at the Graduate School of Governance at the United Nations University in Maastricht, the Netherlands, in 2013.
Carol Landsman MPP writes, “After 30 years as a transportation planner — thank you Tony Gomez-Ibañez — I shuttered my consulting practice last year and retired. I am loving it. Doing political activism work, Palestinian solidarity and police accountability, volunteer work with women entering or reentering the job market, traveling — I held a baby orangutan in my arms — playing tennis and weight lifting. I can bench 285. Life is good.”
Nam Pham MPA was appointed assistant secretary for business development and international trade by Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker in January 2015. Nam oversees the Massachusetts Office of Business Development, Office of Travel and Tourism, Office of International Trade, Film Office, and Sport Marketing Office.
Tessie Catsambas MPP founded EnCompass LLC in 1999 with Laverne Webb MPA 1984. “We work in leadership development, training and e-learning, and evaluation. A recent evaluation of Brazil’s Early Childhood Development Initiative brought me to Harvard, where I interviewed Ron Heifetz, whose adaptive leadership model is part of the Initiative. What a joy to circle back to HKS! Now, with the 30th HKS reunion, the MPP 1985 class has been reconnecting, and it is great to see all the good things everyone is doing! From cyber security to the U.S. Congress, from social service to defense. Yeah MPPs ’85!”
Ken Davies MC/MPA has just moved to Jinja, Uganda, upon retirement from the UN, after 26 years in Africa, Asia, and World Food Programme headquarters in Rome. “Old friends welcome for a visit and would love to hear from you. Greetings to all.”
Frances Fabian MPP was promoted to associate professor in management at the Fogelman College of Business and Economics at the University of Memphis. She devotes her time to multiple research projects, PhD mentoring, and class teaching, concentrating on entrepreneurship.
Darryl Garrett HKSEE has been selected as the senior coach for Washington Mayor Bowser’s FitDC initiative, a city-wide effort to improve the health and fitness of DC citizens. He also has been appointed as a docent for the CIA Museum. In September he received his certificate in health coaching from Georgetown University. He continues to serve on the boards of Hitachi Data Systems Federal and AvePoint Public Sector, and as a consultant within the intelligence community.
Gabriela Romanow MC/MPA writes, “Life took us on an unwelcome turn in 2014 when our then 20-year-old son was diagnosed with neuromyelitis optica (NMO), a rare auto-immune disease of the central nervous system. Since then, I’ve retooled my time to focus on raising money to find treatments and a cure.” See diningfornmo.org.
1986 / 30th Reunion
David Boghossian MC/MPA writes, “Enterprise Innovation Partners continues apace advising growth-stage companies including AthenaHealth, BigBelly Solar, K-School start-up OpportunitySpace, and others. Formed a partnership with Arjuna Capital to invest in ‘for benefit’ companies and other mission-driven impact investments that yield competitive financial returns and solve societal problems. We’re about halfway to the target $40 million fund. Elizabeth and I enjoy hosting alumni board members Bob Ferri, Wendy Pangburn (chair!), and David Rosenberg when they come to Cambridge and usually can gather the usual suspects — Steve Singer, Jim Corcoran, the Harvey/Griesemers (Bryan Harvey and J. Griesemer), all MC/MPA 1986, and others for the customary frivolity. Join in!”
Casey Corr MC/MPA is living in Yakima, Washington, and editing an international magazine that covers the tree fruit and wine grape industries.
Daniel Forster MC/MPA recently published an eBook titled The Winter Bird, a novel about Alaska. “The book mixes my own actual experience as planning director for the world’s largest municipality, Inuit history and legends, arctic living, with a bit of horror added for drama. The story covers a broad swath reaching back to ancient Egypt, prejudice, climate concerns, oil and gas development, voracity of the press, and staying true to one’s core values and maintaining cultural values in changing times.”
John Irany MC/MPA argues in his recently published book, Before 1492: The Portuguese Discovery of America, that Portuguese mariners, who were the preeminent European explorers in the last half of the 15th century, stumbled upon the New World at least a decade before Columbus set sail from Spain on his historic voyage. The evidence — in a map now on permanent display in the Library of Congress and in pre-Columbian European artifacts left behind in America — is abundantly clear if we discard the fixed notions drilled into us since the third grade. The book is refreshingly not-taught-at-Harvard nautical history.
Felisa Tibbitts MPP writes, “Bonjour! I’ve relocated to Brussels to head up research for Education International (www.ei-ie.org), the world’s largest federation of unions, representing over 30 million educational personnel worldwide. The advocacy work of EI dovetails well with my passion for human rights and education, and I’m enjoying being based in Europe again. Friends, let me know if you will be passing through Brussels. We can enjoy together some of the city’s legendary food and beer!”
Luise Druke Crousillat MC/MPA was elected cochair of the Inter University Committee on International Migration at MIT. As a visiting scholar at Harvard Law School and fellow of the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, she published her last book on innovations for refugee protection in January 2014, which was presented at the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at the Kennedy School and Law School. Luise married Michel Crousillat from southern France in a beautiful ceremony at Harvard Memorial Church in April 2015, which can all be viewed at youtube.com/user/luisedruke. Michel will be coteaching European politics and modern French literature at Harvard (HILR) with Luise. “Greetings to all!”
Nadine Hack MC/MPA was awarded Mentor of the Year by the Association of Professional Coaches, Trainers & Consultants. The award was presented in London at an international ceremony.
Jim Klocke MPA has been appointed chief executive officer of the Massachusetts Nonprofit Network, a 750-member statewide association.
Ian McAuley MC/MPA writes, “For me, the enduring take-home message from HKS was Herman Leonard’s aphorism ‘The hard jobs are left to the public sector.’ Drawing on his inspiration, with a colleague, Miriam Lyons, I wrote a book about the good work of government. Governomics: Can We Afford Small Government, was published by Melbourne University Press last year. Our finding: ‘small government’ comes at a cost — lost opportunities to contribute to the collective good, corrosive inequality, and the need to pay more for privatized services than we save in taxes.”
Joyce Murphy MC/MPA, executive vice chancellor of UMass Medical School’s Commonwealth Medicine division, was appointed to the Schwartz Center for Compassionate Healthcare board of directors in October. “The Schwartz Center is critical to improving the current health care delivery system, which must work to construct a better framework to support enhanced compassion in the delivery of care.”
Josef Reum MC/MPA reports that the board of trustees at George Washington University awarded him professor emeritus status. Josef has returned to full-time consulting with private sector organizations, NGOs, higher ed, and philanthropies. His more than a decade of public service, 20+ years in the academy (14 in a decanal role), and commitment to organizational development and leadership “in the moment” all coalesce to make this next step remarkable.
Torsten Thiele MPA writes, “After returning to Harvard for a wonderful year as 2014 Advanced Leadership Fellow, I am back in London, promoting ocean governance through a not-for-profit, the Global Ocean Trust.
Michael Becker MC/MPA writes, “Just to say hello. Life is good.”
Bob Levy MC/MPA recently received his credentials from the International Public Management Association as a certified professional in human resources. “Still (26 years) town manager of Pembroke Park, Florida, and an elected city council member (12 years) of Plantation, Florida.”
Alan Loeb MC/MPA presented “Rocket 88: The Music and the Machine” at the Business History Conference in June. The paper shows how General Motors helped introduce rock and roll, and how that ultimately led to the Clean Air Act of 1970. “(True story!)”
James Brett MC/MPA has been reappointed by President Obama to the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities. He also was appointed chairman of the Governor’s Commission on Intellectual Disability by Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker.
Shari Davis MPP is now serving as codirector of the Santa Monica College Public Policy Institute, a unique California community college–based program giving diverse students pathways to associate’s degrees and certificates in public policy, while providing community forums on a variety of issues.
Russell Hawkins MC/MPA recently returned from a business trip to Korea. “I’ve completed my 10th year with the Korea Trade and Investment Promotion Agency and 20th year in South Africa. Seems like only yesterday. Other activities include Harvard Alumni Association SA and Young African Leadership Institute. Life’s good.”
Junki Kim MPP was recently appointed as director of Korea’s National Assembly Budget Office, an equivalent of the Congressional Budget Office in the U.S. He was dean of the Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University prior to his appointment.
Janice Saragoni MC/MPA writes, “Still toiling away at Saragoni & Company, the Boston-based public affairs and media relations firm I launched in 1997. I’ve been living in Cambridge since 1990 but am moving “across the river” to North Allston in early winter. Have been spending as much time as possible in Greece, where I have a little cottage on the island of Hydra. Would love to hear from classmates near and far.”
Mark Francis MPP, over the past four years, has been leading teams at Intel to reimagine personal computing and develop breakthrough experiences enabled by technology. As a result of these efforts, Mark was recently awarded a patent by the U.S. Patent Office. He and his team at Intel have pushed innovation in the design, usability, product definition, and core technologies for the wearable computing and “internet of things” markets. The first released product resulting from these efforts is the MICA bracelet, introduced at Fashion Week — New York, codesigned by Opening Ceremonies, and sold through Barney’s New York.
Mark Levin HKSEE has retired as city administrator of Maryland Heights, Missouri, a position he had held since the city incorporated in 1985. Mark is now a clinical associate professor in the School of Public & Environmental Affairs at Indiana University in Bloomington, where he is teaching graduate courses in urban management and government budgeting.
Jay Madigan MC/MPA writes, “My wife, Marta, and I are living and working in Orlando, Florida. I serve as the deputy chair of the Strategic Management Practices Committee for the American Water Works Association and hope to promote ever-improving practices to natural resource management.”
Scott Stucky HKSEE writes, “In April, I delivered the annual George S. Prugh Lecture in Military Legal History at the Army Judge Advocate General’s School in Charlottesville, VA. I spoke on the history of appellate review of courts-martial in the United States. I am a judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces in Washington, DC.”
Jeff Thinnes MC/MPA writes, “Was great seeing so many old (in both ways) friends at the reunion in May. Wow, 25 flew by fast. Reminded me what a unique and special place HKS is. Traveling to 12 countries in next few months for anti-corruption training. Had some fun with the FIFA issue and role of corporate sponsors.”
1991 / 25th Reunion
Fabiana Feld MPA, chief investment officer with International Finance Corporation, is managing relationships with multinationals such as Walmart, Coca-Cola, Nestlé, and Unilever to develop solutions in the food supply space and finance resilient supple chains in emerging nations and fragile states.
Mike Scott MC/MPA attended the 2015 Harvard commencement for daughter Tiffany, who received her undergraduate degree. “This is the first formal event attended since leaving K-School. Saw renovation under way at school and thought about the 25th reunion this year. I’m looking forward to working on the planning committee for reunion.”
Will Shafroth MC/MPA is the president and CEO of the National Park Foundation, the official charity of the National Park Service. After four-and-a-half years working for the secretary of the interior, he leads a campaign to mark the 100th anniversary of the world’s leading national park system in 2016.
Diane Stollenwerk MPP leads the team at StollenWerks Inc., a strategic consulting firm focused on health policy. Based in Baltimore, her company works with national agencies and organizations in DC and with state and private sector groups across the country. She spends time with her wife, Delegate Maggie McIntosh, at their homes in Maryland and on the Delaware coast, one of which is an historic church built in 1882 that they restored and transformed into a lovely home. Together they enjoy longtime friends, adventurous travel, and projects that make the world a better place.
Joyce Anagnos MPP has been a senior attorney with the city of Toledo, Ohio, since 2006, handling both transactional and litigation responsibilities regarding local government and utility matters. Thankfully the 2014 water crisis is in the past. Joyce was recently appointed to the board of directors of the Toledo Bar Association and reappointed as secretary of the TBA Membership Committee. Joyce is also an elected member of the Lucas County Bar Association’s executive committee.
Juan Garcia MPP writes, “It’s been a privilege to serve in the Obama administration for 6.5 years, and an honor to help lead the magnificent Navy/Marine Corps team as the assistant secretary of the Navy. But in June I left DC to take a position at Amazon HQ in Seattle. Will commute back and forth while Denise stays with the kids until the twins finish high school. Amazon’s work culture is a little different from the Pentagon: jeans & T-shirts, dogs in the office, and first names, but whip-smart people and cool, challenging work.”
Taegan Goddard MPP and classmate Chris Riback MPP run Good Guys Media Ventures, which helps companies and nonprofits create branded digital media properties — connecting actionable ideas and insights with key audiences to increase client engagement and remain top of mind in highly competitive landscapes. Good Guys maintains an active list of public policy clients — companies and nonprofits that want to use content to remain relevant in important policy debates at the federal, state, and local levels. Industries include private equity, health care, energy, education, defense, and more.
Firdaus Kharas HKSEE was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws by Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, “in recognition of his innovative contributions to the advancement of public health and children’s rights in a global context.”
Chris Riback MPP and classmate Taegan Goddard MPP run Good Guys Media Ventures, which helps companies and nonprofits create branded digital media properties — connecting actionable ideas and insights with key audiences to increase client engagement and remain top of mind in highly competitive landscapes. Good Guys maintains an active list of public policy clients — companies and nonprofits that want to use content to remain relevant in important policy debates at the federal, state, and local levels. Industries include private equity, health care, energy, education, defense, and more.
Paul Tauber MPP is a partner in the business practice group at Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP in San Francisco. In February 2015, he traveled to Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, as a representative of the Pacific Council on International Policy. There, he observed a week of the pretrial hearings in the case U.S. v. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who stands trial along with four others in a military tribunal for the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
Mark Feldman MPA received a Daily Point of Light Award for his ongoing commitment to the corporate responsibility field and his volunteerism in the Boston community. The award, established by President George H.W. Bush, celebrates individuals for their community service and power to spark change and improve the world. Mark is the managing director of Cause Consulting, a Boston-based social impact strategy and communications firm dedicated to strengthening business and impacting society.
Susan Hammel MPP joined the advisory board for Sunrise Banks, a Minnesota-based CDFI (community development financial institution). As president and founder of Cogent Consulting Inc., her own consulting practice, she is continuing her lifelong passion to help do-gooders do better by being smart about money.
Karen Feldman MPA has been running Young Voices, a nonprofit she founded nine years ago. The organization transforms low-income youth of color from across Rhode Island into advanced leaders who push for systemic change in the public education system. The youth are actively engaged in pushing for policy change, such as testifying at the statehouse and meeting with the Providence mayor and Rhode Island governor to push for adoption of an education platform that they created. She would love to connect with other alums who are interested in unleashing the power of students to make public education work for everyone.
Reinhard Junghanns MC/MPA writes, “Having served two consecutive terms as head of cooperation at the Delegations of the European Union to El Salvador (2007–2011) and to Venezuela (2011–2013), I returned to EU headquarters. At DG DEVCO in Brussels I worked on budget support and financial management. On the occasion of our class of 1994 reunion I enjoyed returning to the U.S. for the first time since graduation. Finally, I decided to retire from the European Commission in July 2014. However, I continue to travel and give advice to NGOs and local authorities in El Salvador and the Dominican Republic.”
Michael Feiner MC/MPA writes, “Currently at the end of my term as German ambassador to Niger (if in doubt as to the exact location, please check a map). About to be reposted, at time of going to press no reliable information as to when and where, though.”
Lorene Flaming MPP writes, “Since February 2015, I’ve been working in Nepal on a food security project with Winrock International. I’m also serving as a knowledge management and learning advisor to the USAID Mission, focusing on efforts to understand and measure resilience in the wake of the 7.8 earthquake in April, political instability, and other shocks and stressors.”
Sue Klaseus MC/MPA is the resource development director for Good Samaritan Society — Ambassador in Minneapolis. Good Samaritan is the largest nonprofit provider of senior care and services in the United States. “After an extensive career in financial services and KSG, I spent 13 years leading university external relations efforts. I also consult with nonprofits shaping their strategic futures and preparing for campaigns. Recently, I was appointed to Wayside House board, one of the nation’s oldest treatment centers devoted to gender-specific needs of women. I am blessed by good friends, a loving family, and a continued thirst for learning, growing, and giving back.”
Mike Walker MPA launched AlterAction Inc., a consulting firm specializing in behavioral and social marketing, in early 2002. For the past 14 years, AlterAction has helped clients such as EPA, FEMA, UPS, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services develop and implement strategies for large-scale human behavior change. Mike lives in Hingham, Massachusetts, with his wife, son, and daughter.
Shlomo Zusman MC/MPA participated in the 70-year celebration of Community Water Fluoridation in Chicago in September. “Such a simple method to improve the (dental) health of the people with an excellent return.”
1996 / 20th Reunion
Paul Clarke MC/MPA concluded his Air Force career in 2007 and returned to San Francisco. He is a consultant, working in civil-military relations, security sector reform, and combating violent extremism projects overseas. He also is a senior defense analyst with RAND, leading a team to help Guinea’s military transition to democratic practices in the midst of the Ebola crisis. Somehow, this Air Force vet found himself an adjunct professor with the Naval Postgraduate School. He leads the local chapter of the UN Association. He and Jane are looking forward to seeing familiar faces at the 2016 reunion.
Patricia Davis MC/MPA writes, “Minnesota Senate President Sandy Pappas MC/MPA 1994 presided over the 4th annual convening of Forward Global Women in August 2015. Along with colleagues from the Middle East, she co-founded the organization in 2012 to train and promote women as peacemakers and to bring together Arab, Israeli, and American women leaders to share experiences and best practices in conflict resolution. Twenty-five women from Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, Palestine, and the United States were nominated to participate in the convening, including HKS graduates Mary Jo McGuire MC/MPA 1998 (and FGW board chair), Patricia Davis MC/MPA 1996, and Yara Asad MC/MPA 2015.
Todd Harper MPP, an HKS Edith Stokey Society member, continues to find new outlets for his philanthropic and volunteering passions. Applying the lessons learned while at HKS, Todd led a team presentation resulting in City Blossoms — a DC-based group dedicated to developing kid-driven community green spaces — winning a 2015 Board Leadership Award from the Center for Nonprofit Advancement. Last year, Todd received recognition as one of the top three individual contributors among all federal employees nationwide for Feds Feed Families. During the day, Todd has managed public and congressional affairs at the National Credit Union Administration since 2011.
Stephanie Khurana MPP was named managing director of the Boston office of the Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation. Draper Richards Kaplan is one of the leading venture philanthropy firms in the nation with offices in Menlo Park and Boston. Stephanie began her role in June.
Patrick Mendis HKSEE was appointed as a distinguished visiting scholar of economic diplomacy at Wuhan University in Hubei province and a distinguished visiting professor of international politics at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou. His recent book and lecture tour took him to nine universities in eight cities in China. He is featured in the China Economic Review and the China Daily.
Todd Cyril MPA returned from duty as the U.S. defense attaché to Israel in 2013. “I am in my third year as a special advisor to the deputy assistant secretary of defense for Middle East policy in the Pentagon, working regional policy issues and currently heavily focused on resources and coordination in support of the Iraqi fight against Daesh. Cruising to mandatory military retirement in 2017. Now in the process of thinking about my next adventure in post-military life.”
Fred Kacher MPP was recently selected as the 2015 recipient of the U.S. Navy League’s John Paul Jones Award for Inspirational Leadership. Named after the U.S. Navy’s founding father, the award is given annually to a naval officer who has made an outstanding contribution to the high standards of leadership in the naval service. He recently completed command of Destroyer Squadron Seven, the U.S. Navy’s first permanent afloat major command in Southeast Asia since the Vietnam War, and will return to San Diego for his next assignment.
Daniel Garcia-Diaz MPP writes, “At a hearing on July 10 before the House Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance, I presented GAO’s work on HUD’s public and Indian housing programs. These programs account for $28 billion, or 60 percent of HUD’s budget, and serve over 3 million low-income households. I testified on the need for continued oversight and improvements in these programs. Areas of focus included streamlining HUD’s single largest program (vouchers), providing guidance on how to handle reserve funds, and developing outcomes information for certain key programs. HUD Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Lourdes Castro-Ramirez assured the committee of her goal of implementing GAO’s recommendations.”
Fatimah Gilliam MPP is happily living in New York City. After leaving the UN World Food Programme, last year she decided to start her own consulting company — The Azara Group — focused on career strategy, leadership development, negotiation advising, and diversity and inclusion. She has spoken at conferences, consulted for Fortune 500 companies, and worked with clients in the sports industry. She has advised clients on gaining strategic leverage in advancing their careers, getting more money on the table, and creating more diverse and inclusive workplaces. For now, she’s hung up her marathon shoes, but still enjoys the great outdoors and traveling.
Roger Goodman MPA is serving his fifth term in the Washington state legislature (first elected in 2006), representing the 45th District, including the Seattle suburbs of Kirkland and Redmond. Since 2012 he has chaired the House Public Safety Committee, with jurisdiction over the state’s criminal justice system.
Jenny Korn MPP has been helping to plan activities for Chicagoland HKS alumni and encourages other Harvard Kennedy School alumni in the Chicagoland area to join them through the Facebook group (facebook.com/groups/ChicagoHKS). “We look forward to seeing you in person soon!”
Elsa Manzanares MPP is now cochair of the international trade group at her law firm, Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP in Dallas. “This is my 10th year living in Dallas. I live here with my husband, James, and two-year-old daughter Alexandra.”
Jodie Smith MPP made a mid-career trip through law school and is now in her first year of practice in San Francisco at Moscone Emblidge & Otis. Her specialization is public law litigation, encompassing a broad array of issues related to public decision making, from constitutional challenges to neighborhood disputes. Her pro bono work is representing minors in school expulsion proceedings. Jodie is on the board of the Harvard Club of San Francisco and would love to hear from you if you’re in the Bay Area.
B. Dan Berger MC/MPA was appointed to the national board of directors of the Florida State University Alumni Association.
Michael Caccuitto MPA writes, “I continue to work for the DoD — currently the U.S. Army — looking for opportunities to translate research into innovation providing new military capabilities. I am in the fantastic Research Triangle area of North Carolina, safely out of DC!”
Richard Farias HKSEE 1999, 2001, 2005 reports that the White House Initiative on Hispanic Educational Excellence recently endorsed his nonprofit for its Latino Education Summits, which will be held throughout the Houston area, impacting more than 20,000 students and parents over the next 10 years. A minimum of eight summits will be held annually. The summits focus on improving early childhood development, K-12, college access and Bilingual Teacher Recruitment, and STEAM.
John Fetterman MPP is mayor of the western Pennsylvania town of Braddock and a Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate from Pennsylvania. For the past 10 years as mayor, he’s been fighting to rebuild Braddock from one of the poorest communities in the commonwealth — successfully reducing crime, creating jobs, and attracting new businesses and residents. In 2013, John defied state law and officiated at one of Pennsylvania’s first same-sex marriages. John previously served with AmeriCorps and Big Brothers/Big Sisters. John is married to Gisele Fetterman, who was once undocumented; they have three children and a bulldog, Dave.
Femi Richards MPP was recently named a recipient of the 2015 Recognising Those Who Care Award. Since 2011, RELX Group has annually granted the Recognising Those Who Care Award to eight employees in recognition of their exceptional dedication to community service. As president of the African-American employee resource group serving the Washington, DC, metro region, Femi leads an organization that champions diversity and inclusion and drives local community service through a variety of grassroots outreach efforts. As for his “day job,” Femi is vice president of information assurance and assessment at RELX Group.
Clayton Bond MPP writes, “Ted, TABO, and I were pleased to welcome Lucile Elizabeth Bond-Osius to our family.”
Janice Cooper MC/MPA writes, “As the country health representative for the Carter Center, in August 2015 we graduated 22 mental health clinicians to bring to 166 the number of clinicians trained since we began in 2011. This was our first cohort since the ebola outbreak.”
Clarissa Martinez De Castro MC/MPA writes, “As deputy vice president at the National Council of La Raza, the largest national Latino civil rights and advocacy organization, I work to achieve sound and humane immigration policies and to expand Latino advocacy and electoral participation. This year I also had the privilege of being a member of the inaugural class of the Presidential Leadership Scholars program launched by Presidents George W. Bush and Clinton.
Steven Rahman MPP and Renee Rose were married at the Carneros Inn in Napa Valley in July. Attending were, Gene Paige HLS, John Hodges MPA, Stan Byers MPP, Carmen Zechner MPA, Steven, Susan Harper MPP, Sid Espinosa MPP, Stephen Ostrowski MPP, Bryan Cummings MPP, and Rob Edwards HKSEE 2008, 2010. Steven appeared recently in Bloomberg News discussing alternative uses for the blockchain technology that enables Bitcoin. He said, “Currency, it’s just the first use case. You could imagine that anything, like prescriptions, could be managed with the blockchain technology.”
Kimberly Reott MPA writes, “I am loving living in Brussels with my husband (a diplomat at the U.S. Embassy to the European Union) and two daughters. I am running a 30-plus-person social innovation design firm focused on community-building called Context Partners (contextpartners.com) for clients like DFID, Rockefeller Foundation, WWF, and Microsoft. Would love to connect with other KSG-ers in the area. Be in touch if you are in the area.”
Luis Socorro MC/MPA 2000 was appointed investigations advisor in charge of Global Fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria (GFTAM) matters by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). GFTAM projects represent over $1.9 billion for UNDP implementation.
2001 / 15th Reunion
Cristopher Ballinas Valdes HKSEE, in addition to continuing his work at the transparency and data protection agency and lecturing on public policy at Mexico City’s ITAM, managed to save some time to represent his motherland at the World Kendo Championships in Japan early in 2015, finishing among the top eight. Prior to that, he won a silver medal at the Latin American Championships. Besides that, he drafted a new book on political struggles in the forging of autonomous agencies, to be published later this year.
Nathaniel Beers MPA was named COO of DC public schools in June 2015. Prior to his appointment he had been the chief of specialized instruction at DCPS. He is still seeing pediatric patients at Children’s National as well.
Donna Ducharme MC/MPA has just completed a consulting project for FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations) proposing a new financial policy to reduce administration costs from 13 to 7 percent and eliminate cross-subsidization among resource streams. Member states and donors welcomed the proposed policy, which will provide more resources for program costs. The policy change should also result in streamlined internal processes as well as provide more transparency on costs for performance measurement and decision making. The governing body endorsed the new policy in March with implementation occurring by 2016. “I am now looking for another challenging consulting project!”
Malia Du Mont MPP, after serving as a Department of Defense civilian for several years, has moved to New York City and taken a job as director of strategy for Amur Capital Management.
J. Cynthia Hogle MC/MPA is currently pursuing her PhD in public administration at the University of Kansas. Her dissertation focus will be on Veterans Treatment Courts — specialized courts based on the model of Drug and Mental Health Treatment Courts — offering treatment over incarceration. Cynthia also maintains her interest in issues related to Afghanistan and Iraq. She remains in contact with several of her former U.S., Iraqi, and Afghan colleagues.
Jon Jennings MC/MPA was recently selected as city manager in Portland, Maine. He moved to Maine to start the minor league affiliate of the Boston Celtics. After successfully founding and running the team for three years, Jon sold his interest and returned to the public sector in municipal government in Maine. Jon previously worked in the Clinton administration at the White House and U.S. Department of Justice. Prior to attending Harvard Kennedy School, he had been an assistant coach for the Boston Celtics.
Marco P. Lazo de la Vega MC/MPA was recently appointed chairman of the board of CRECER, the biggest microfinance institution in Bolivia, which provides credit and development services to poor women. He is also a partner in the corporate law firm Lazo de la Vega Abogados S.C.
Doug Shipman MPP completed his tenure as founding CEO of the National Center for Civil and Human Rights in June 2015. Doug served for eight years as CEO and led the fundraising, design, and launch of the $100 million project in Atlanta. Doug joined BrightHouse Consulting, a Boston Consulting Group company, as CEO in July 2015. He continues to live in Atlanta with his wife, Dr. Bijal Shah, and two daughters.
Brian Cox HKSEE has been overseeing a major initiative in the Syrian conflict under the auspices of the International Center For Religion and Diplomacy in Washington, DC. This has involved the development of a social contract between Syriac Christians and Syrian Kurds during a key workshop held in Midyat, Turkey. He has been a pioneer in the field of faith-based diplomacy and specializes in large-scale political and identity-based conflicts. Previously he spent eight years overseeing ICRD’s project in Kashmir on both the Indian and Pakistani sides.
Paul Dioguardi MPA, after six years serving in the Obama administration, left his post in the Office of the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services at the end of July. He is now a partner in the new consulting firm Confluence Strategies, providing strategic advice to corporations, governments, and NGOs on complex public policy issues, particularly U.S. health care reform. He lives with his wife, Kate, and their sons, Teddy and Charlie, in the Washington, DC, area.
Marietta Irene Geckos Groepler MC/MPA was recently named as the first Smart on Crime liaison for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Southern District of California, where she will join the executive staff. Marietta has served as a federal criminal prosecutor in a variety of capacities and offices for over 20 years, and now prepares to depart her current duties as a deputy chief in the Reactive Crimes Section of the office for her new role. She will be tasked with implementing the current Department of Justice multipronged Smart on Crime Initiatives, which focus on improved prevention, enforcement, and reentry issues. Marietta is also the author of Daily Reflections for Bar Exam Study, an Inspirational Companion for Experienced Attorneys and Students Taking the Bar, which can be found under the name M.G. Groepler.
Ernest Goodson MC/MPA, president of the Old North State Dental Society, was awarded a grant to support the North Carolina Missions of Mercy Project in Winston-Salem. Ernest was elected North Carolina director for the Southern Association of Orthodontists. This makes the first time in the history of the organization that an African American was elected to serve on the organization’s board of directors.
Matthew Hennessy HKSEE writes, “My firm Tremont Public Advisors continues to grow, with new clients doing exciting work using blended learning to close the achievement gap for English language learners in K-12 schools. And as always, I’ve been keeping close tabs on national politics, opining on the pages of the Wall Street Journal, among others.”
Christopher Hickey MPP writes, “After a decade as a strategist in Europe, Iraq, and Afghanistan, I am attending the Army War College. Next year I will start work on a PhD in international security and economic policy at the University of Maryland. After that I will join the Army War College faculty as a permanent military strategy professor.”
Manuel Chavez-Angeles MPA/ID works on common-pool resources and evolutionary game theory. He’s a member of the International Association for the Study of the Commons and a professor at the Universidad de la Sierra Sur in Oaxaca, Mexico. “Have two wonderful kids.”
Peter Cheung HKSEE writes, “Hi there! The relevant and compelling messages I took away from SEF, particularly regarding (1) the goal to do better, (2) the need to follow through relentlessly, and (3) any setbacks are temporary are still resonating in my mind. They enhanced my capacity to get the top civil service job on intellectual property in Hong Kong from 2011 to 2015, during which I championed my vision to develop international intellectual property trading to drive economic development. Since retirement, I have been transforming myself as a copyright creator. I am writing screenplays, composing songs, and making short movies for speculation. Cheers.”
Maria Katsonis MC/MPA writes, “I published my first book, The Good Greek Girl, a memoir about my experience of mental illness. The first section is set during my mid-career year at HKS, which still remains a highlight. The book then chronicles my descent into depression and subsequent recovery. Although I now live with a mental illness, I lead an active and purposeful life and have become a vocal mental health advocate.”
Marty Martin MC/MPA writes, “Braving Boston’s snow, Frances Sun MC/MPA and I participated in the roundtable discussions at HKS during the 2015 China–U.S. Philanthropy Forum hosted by the Beijing-based Center for China & Globalization. I spoke on nonprofit board leadership and fundraising at the 2015 Association of Fundraising Professionals International Conference. I will provide training for international and U.S. nonprofit practitioners through Duke University’s Executive Certificate in Nonprofit Leadership and the related Nonprofit Intensive Track program. I continue to provide legal, tax, and board training services for nonprofit boards and senior leadership across a wide range of issues and geographical locations.”
Robert Manson MPA writes, “In April 2015 I traveled to the Sahara Desert and ran the Marathon des Sables, which is six marathons in five days with a total distance of 250 kilometers. I did it to raise funds for a homeless charity in Dublin and for a school for kids with special needs, where my son attends. We raised €45,000. Separately I have recently become president of the Harvard Club of Ireland. In September we will welcome the Harvard Alumni Association European Club Leaders Conference to Dublin for the first time. The president of the Harvard Alumni Association (HAA), Paul Choi (FAS 1986, JD 1989), and the HAA executive director, Philip Lovejoy, will both attend also.”
Chrisanti Bollinger MC/MPA, Steve Diggs HKSEE 2004, and Shara Shoup HKSEE 2004 served on the design team of Knoxville, Tennessee’s first public charter school, Emerald Academy. The school opened its doors to the first class of scholars on July 27, 2015. Emerald Academy is a college preparatory K-8 school that predominantly serves lower-income urban youth. Urban parents’ demand for this school was so strong that the number of applicants was more than triple the number of available seats. For more information about Emerald Academy, please visit emeraldacademy.org.
Tom DeWolf HKSEE serves as executive director for Coming to the Table (comingtothetable.org), which provides leadership, resources, and a supportive environment for all who wish to acknowledge and heal wounds from racism that is rooted in the United States’ history of slavery. Tom’s writing was featured last summer in Yes! Magazine and The Huffington Post. He continues to speak and lead training workshops on trauma healing, diversity, and inclusion at universities, corporations, and conferences throughout the United States.
Bernie Henderson HKSEE, the president of Woody Funeral Homes in Richmond, Virginia, was installed as president of Jewish Family Services of Richmond in June 2015, and Governor Terry McAuliffe appointed him to the Virginia Conflict of Interest and Ethics Council in July of 2015.
Ulrich Hoerning MPA was elected mayor for general administration of Leipzig, Germany (population 550,000), assuming his position in early November. His portfolio will include all central and citizen services, HR, IT, and legal functions. The city of Leipzig was the home of composers Bach and Mendelssohn, is host to the Gewandhaus Orchestra, and proudly calls itself the origin of the peaceful revolution of 1989 in East Germany. Ulrich moved to Leipzig with his family from Washington, DC, where he was a senior economist with the World Bank’s social protection and labor practice.
Annie Lord MPP writes, “Hi everyone! Dallas has become more interesting and pleasant as I have gotten to know it. I still work for Citigroup in its community development division, which has been truly inspiring. Especially inspiring is my son, Alex, who just turned one this March. Every day is some delightful new discovery — dandelions! bubbles! gravity! Nick and I are blessed to enjoy a great family, kind friends, and meaningful work.”
Bhakti Mirchandani MC/MPA married Vishal Kapoor in Poughkeepsie, New York, on April 4. A number of KSG alums were in attendance, including Marc Diaz MPA 2006 and Inder Singh MPP 2004, Bhakti, Vishal, Chris Neale MPP 2004, Michelle Blair MPA 2004, and Miro Vassilev MPP 2007.
Christopher Mora MC/MPA serves in the Navy Reserve JAG Corps as operations officer and international law attorney for the Naval Forces Europe–Naval Forces Africa and U.S. Naval Sixth Fleet Force Judge Advocate Reserve Unit. In his civilian capacity, he is a real estate consultant and helps clients build and protect wealth management by acquiring positive cash flowing real estate portfolios and investing in private mortgage notes via self-directed IRAs.
Andre Mueller-Wegner MPA was elected in April to the Cantonal Council of Zürich, the unicameral legislator of the Canton of Zürich, the largest of the 26 states in Switzerland. “It is my first mandate as a member of parliament. I continue to work full time in my job in the private sector. Mondays I spend in parliament; I therefore squeeze my banking job into the other four days. It is a stretch but I am very lucky to have a wonderful family — Isa (HBS 2005), Ben (4.5), and Lara (1.5) — that is very supportive of my public service endeavors!”
2006 / 10th Reunion
Chunmei Chen MC/MPA writes, “The study in KSG gave me strength to deal with difficult situations both at work and in my personal life. I have been working to promote cultural understanding between China and the United States, and have organized various cultural events to further deepen the people-to-people understanding between the two countries, as well as the bilateral cultural relations between China and Pacific Island countries and South American countries. This year we will open the China–Canada cultural year, and next year will be a China-Latin America cultural year. I am proud to play a major role in these operations.”
Brooke Eisele MPP and her husband, Scott, welcomed their first child, Skylar, in August. Skylar is a ridiculously happy baby, likes cats and sweet potatoes, and has made her parents fall hopelessly in love with her. In other news, Brooke switched jobs from the House Intelligence Committee to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee last January and is loving it so far.
Robin Hamilton MPA reports that her newly released documentary film, This Little Light of Mine: The Legacy of Fannie Lou Hamer, was screened through the Library of Congress, and has been selected to be shown in film festivals throughout the country.
Felix Maradiaga Blandon MC/MPA is a cofounder of Pioneer Capital Partners, an investment firm that manages investments and provides advisory services in Central America and the Caribbean. He is currently partnering on a project bringing renewable energy to underserved communities in Central America. He is a strong believer in the transformational power of the private sector to support post-conflict reconstruction and economic development. Prior to cofounding Pioneer, Felix was the founder of the Civil Society Leadership Institute, one of Central America’s premier training centers on civic leadership. He was recently honored with the prestigious Gus Hart Fellowship by The Chicago Council on Global Affairs.
Sean McFate MPP writes, “My first book just came out, The Modern Mercenary (Oxford University Press), and is based on research started while at HKS. I’m a professor at National Defense University and Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service, where I teach national security policy and grand strategy. I’m also a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council. Life is good. I welcome seeing any HKS friends in the DC area.”
Rodolfo Neirotti MPP, vice president and co-owner of vinodivino, marked the opening of the young but growing company’s fourth and flagship wine boutique in Boston in October. Rodolfo firmly believes in giving back to the local schools in the four communities vinodivino serves, thinking of them as “mini private-public partnerships.” When not at work, he consults abroad to technology- and experience-driven wine start-ups. Rodolfo keeps a foot in the policy world with a keen interest in the relationship between business and government. He lives in Brookline, Massachusetts.
Carlos Alberto Rios Henckell HKSEE is an economist with specialization in microfinance. His participation at Harvard Kennedy School helped to greatly strengthen his knowledge and work practices in microenterprise. In addition, the program managed to guarantee his relations with other outstanding local and international actors. At present he is manager of the area microfinance in COPEME, as he takes part actively in consultancies and project administration of cooperation for organizations like USAID, FOMIN-BID, Citi Foundation, Ford Foundation, Oikocredit, and ADA, among others. Also he is a vice president in an MFI and advisor to Peru Opportunity Fund and the Microfinance Gateway of CGAP.
Clare Sanford MPP in April became director of government and community relations for New Horizon Academy, a large child-care company headquartered in Minnesota. “In this role I am also able to assist our CEO in his board service to two national early childhood organizations, and to serve as the government relations chair for the Minnesota Child Care Association. I’m also completing a women-in-public-office fellowship through Leadership for Educational Equity. I am darn proud that some of my KSG friends have already taken the plunge of running for office in places like Philly and Palo Alto!”
Markus Scheuermaier MC/MPA announces that Nicolas Scheuermaier welcomed his little baby sister, Clara, on October 27, 2014. The parents, Karine and Markus, and the siblings are all doing well. Markus is still working for the International Finance Corporation in Johannesburg, South Africa, focusing on public-private partnerships (PPPs) in African post-conflict countries. He is looking forward to returning to the Kennedy School in May for an executive education course on PPPs.
Deborah Chatsis MC/MPA is now living in Guatemala, where she works as the ambassador of Canada to Guatemala, with concurrent accreditation as the high commissioner of Canada to Belize.
Juanita Irizarry MC/MPA ran for Chicago City Council in 2015 and came within 143 votes of a runoff. “I have since started a new position as executive director of Friends of the Parks, a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting, preserving, and promoting the use of Chicago’s parks and open spaces.”
Samuel Lee MPP joined Humanity United (a part of the Omidyar Group) as a technology innovations manager on the investments team. In other notable news, Sam and his wife, Sechin, welcomed their second boy, Logan, roughly 2.5 years ago.
Kai Monheim MPP writes, “For anyone interested in negotiation and mediations, I have started my own business in these fields, and it would be great to reconnect there! After eight years at Boston Consulting, it is great to move on. Best from Hamburg, Germany!”
Funmi Olorunnipa MPA writes, “I recently started at the White House Counsel’s Office, where I work on a variety of issues with a lot of HKS alumni. I regularly see and interact with HKS alumni in DC, and I am so inspired by all the things that my HKS classmates have accomplished!”
Shaffi Mather MC/MPA launched MUrgency (One Global Emergency Response Network). MUrgency is using the power of mobile technology and networks to make emergency response available to anyone, anytime, anywhere, with just one tap on a mobile phone. MUrgency is a cloud platform and mobile application that connects people who need emergency response with their trusted network, other users of the app, or credentialed medical, safety, rescue, and assistance professionals as the situation requires and the individual in emergency requests. MUrgency will save lives, provide support, and render assistance as required in an emergency.
Ed Matthaidess MC/MPA, a lieutenant colonel, took command of 2d Battalion, 502d Infantry in the U.S. Army’s 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) in May.
Stephen Ozoigbo HKSEE is a serial entrepreneur, investor, and advisor to multiple technology start-ups. He is currently the CEO of the African Technology Foundation. Stephen also serves as an international advisor for the Relativity School. Within the Relativity education unit, he is responsible for bridging knowledge gaps between the African media and entertainment ecosystems and Hollywood, as well as guiding Relativity’s engagement strategies in the region. He also advises on industry relations on the continent as Relativity seeks to build innovative platforms for capacity-building activities on the continent.
Gbenga Sesan HKSEE writes, “Al Jazeera screened a 30-minute documentary on my work at Paradigm Initiative Nigeria as part of their new My Nigeria series.”
Jed Willard MC/MPA hosted two conferences at Harvard. Beyond Tomorrow, held in October, explored long-term planning for climate change and (gulp) beyond, while November’s Telling Our Story examined the role of narrative in U.S. politics and international relations. “The conferences were primarily for students but are open to alumni. See FDRfoundation.org for details.”
Martin Alintuck MC/MPA has been named managing partner, Singapore for KREAB, a global consultancy based in 25 countries. KREAB advises companies on issues of strategic importance in business, finance, and politics. Martin has spent 15-plus years in Asia and is the 2011 winner of the Public Affairs Asia Gold Standard Award for Professional Excellence.
Elena Barmakova HKSEE is founder of Fontvieille Capital Inc., a financial firm that specializes in developing opportunities in Russia for foreign investors and introducing Russian investors to opportunities in other world economies. Elena brings to the world of business and finance over 17 years of international capital market experience in the successful arrangement and development of special situations and cross-border opportunities. In 2009, she was honored by the World Economic Forum as an active member of Young Global Leaders.
Dominik Cziesche MPA founded a strategic communications and negotiations advisory, pankestreet.com.
Rade Glomazic HKSEE, managing director of Finnish Consulting Group International’s (FCG) Serbia and Montenegro office, became a member of the East West Bridge, an international think tank and brain trust attached to the Trilateral Commission that works in close cooperation with other regional and governmental institutes and with the scientific and research community, aiming at adopting guidelines for sustainable individual, societal, and state development.
Sara Nadel MPA/ID writes, “I’ve spent the past three years in Latin America launching Farolito (serviciosfarolito.com), a company that identifies talent and creates job opportunities for entry-level jobs (retail, fast food, etc.). Last summer, I returned to New York to expand the company in the United States as StellarEmploy. Already, in our pilot work with a Dunkin Donuts franchise group in the area, we are demonstrating that our filter and learning algorithm lowers turnover significantly, and we are creating job opportunities for people who wouldn’t otherwise have them.”
Philip Schaffner MPP writes, “My wife, Katherine Moss, and I welcomed our first child, Skylar Sadie Schaffner, on June 23, 2015. Skylar is Tom Moss’s MC/MPA 1991 first grandchild.”
Hassan Tetteh MC/MPA recently completed a successful mission in Accra, Ghana, as part of the West Africa Disaster Preparedness Initiative hosted by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and sponsored by the United States Africa Command (USAFRICOM) and others. Hassan taught the crisis communication module to Togo and Senegal delegations and facilitated an Ebola awareness course in his role as a defense institute for medical operations (DIMO) instructor. Early feedback from every level suggests the mission has engendered an increased capacity that will promote measurable positive growth, peace, and security in the West African region and beyond. Read more.
Yang Wang MPP joined DC Fund, a major asset management company in China, last year. “If you are coming to Beijing, please let me know and I’d love to meet alumni here!”
Shareea Woods MPP and her husband, Aaron Woods, welcomed a baby boy into their family on June 11, 2015. His name is Sean Andrew.
Brent Wright HKSEE, colonel, has been appointed to the position of vice wing commander of the 138th Fighter Wing, located at the Tulsa Air National Guard Base, Oklahoma.
Tasce Bongiovanni MPP and husband Zack Bongiovanni MPP 2006 write, “We are excited to welcome our daughter, Caroline Nanibah Bongiovanni, into the world! She was born July 12, 2015, at home. Lucas is a very proud big brother.”
Akwaya Cletus HKSEE writes, “After successfully serving out my tenure as commissioner of information and later as special advisor on media and public affairs to the government of Benue State in central Nigeria, I have relocated to Abuja, Nigeria’s political capital. I have been appointed executive director/CEO of the Citizens Centre for International Relations Research. The center is a think tank that carries out policy advocacy, research, and training in international relations and diplomacy. We also publish an academic journal in the area of internal relations. The center organizes conferences and workshops and carries out election monitoring and observation in foreign countries.”
Allison Crimmins MPP reports that Remedy Plan will develop the first drugs that specifically and effectively stop the spread of cancer, instead of attacking both cancer cells and healthy cells. “The innovative technology we’ve developed allows us to do something never before possible: to rapidly develop drugs that halt metastasis without the toxic side effects inherent in chemotherapy and radiation. These drugs will be used in cancer containment therapy, a new way of treating cancer patients. Our biotech start-up launched a crowdfunding campaign last September at fund.remedyplan.com. More information at remedyplan.com.”
Nizar Farsakh MC/MPA writes, “For the past two years I have been working at the Project On Middle East Democracy, where I focused on building the capacity of civil society organizations in the Arab world in advocacy, influencing policymaking and leadership. I learned a great deal about the challenges facing Arab societies, especially after and as a consequence of the Arab spring. Therefore, I have decided to become an independent Middle East specialist and leadership trainer in order to increase the breadth and depth of the capacity building and tailor it to the specific needs in these different Arab countries and contexts.”
Mehmet Örgen HKSEE writes, “My classmates, I hope all are doing well. I retired from the navy after 29 years of service. Now I am working in a holding company, in Istanbul, as strategy and corporate development manager.”
Maia Sandu MC/MPA has been leading the Ministry of Education of Moldova for the past three years. “Had to deal with a range of problems: widespread corruption, huge inefficiencies, poor results, and no interest in education. I built a strong team, and by the end of the first year, we managed to significantly curb cheating in the school. This has upset many people, but also uncovered the truth about the real situation in education and helped us push for significant reforms. In 2014 I was elected to the Moldovan Parliament. I gave up the position and returned to the ministry.”
Zara Snapp MPP married Ari Brickman in a beautiful ceremony in Tepoztlán, México, in August 2014, surrounded by loved ones, including many from the HKS family. Shortly after, she accepted an exciting position with the Global Commission on Drug Policy, a group of former presidents and high-level people, including Kofi Annan, where she strategizes and focuses on Latin America and UN processes. The urgency of drug policy reform continues to grow around the world, and Zara is passionate about the work. Ari and Zara are based in Mexico City, so feel free to drop by for a visit!
Marco Sordo HKSEE is currently employed as a financial auditor at GVM Care & Research, and he is studying at the Stanford School of Engineering to graduate as a Stanford-certified project manager.
Deanne Titus MC/MPA has been named to the board of directors of the Charm City Pearls Foundation, Inc. The foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization created to provide financial resources and community support to Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated — Psi Phi Omega Chapter. The organization partners with selected city officials, corporate sponsors, and community organizations to provide community service and scholarship programs in Baltimore, Maryland.
Margaret Wilmoth HKSEE was recently promoted to major general in the Army Reserve and is serving as the deputy surgeon general for mobilization, readiness, and Army Reserve affairs in the Office of the Surgeon General, U.S. Army. “I am also serving on the Army Reserve Forces Policy Committee, which advises the secretary of the army on policy issues affecting both the Army Reserve and the National Guard. I had the privilege of laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Arlington National Cemetery with international colleagues earlier this summer.”
2011 / 5th Reunion
Shahab Ahmed HKSEE writes, “Last year we moved to Abu Dhabi, UAE, from Seattle on the next journey in our life. I am leading privacy law at Etihad Aviation Group, delivering the best airline travel experience in the world. New role, new city, new schools for kids — all very hectic but truly rewarding! If any of the mates are in Dubai/Abu Dhabi, look me up.”
David Bray HKSEE, chief information officer at the U.S. Federal Communications Commission, was selected in June as one of the top 100 CIOs globally as part of the “CIO 100.” He was also named to the “Fed 100” earlier this year and received the Outstanding Achievement Award — Civilian from the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association. The IT team he led received the AFFIRM Leadership in Cloud Computing award in 2015 and was named the “Most Social” CIO globally by Forbes Magazine and the Huffington Post. He tweets as @fcc_cio.
Sebastian Burduja MPP writes, “Holly and I welcomed Joann Ioana Maria to the family on July 10, 2015. We are both thrilled beyond excitement, along with families in Virginia and back home in Bucharest. We also look forward to moving back to Romania in early 2016 and hope to contribute something to the country’s and the region’s better future. Holly will continue to work in project management/cyber security, while I will dedicate myself entirely to growing the Caesar Foundation. Caesar is a leading Romanian think tank and civic action platform. We look forward to welcoming classmates to Romania in the future!”
Laure “Voop” de Vulpillieres MPP has founded My Thought Partner to help professionals think through solutions to their work problems. “Our entire team has taught at Harvard in project management, staff management, and leadership. Plus, we have all been executive directors of influential nonprofits, with extensive on-the-ground management experience. To learn more, visit MyThoughtPartner.com.”
Joan Fallon HKSEE is honored to be appointed as a distinguished fellow at the Athena Center for Leadership Studies at Barnard College/Columbia University, and as a senior mentor to the Henry Crown Fellows of the Aspen Institute.
Tim Flakoll HKSEE is serving as the chair of the Council of State Governments Midwestern Legislative Conference. The organization comprises 11 states and four Canadian provinces and represents over 80 million citizens. Tim, a North Dakota state senator, recently served as host for their annual meeting, which included working sessions to improve education, human services, transportation, and tours of North Dakota’s energy patch. Featured speakers included Astronaut Buzz Aldrin.
Rosanna Gallo HKSEE is sole owner of Eu-tropia, an HR consultancy firm. “Working with first-line managers on leadership development and well-being in the workplace. Lecturer at Universities of Parma (Italy) and Lugano (Switzerland). Partner with CEOs and HR directors to create HR strategy, values and competency model, change management, leadership development program, team building and team working. Applying adaptive leadership especially on executive coaching, using tools such as courageous conversations, mapping the system, stay on the balcony, and peer case consultation. Happy to participate in a networking meeting on adaptive leadership.”
Pita Limjaroenrat MPP and wife, Chutima, are expecting their first child this coming March. “We found the good news after our trip to Cambridge four months back while on business.” Pita is the president of CEO Agrifood, the third-largest rice bran oil company in Asia. “We are working with Thai rural farmers to bring non-GMO rice bran oil to U.S. clients trying to work with Chipotle and Frito-Lay as they look for alternative healthy and sustainable cooking oil.” He was awarded the Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship of the Year 2015.
Victor Perez HKSEE has published his third self-growth book: If You Can Breathe You Can Win. It is the first motivational book based on recent insights and empirical evidence from neuroscience. Victor adds that this work will be part of the first MOOC global course on “NeuroEntrepreneurship,” to be organized in December 2015 by the World Network of Young Leaders and Entrepreneurs.
Tyler Thigpen MC/MPA co-founded The Transforming Teaching Project with Jal Mehta and doctoral candidates Sarah Warren and Sarah Mclean. “Housed at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, The Transforming Teaching Project aims to revolutionize the way teaching is organized, supported, and regarded in the United States. We work with a growing coalition of teacher training programs, higher education institutions, non-profits, funding organizations, state and district agencies, teacher unions, and others committed to working in concert with one another to deliver transformative change to the teaching profession. Visit totransformteaching.com.”
Talaya Waller HKSEE marked the one-year anniversary of the launch of Talaya Waller, LLC, a personal branding consultancy in Washington, DC, last October. “Our portfolio of services has grown to include online presence strategy, public relations, and crisis management for executives, entrepreneurs, politicians, and public figures.”
Erica Elizabeth Arnold MPP is in her fourth year practicing law in Atlanta. Recently, Erica was selected by Atlanta Public Schools as one of 10 community professionals to participate on the School Turnaround Strategy Advisory Committee, which focuses on the district’s low-performing schools. Erica continues her support of KIPP Atlanta Collegiate High School as chair of its advisory board, her representation of students and families through the Truancy Intervention Project, and her counsel of senior citizens through her firm’s Wills Project. Sharon Bourne-Clarke MC/MPA writes, “Harnessing all the information that I acquired in the From Harvard Square to Oval Office Program, Professor Jarding’s class, Becoming a Politician, Professor Dean Williams’s leadership class, and last but not least Implementation, taught by Professor Frank Hartmann, who held our feet to the fire by making us accountable to do what we say we will do, I ran for civil court judge in Brooklyn, New York, and was elected in 2014. I am fortunate to serve my community in the capacity of criminal court judge in New York City. Thanks, HKS! I am changing the world one person at a time.”
Emily Chiu HKSEE recently joined 500 Startups, a global seed-stage venture capital fund and accelerator program. “We have invested in over 1,300 teams across 50 countries.”
Nick Ellem HKSEE writes, “Hi all 2012 APL-ers. Since January 2015, I’ve been working in designing and developing leadership programs for the local health system here in Sydney, Australia. The programs we manage are underpinned by the adaptive leadership framework and teaching methodology developed by Professors Ron Heifetz and Marty Linsky and others. We are seeing a change in the way people relate to each other and bridge the divide between clinicians and executives. I look forward to continuing deepening my understanding of adaptive leadership with a strong network of colleagues from our program!”
Malissa Feruzzi Shriver HKSEE is the strategic philanthropy and arts education advocacy advisor for Frank Gehry, and the executive director of Turnaround Arts: California. She was appointed by the California State Superintendent of Public Instruction to cochair a task force on arts education, which produced “A Blueprint for Creative Schools,” released in 2015. Malissa cofounded CREATE CA, a statewide initiative to address the erosion of arts education in public schools. She served two terms on the California Arts Council with four years as chair. In 2014, she received the National Arts Education Award from Americans for the Arts.
Justin Goldstein HKSEE recently completed a tour of duty as executive officer to the deputy commander, U.S. Air Forces Central Command at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar. He is currently a student at Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell AFB, Alabama.
Jamil Hassan HKSEE writes, “My dream to establish Nigeria’s first non-interest microfinance bank became a reality, with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) approval of our final banking license. Thus, Tijarah MFB Limited commenced operation in the ancient city of Bauchi, northeast Nigeria, in October 2014 as the only statewide microfinance bank in Bauchi State. With a capital base of $1 million, we are engaged in a serious effort to bring banking closer to the poor, improve productivity, and alleviate poverty. I hold a 58 percent stake and serve as pioneer CEO. It’s been challenging but fulfilling.”
Sheryl-Anne Haynes HKSEE has just retired from public service as permanent secretary. “My last accomplishment was building the Ministry of Land and Marine Resources, which entailed developing a new structure, hiring requisite staff, changing and upgrading procedures, and developing a land information system to efficiently manage the allocation and use of state lands, which constitute 66 percent of the country’s lands. I am now embarking on a management consultancy career and expect that the knowledge gained from HKS will continue to stand me in good stead.”
Haney Hong MPP is now serving on the National Navy Reserve Policy Board, a board required by law to advise the secretary of the navy on policy matters affecting the Navy Reserve.
Scott LeRoy HKSEE writes, “Our daughter, Payton, started kindergarten this fall. I think our schedules change more than hers at this point. Also, installed solar panels this summer on home, so I can give my input if anyone needs it on a practical level.”
Alexandro Lopez-Cardenas MC/MPA returned to his hometown, Mexico City, after HKS to resume work for the Mexico City government. “After 14 years of public service in the capital city of my country — in such areas as investment projects, public transportation, budgeting, and economic development — I was invited to join a team to spearhead the recovery of institutional, economic, societal, and developmental areas in the Mexican state of Michoacán — unfortunately, one of the most affected by insecurity and the lack of a strong government and solid institutions. Currently, I serve as coordinating minister for development planning for the state.”
Kenneth Marcus HKSEE published his second book, The Definition of Anti-Semitism, with Oxford University Press in September.
Aarya Nijat MPA recently coauthored a paper on women’s leadership in Afghanistan, published by the United States Institute of Peace. Examining the state of women’s leadership in Afghanistan, the paper is based on interviews and focus group discussions with more than 200 academics, politicians, entrepreneurs, journalists, teachers, students, civil society activists, and Afghan and international experts in Kabul. It is part of a partnership agreement between USIP and USAID aimed at supporting policy-relevant research on Afghanistan, targeting national and international policymakers, in particular USAID strategies and programs such as PROMOTE.
Guillermo Ramirez MPP is now the general secretary and spokesman of UDI, the largest political party in Chile.
Ruma Samdani MC/MPA continues to challenge the status quo while driving innovation and multicultural integration at the largest U.S. nonprofit, AARP. She is based in Washington, DC, and serves on the HKS DC Alumni Council.
Andrew Savage HKSEE continues to work for Vermont-based solar manufacturer AllEarth Renewables as his family takes a year living in Bogotá, Colombia.
Mahamadou Tanimoune HKSEE has been reassigned in the Rwanda country office as deputy head of programme in charge of refugees operation and head of the nutrition department. “I love my new position. As part of the exciting job I have, I enjoy my life with my small family of two kids and their lovely mother. I am introducing this because in my previous duty station it was very hard, stressful, and no family. Rwanda is a very nice, clean, and beautiful country with a special weather that I love too much coming from a country where the temperature is around 45 degrees Celsius.”
Chantal Unfug HKSEE moved from the western slopes of Colorado, where she was county manager, to Denver to serve Governor Hickenlooper as director of the division of local government. “Absolutely loving working with all local governments across the state to problem solve, support, and build community. I am also managing 15 grant programs to provide $200 million annually for strategic community development investments. Steepest learning curve so far? Disaster flood recovery, federal funding rules, nitrate levels, Tax Payer Bill of Rights (TABOR). Stay in touch, stop by on your way skiing, I miss my classmates!”
Jeffrey Vail HKSEE was appointed forest supervisor of Angeles National Forest by the U.S. Forest Service in June 2015. He manages a 700,000-acre forest that is the source of one third of Los Angeles’s water and 70 percent of its open space.
Gabrielle Wyatt MPP is the director of strategic growth and communications at Civic Builders, a nonprofit real estate developer for high-performing charter schools. Prior to joining Civic Builders, Gabrielle led the Division of Strategy and Innovation at Newark Public Schools.
Chike Aguh MPA was named the inaugural chief program officer at EveryoneOn, a national social enterprise democratizing education and opportunity by closing the digital divide through high-speed, low-cost Internet service and computers and free digital literacy courses to over 30 million low-income Americans. He oversees all national initiatives, regional teams, strategic partnerships, performance management, and communications. Chike married Dr. Crystal Agi on August 30, 2014.
Uba Basil Ajala HKSEE attended the executive course on driving government performance as a commodore in the Nigerian navy. “Now, I am retired and currently the managing director of Delta Marine Shipping Company Limited in Victoria Island, Lagos. We have various tankers of 5,000 to 12,000mt displacement for charter and trade within the Gulf of Guinea region. I look forward to colleagues seeking partnership in Nigeria on maritime industry/shipping.”
Jeremy Balkin HKSEE announces that Boston publisher Bibliomotion released his new book, Investing with Impact: Why Finance Is a Force for Good, in May 2015. “Book received praise from Pope Francis and other luminaries.”
Nicholas Bayard MPA/ID and wife, Sedia HGSE, were expecting a baby girl in October 2015. “We have enjoyed settling into Tacoma, Washington, over the past few months. Earlier this year, I became the director of The REACH Center, a youth service organization that provides education, career support, housing, and other resources to approximately 3,000 youth and young adults annually. We are working to eliminate racial disparities and lower the poverty rate across all of Pierce County.”
Luis Capelo MPP has been working for the United Nations as an intelligence analyst of humanitarian operations since graduation. “Work has taken me to a number of conflict zones and crisis events. Lately, I have been exploring how the Internet infrastructure of Cuba is developing. I will keep my eye on it and, hopefully, I’ll be able to contribute to that new chapter of the Cuban revolution.”
Carlos de la Torre HKSEE is a research fellow with the MIT-UTM Malaysia Sustainable Cities Program.
Miguel Espinoza MPA continues to serve as a deputy district attorney assigned to prosecuting sex crimes in the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office. He is writing a book about affirmative action due to be published in 2016. His wife, Gina Di Domenico MPA, works as a litigator with Latham & Watkins in downtown LA. She is also a cofounder of the Los Angeles chapter of Women Get It Done, a grassroots advocacy organization for women.
Ulrick Gaillard HKSEE is a member of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) and is president of the Lions Club Santo Domingo Arroyo Hondo. In 1997 he founded the Batey Relief Alliance (BRA) as a humanitarian aid organization addressing the socioeconomic and health needs of children and families severely affected by extreme poverty, disease, and hunger in the United States, Latin America, and the Caribbean. BRA holds consultative status with the United Nations and is PVO with USAID.
Rodrigo Garcia HKSEE was recently appointed as the chief banker and chief investment officer for the Illinois State Treasury. In this executive role, he presides over the treasury’s $27 billion fixed income, equity, and venture capital portfolios and related banking and financial services in order to maximize portfolio returns and bolster the Illinois macro and micro economy.
Daniel Gellert HKSEE writes, “Busy year, involved in current solutions for national forest fire prevention and control. Also cyber and laser protection for airline operations, and improvements for additional sequences for airport ops.”
Soulaima Gourani HKSEE attended as part of the Young Global Leaders course.
Vaibhav Lodha HKSEE has recently co-founded Citizen Cane, which envisions instilling transparency using innovative technologies to businesses, government, and nonprofits. Citizen Cane works in an experiential innovation space that cross-pollinates ideas and people working from across academia, businesses, and government to explore means for technological interventions. Vaibhav is also leading XPrize in India as a director of global development for their first global prize that targets the problem of access to water. Vaibhav has spent the past eight years working in the areas of policy, strategy, and marketing communication across five countries and 20 states in India.
Monte McMurchy HKSEE was installed in October as rector and vice chancellor of the American Christian Liberal Arts University in the Congo, in Kinshasa.
Michael Rothe HKSEE recently completed a secondment with the Ontario College of Trades, during which he authored a report on the college’s compliance and enforcement complaints process. The report had over 50 recommendations, all of which were formally accepted by the college’s board of directors in March 2015. Notably, the report directly led to a 99 percent reduction in the college’s 11,000 backlogged complaints.
Steve Scheier HKSEE has just had a book published: Do More Good. Better. Using the Power of Decision Clarity to Mobilize the Talent of Your Nonprofit Team. “I’m excited to offer my thinking on how to improve nonprofit decision making. While focused on nonprofits, the concepts and lessons in the book are also applicable to entrepreneurial businesses. True empowerment can only be achieved when staff are encouraged to advocate to make the decisions that most affect their jobs. We’ll all get more done if we can effectively focus decision making in our organizations. This book shows the reader how to do that without creating organizational chaos.”
Rajesh Talwar HKSEE is in the second year of his assignment in Afghanistan with the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA). “Presently working as officer-in-charge of legal affairs. What’s new in my life is that this year United Nations HQ has chosen to feature me in their UN Field Careers Bulletin, providing details of my current assignment as well as previous ones in other duty stations such as Kosovo, Somalia, Liberia, and Timor-Leste.”
Dylan Taylor HKSEE was promoted to president and COO of Colliers International. Colliers, which is traded on the NASDAQ under the ticker symbol CIGI, is a global services company with operations in 500 offices in 67 countries, 17,000 employees, and revenues in excess of $2 billion.
Michael Tozer MPP returned to the nonprofit sector in Hong Kong after graduation. “Some may remember me as the talent show winner and guitarist who sang at the 2013 graduation, with a song called “An Ode to the Kennedy School.” This year, together with my wife, Helen Tozer, I cofounded the nonprofit Fragile X Hong Kong, which aims to support families and put the genetic condition fragile X syndrome on the map. We have enjoyed welcoming HKS friends to Hong Kong. Do reach out if you are visiting.”
Ofer Vexler HKSEE writes, “I spent a beautiful time in the HKS executive education course on financial leadership. The course was via Internet, but we used cameras and I felt the real atmosphere of the course. It will be great to continue the dialogue with other course participants.”
Cynthia Villarreal MPP is now running the Mexican government’s microcredit program. “I would like to get in touch with those of you with experience and ideas for this sector.”
Samuel Ward MC/MPA is the new director of protective intelligence at TorchStone Global, a consulting firm specializing in strategic security solutions for multinational corporations, high-profile individuals, and high-net-worth families. He will lead threat assessments and social media investigations and support an Olympic Partner’s intelligence efforts at the 2016 Games in Rio de Janeiro.
Eugenia Xu (Tahara) HKSEE sends greetings from Singapore. “Nine months after the summer course in trade negotiations, I got married in Japan. It was a traditional Buddhist ceremony in the famous Narita-san Shinshoji Temple in Chiba, followed by a party at the Hilton. We had another party in Singapore on the same day this year. This was in the iconic Raffles Hotel, where the Singapore Sling cocktail happened to celebrate its 100th anniversary this year. I’m now working at J.P. Morgan in Singapore, and I hope to study for my PhD at HKS one day!”
Alfredo Zamudio MC/MPA went straight to a position as the director of the Internal Displacement Monitoring Center (IDMC) in Geneva following graduation, working with a team of about 30 experts with the responsibility of establishing the baseline of how many people are displaced by conflict, violence, and disasters and how they are affected. “Our objective is to inform member states, policymakers, and all change makers, to improve protection and assistance for those affected. Since then, I’ve been to the White House, UN Security Council, OSSE, and many other high-level forums to present our evidence. My mission finished in December 2015.”
Saurabh Agarwal MPA has been busy teaching 21st-century life skills to children from underprivileged communities in India. Through his start-up (Khel Planet Foundation), he has been taking the learning from leadership, negotiation, and communication classes at HKS to these children, who seem to enjoy the experiential learning method.
James Buthorn HKSEE will be bringing Driving Government Performance lessons to the Boston division of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service as the acting inspector in charge.
Lusi Chien MPA and her husband welcomed a bundle of joy, Carissa, to their lives last June. Professionally, she joined Tenex Health, a medical device start-up that treats chronic tendon disease, shortly after her previous start-up, 4Soils, was acquired. They live in the Bay Area and welcome any classmates and visitors!
Rodolfo Consuegra HKSEE, as president of strategies and solutions in regulatory policies, has been working for the Mexican government in the design of regulations related to energy reform. “As well we have been legally and technically assisting private parties in the compliance with regulations in various sectors, such as alcoholic beverages, food, or electric and electronic.”
Dane Egli HKSEE is a contributing author to a new book, Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Homeland & Civil Security, published by Peter Lang. Dane builds upon his previous groundbreaking book, Beyond the Storms: Strengthening Homeland Security & Disaster Management to Achieve Resilience (2014), which asserts the need for smart resilience in turbulent times. Both volumes underscore the pressing need for preparedness in the face of increased frequency and intensity of disruptive events such as hurricanes, flooding, active shooters, and cyber attacks. His novel contribution is reflected in operationalizing resilience to better understand complex interdependent critical infrastructures.
Alberto González Pascual HKSEE, after attending the leadership program directed by Marty Linsky, was appointed early in 2015 as director of cultural transformation of his company, PRISA, operating in the area of human resources. “I published a book about the digital transformation of the media in the 21st century, and I finished my second PhD in philosophy of law at the University Pablo de Olavide (Seville, Spain), analyzing the political thinking and utopian hermeneutic of Fredric Jameson. The other PhD is in media communications at UCM (Madrid). Finally, I started to be a coach in leadership and creativity, training employees in my company.”
Eduardo Jany HKSEE 2010, 2014 retired from the Marine Corps and is serving as the regional security director for the Americas for Bloomberg LP. Eduardo has been traveling throughout the region and is now leading the Americas security team based in New York. He also published a paper on deadly force by police in Brazil and is completing a masters through the University of Wisconsin.
Hoh Kim HKSEE received a PhD in culture technology at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (dissertation title: “Psychological and neural influences of public apology on audience responses in corporate crisis situations”) in August 2015. A part of his dissertation was published at PLOS ONE (May 2015), an international peer-review journal, with the title “The Effect of Bad News and CEO Apology of Corporate on User Responses in Social Media.”
Michael Koehler MPA is a cofounder and partner at Konu LLC, a leadership consultancy building from Ron Heifetz’s and Bob Kegan’s work on leadership development and organizational change. Learn more at konu.org. On July 27, 2015, Michael married Allister Chang MPP 2015. Together they live in Washington, DC.
Honor McGee MPP and Jay Lundy MPA 2015 were married on June 6, 2015, in Morris, Connecticut.
Ashwin Moheeput HKSEE was recently appointed chief in the department of economic analysis and research at the Central Bank of Mauritius. “I would like to thank Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government for the extremely insightful, cogently orchestrated, and incisive executive education course I followed in 2014 in late summer. The sophisticated quality of debates during the classes, juxtaposed with an immaculate erudition, have intoxicated my brain with the best pragmatic insights in leadership and management, which have, in turn, catapulted my career into the stratosphere. Thank you, Harvard!”
Jessica Montoya HKSEE marched with U.S. Representative John Lewis and the Obama and Bush families to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday in Selma, Alabama.
Bruno Otero HKSEE writes, “It’s been quite a long year. Since May last year, just after our time in HKS, I’ve decided to become an entrepreneur and start my own advisory business. I realized that after 20 years working in financial markets, I would have something valuable to exchange. I have created Athlon Capital Management, which is a multi-family office dedicated to helping families navigate the difficult world we live in these days, where uncertainties are the new normal. I hope to hear from you soon. Please check our site athloncapital.com and follow us on Twitter @AthlonCapital.”
Neil Padukone MPA published a book, Beyond South Asia: India’s Strategic Evolution and the Reintegration of the Subcontinent (Bloomsbury, 2014), on India’s rising role in global geopolitics. After decades of deadlock in the region, India is moving beyond South Asia for its strategic needs and making peace with Pakistan. Dr. Paul Wallace has called the book “an amazing tour de force,” while Harsh Pant King’s College has said, “Neil Padukone has mapped a terrain that remains largely uncharted. Beyond South Asia is both informative and accessible, a welcome addition to the must-read literature on a rapidly transforming India.”
Eric Pan HKSEE has been named the director of the Office of International Affairs at the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
Joseph Popcun HKSEE was recently promoted to policy advisor for public safety in the office of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. He also started his PhD in political science at Rockefeller College, University at Albany, State University of New York.
Safia Tmiri MPA writes that the Harvard African Students Alumni Network (HASAN) is proud to announce its new board: Chair: Adema Sangale MC/MPA 2015; Secretary: Claire Hassoun MPA 2015; Treasurer: Akane Zoukpo-Oguri MPA 2014; Wamba Fund Chair: Ngozika Amalu MPP 2015; Communications Chair: Safia Tmiri MPA 2014; Partnerships Chair: Layusa Isa-Odidi MPA/ID 2014; Regional Chairs: East Africa: Kennedy Mukuna Harvard College 2014; Europe: Kawtar Ed-Dahmani MPA/ID 2014; USA: Soline Miniere MPA/ID/MBA 2015; West Africa: Nneka Ezeigwe MBA 2015. We hope to put our energy and passion for the continent to bringing Africa to Harvard and Harvard to Africa. If you want to connect with HASAN and receive our newsletter, register at eepurl.com/bx46x1.
Natalie Brand MC/MPA works as a political reporter at king 5, the NBC affiliate in Seattle, Washington, covering local, state, and national issues. She applies what she learned at the Kennedy School just about every day on the job! Twitter: @NatalieBrandK5.
Allister Chang MPP moved to Washington, DC, and now works as the executive director of Libraries Without Borders, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that creates and supports libraries in over 20 countries.
Jason Gonzales MC/MPA is running against Illinois Speaker of the House Michael Madigan (aka the Velvet Hammer), a 44-year incumbent, in the Illinois 22nd House District, which surrounds Chicago’s Midway Airport. Jason credits his HKS mentors David Gergen, Barbara Kellerman, and Steve Jarding for encouraging him to leap into politics. Jason, an entrepreneur and innovation consultant, will run in the March 15 Democratic primary election with a simple message: “After 44 years, it’s time for change.”
Jurgen Griesbeck HKSEE writes, “Streetfootballworld unites more than 100 community-based organizations that are using soccer as a tool to accelerate and/or increase social impact delivered via their programs. We currently work with 1.2 million underserved youth in close to 70 countries annually. Just recently I cofounded unleashfootball.com, which is a platform for innovation in soccer, for good. In a first step we are crowdsourcing ideas on how soccer can be a greater force for good and will discuss the results with all FIFA presidential candidates in early 2016. Beyond that, we are shifting from an organizational model to a ‘soccer for good’ ecosystem model.”
Juana Hernandez MPP joined UNITE-LA as the higher education manager of the L.A. Compact. Created in 2008, the L.A. Compact is a bold commitment by Los Angeles leaders from the education, business, government, labor, and nonprofit sectors to transform education outcomes from cradle to career. In this role, Juana will work with public and private higher education partners to advance postsecondary completion in the region. UNITE-LA is an independent nonprofit organization affiliated with the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce, which represents more than 1,600 member businesses in Los Angeles County.
Brad Huestis HKSEE received the American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on Legal Assistance for Military Personnel’s Annual Distinguished Service Award.
Olof Hugander HKSEE has caused a bit of a stir in the Swedish higher education sector with a coauthored piece in the peer-reviewed journal Research Evaluation (Oxford University Press, 2014). In the article, the authors claim that research funding schemes in Sweden risk missing their mark due to a lack of coordination among funders and weak leadership structures at universities.
Lydia Kostopoulos HKSEE is the international cyber engagement coordinator for the Cyber Security Forum Initiative and teaches intelligence and cyber statecraft at the Institute of International and Civil Security. Active in the cyber community, she is a member of the FBI’s Infragard Alliance and participates in nato’s Science for Peace Program. Her current research centers in the national security ramifications of the intersection between counter-espionage, social engineering, and disruptive technologies in cyber space. In 2014 she received the U.S. Presidential Service Award for all her volunteer work and service to the cyber community.
Jay Lundy MPA and Honor McGee MPP 2014 were married on June 6, 2015, in Morris, Connecticut.
Koraku Mikami HKSEE is bringing all his learnings at Harvard Kennedy School into relaunching the Eimei University project, which engages world peace and facilitates world leaders through the Kokoro Educational Method.
Jason Poyuan Ma HKSEE writes, “‘Look at me’ and ‘Follow me’ imply that the leader knows exactly where we are at and where to go, which cannot be possible in the complex, interdependent, and fractured modern world. That’s why we need the new fashion of leadership.”
Brima Rogers HKSEE writes, “I would like to take another class in the future.”
Matthew Wainwright HKSEE reports that the GMIS International Conference in Newport, Rhode Island, was a resounding success, featuring cyber security–centric keynotes and sessions. “Next year . . . Atlantic City! Please consider attending the event! August 14–18, 2016, Caesars Atlantic City.”
In Memoriam
Laurie Miller MPP 1976