Jon Haber Photo

Jon Haber

Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy


This course offers students a better understanding of how to manage communications in various crisis situations as well as identify audiences, frame debates, develop messages and implement strategies.  

Reputations and brands take an incredibly long time to build but can be singed, harmed or irreparably damaged in weeks, days or even less. 

Responding to a crisis is nothing new.  But with our increasingly fast-moving news cycles and social media echo chamber, a small crisis can grow exponentially in a relatively short period of time, potentially damaging the reputation and brand of a political leader, candidate, campaign, individual, nonprofit or company.  And it can shape what happens in regulation, legislation and public policy.  The key to crisis communications is to anticipate and plan for it before it happens – and to manage it in such a way that it minimizes the reputational damage and possibly enhances it.