This course examines the causes and consequences of gender inequality in politics, the workforce, and the household. We will draw on theory and literature from political science and other disciplines to learn about cutting edge research in the field, focusing on the United States (with some application to other advanced democracies). What explains why women have not yet achieved equal political representation? How did gender play a role in the 2016 U.S. presidential election campaign and beyond? Why should we care about gender parity? What has been implemented to correct gender disparity in politics? Why do women make less money than men? Why do women still do more of the work at home despite becoming more equal in education and professional life? How can we change hearts and minds? How does gender intersect with race and class and sexual orientation? What can people who identify as men (particularly white men) do? How are sexism, racism, and speciesism all connected? What is going on with gender in academia, and why do you have so few tenured female professors, particularly in fields like Government and STEM?