Students of the program applied to and were admitted to one of two tracks: Government or Economics. Students became part of those Faculty of Arts and Sciences departments while completing requirements in both departments:
PEG Government Track: Course Requirements
- Microeconomic theory (Econ 2020a, Econ 2020b)
- Macroeconomic theory (Econ 2010c)
- Econometrics (Gov 2001 or a more advanced course)
- Two courses in Formal Political Theory or two approved courses in Political Economy
- Two courses in a major field of political science
- Two courses in a major field of economics
- A field seminar course in government
- Doctoral Research Seminar
PEG Economics Track: Course Requirements
- Microeconomic theory (Econ 2010a, Econ 2010b)
- Macroeconomic theory (Econ 2010c, Econ 2010d)
- Econometrics (Econ 2120, Econ 2140)
- Four courses in government, including two in the same major field of political science
- Two courses in a major field of economics
- Doctoral Research Seminar
Oral General Examination: Additional Requirement
Students in both tracks were tested in their mastery of economics and political science. The exam consisted of three parts:
- Examination in an approved field of economics
- Examination in an approved field of political science
- Examination in general analytical and research abilities based in part on a research paper prepared by the student
PhD in Political Economy and Government dissertation committees feature faculty from the Department of Economics and the Department of Government, as well as from HKS. This helps ensure the multidisciplinary nature of PEG’s research and advising process.
See a complete list of dissertations written by PEG candidates from 1973 to the present in the Political Economy and Government Dissertations Archive.