Our PhD in Public Policy (PPOL) doctoral students are registered at the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (Harvard Griffin GSAS) and delve into a range of research areas during their time at Harvard.

Our current PPOL students and their areas of interest are listed below.

Adil Ahsan

Development economics and political economy.

Francesca Arruda de Amaral

Criminal organizations, spatial analysis of crime, computational social science, comparative criminology.

Anthony bald

Public economics, child welfare, and education policy.

Sachet Bangia

Development economics, industrial organization, and labor economics.

Nicole Bassoff 

Science, Technology and Society (STS).

Anwesha Bhattacharya

Development economics and political economy with a focus on gender and governance.

Aditi Bhowmick

Labor economics (gender), development economics (social norms, inequality).

David Bodovski

Labor economics, educational and social policy, economics history.

Keaton Boyle

Science, Technology and Society (STS); critical legal studies; law and political economy; digital technology.

Sarah Chen

Judgment and decision making and social psychology with a particular interest in emotions, health/medical decision making, and behavioral policies. 

Madison Coots

Computational approaches to policy and decision making, criminal justice reform, technology, and national security.

Alice Danon

Labor economics, economics of education, and behavioral economics.

Pedro de Souza Ferreira

Development economics, labor economics, political economy.

Jack Deschler

The empirics of law and judicial politics.

Matthew Dodier

Applied microeconomics with a focus on development, health, and environmental economics.

Audrey Feldman

Early childhood education and development, implementation research, and delivery of government and nonprofit services.

Grace Finley

Development economics and industrial organization with a focus on the role of firms in developing economies.

Gabriella Fleischman

Development and health economics with a focus on nutrition and WASH in developing countries, and the relationship between discrimination/identity and health behaviors and outcomes.

Jun Gao

Environmental economics and urban and spatial economics with a focus on the distributional and efficiency consequences of environmental policy.

Anna Gifty Opoku-Agyeman

Labor economics, behavioral science, and machine learning.

Sara Gong

Applied microeconomics, particularly topics related to inequality, American politics, and the media.

Joshua Henderson

U.S.-China relations; international relations; foreign policy; security studies; bureaucratic politics.

Michael Holcomb

Urban economics, economic history, and mixed methods research.

Calvin Isley

Economic and social impacts of artificial intelligence; algorithmic fairness, bias, and trust; social media; political polarization.

Matthew Jacob

Public and labor economics with a focus on intergenerational mobility, social capital, and low-income housing.

Micah Kaats

Applied microeconomics with a focus on labor, health, and wellbeing.

Bradley Katcher

Health economics, prescription drugs, industrial organization, public economics, opioid crisis, applied microeconomics, consumer/household finance, social insurance, data science.

Kelly Kennedy

Climate adaptation, indirect effects of climate policy.

Laura-Thorne Kincaide

Applied microeconomics, political economy, and labor economics.

Roman Klimke

Labor and development economics with a focus on Social Security, in particular the design and evaluation of unemployment insurance systems. Roman’s current research focuses on Germany, but in future work he would like to study labor market institutions in regions with weaker governance, especially the Middle East.

Nikhil Kumar

Education, migration and economic development; political economy and state capacity in developing countries; urban and regional economics.

Magdalena Larreboure 

Political economy of social movements and collective action. Representation of women and minorities in the economy and the public sphere.

Lou Lennad

Science and technology studies, bioethics governance, and policy analysis with a current focus on human genetics and neuroscience.

Austin Lentsch

Workforce dynamics (social capital, occupational change, technology), antitrust and monopsony power, regional/spatial economics.

Michelle Li

Environmental economics, climate policy, and labor economics.

Paichen Li

Energy/resource/environmental economics, public economics, and industrial organization, particularly how government programs can help to build efficiency and resilience in the electricity market (production, transmission, distribution, and consumption) and enhance reliability, affordability, and sustainability of power supply.

Sylvia Lin

Health care operations research, stochastic decision making, and operations management.

René Livas

Trade, labor economics, and development.

Dan Ma

Analyzing and addressing the drivers of inequality and discrimination faced by BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities using tools from labor economics, public economics, and industrial organization.

Conor McGlynn

Science and Technology Studies (STS), standard setting, and AI governance. 

Joseph Melkonian

Development economics and immigration.

Avinash Moorthy

Labor, public, and behavioral economics, specifically, the impact of information barriers and social capital on inequality, the role of formative experiences in career choice, and mental health in schools.

Sivan Myers

Behavioral economics, judgement and decision-making, technology policy, social media and misinformation.

Kentaro Nakamura

Political violence, civil wars, political methodologies.

Yousra Neberai

Development, health, and environmental economics.

Khadidja Ngom

Environmental and energy economics, development economics.

Karen Ni

Labor and education economics with particular interest in policy interventions to reduce gender and racial inequalities in higher education.

Savannah Noray 

Labor markets, especially as they relate to immigration and female labor supply.

Seokmin Oh

Labor and public economics.

Germán David Orbegozo-Rodríguez

Political economy, environmental, development economics.

Yuan Pei 

Development economics, political economy, and behavioral economics.

Kelsey Pukelis

Labor economics, public economics, and applied econometrics. Specific interests in how governments can intervene optimally to support work in a changing economy, the design of social welfare and insurance programs, and social determinants of health. 

Pariroo Rattan

Political economy of development and Science and Technology Studies (STS).

Hilton Simmet

Science, Technology, and Society (STS) and development economics.

Max Spohn

Behavioral economics, political behavior, and behavioral public policy. Interested in political and economic beliefs.

Erica Sprott

Environmental regulation, climate change, renewable energy, auction design, housing, transportation, urban planning, public choice.

Kartik Srivastava

Development economics, labor economics, and political economy.

Joshua Stinson

Complex social systems, systems dynamics, organizational behavior, organizational change, decision science, data science, international relations, warfare, decision making, risk assessment, strategic empathy, collective decision making, emotion and decision making, strategic judgement, forecasting, investing, and approaches to radical uncertainty.

Chloe Tanaka

Environmental/natural resource economics, labor economics, applied microeconomics, and sustainable development.

Katie Tucker

Homeland security and international conflict, specifically as it relates to terrorism and nuclear weapons.

Dilan Tulan

Judgment and decision making, conflict and collaboration, interpersonal relations, psychology of technology.

Jessica Van Meir

Comparative politics and sociology with a regional focus on Latin America. Interested in informal labor, urban politics, social movements, and gender and sexuality.

Nurul Wakhidah

Development, behavioral, and labor economics, particularly in the context of education and the psychology of poverty.

Eric Wert

Public and labor economics.

Joe Winkelmann

Economics of inequality, education, and labor markets.

Justin Wong

Science, Technology and Policy Studies (STS), critical legal studies, global ordering and politics.

Roni Yadlin

Political violence, radicalization and extremism, civil-military relations, international relations.

Katie Zhang

Environmental, urban, and development economics.