Amy Flyte
Amy Flyte, Village Assistant Manager for the Village of Clemmons in North Carolina

Amy Flyte is a proud civil servant. As Village Assistant Manager for the Village of Clemmons in North Carolina, she works daily to support their robust community of 22,000 residents. Her drive and commitment to deliver the highest quality of life possible to her community is what led her to Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) Executive Education, where she has attended Transforming Service Delivery for the 21st Century: Strategies for the Public Good and Strategic Leadership: Enhancing Your Personal Effectiveness. She has also been admitted to Negotiation Strategies: Building Agreement Across Boundaries, completing the Public Leadership Executive Certificate.

She entered her HKS Executive Education programs hoping to gain new technical skills to bring back to her village on both a business and personal level.  “I was hoping to better serve the residents of my community by honing my leadership and contract negotiation skills,” Amy said. “Serving in your local government, you meet your residents daily and build relationships with business owners and families. I wanted to ensure our village was not communicating in acronyms and government speak. HKS was able to help me draft clear and concise messaging for our community.”

The nature of these programs enabled Amy to have no wait time between her time in the classroom and taking her new learnings directly back to Clemmons. “I was taking Transforming Service Delivery while the village was preparing to release proposals for our largest contract. The timing allowed me to focus on the core decisions of this contract and how our residents could benefit from an improved service delivery,” she said. Beyond the benefit of quick turnaround times, the program also upleveled the entire way she was approaching her community’s public offerings. “The program let me see this contract decision beyond basic deliverables and changed the way I was reviewing all our contracts and service deliverables.”

The tangible skills she developed were matched by the quality of the network of peers she was able establish during her time at HKS. “The connections made are invaluable. Learning from peers across the country and globe made me feel connected and encouraged hearing we all face similar challenges in our communities and organizations,” she said.  “We all have traffic problems both literally on the ground and figuratively in our organizations. My peers in the programs were so impressive and although I am not making national security decisions here in the village, we are making our community better with sidewalk projects and safer routes to school.”

Even though Amy is on the verge of completing her Public Leadership Executive Certificate, her time at HKS has been so valuable that she is already looking ahead to future programs she can attend to further her own development, as well as that of her village’s.  “I hope to continue exploring the offerings of HKS and obtain a second certificate. I keep finding new programs that will expose me to more skills that can be implemented here on a local level,” she said. “I would enthusiastically recommend the Executive Education programs to anyone.”