“Being placed in a classroom with such high ranking and accomplished professionals while being engaged, challenged, and taught by the best professors in the world is like nothing else. Through the active-learning method, I found myself to be totally engaged and finding solutions to my own executive challenges.”  

Kara Jenkins, Administrator, Nevada Equal Rights Commission

Harvard Kennedy School on-campus Executive Education programs immerse you in the unparalleled world of learning that is Harvard University.

Before you arrive on campus, your experience begins with access to online resources and pre-program work.

In the classroom, Harvard faculty members and experienced practitioners lead a variety of thought-provoking sessions. Each program, no matter its length, meets the high standards for academic excellence and rigor you would expect from Harvard. All courses emphasize experiential learning through simulations, team exercises, and case studies.

Outside the classroom, you have access to the extraordinary resources of Harvard University, and you can partake in the lively, diverse, intellectual environment that is Cambridge and Boston.

Finally, upon completion of your executive education program, you will leave campus equipped with actionable knowledge, ready to apply what you’ve learned.