Tailored training to meet your organization’s needs.
For over forty years, we have designed and delivered custom programs for organizations around the world. In the past five years alone, we have conducted nearly 130 such programs. We offer these online, on our campus, or at client sites globally. No matter the location or format, our programs feature Harvard faculty, cutting-edge content, and an intensely active learning model. Our programs are consistently rated at the highest levels.
We will work with you to create a tailored approach to meet your training needs. This collaborative process ensures we deliver programs that align with your goals and advance your organization’s mission.

Whether on campus or online, your leaders will have an engaging and intensive Harvard Kennedy School experience. Upon completion, participants qualify to receive a Certificate of Completion and become members of our Executive Education alumni community.
Supporting Policymakers on the African Continent
A program designed by HKS Executive Education and Evidence for Policy Design at the Center for International Development for the African Development Bank.