Study group: Reconceiving Capitalism in a Post-Pandemic World: Towards a New Global Order
This study group will explore the future of capitalism from a geopolitical perspective. For the first time in history, capitalism rules the world unchallenged. Unlike the Cold War, today’s power competition is not about rival economic systems (inter-systemic competition) but more about different political systems that organize their capitalist economies in their own fashion (intra-capitalist competition).
The transition towards a more sustainable growth model is sweeping across the whole globe, but it will not be uniform across the world. Some systems will adapt more easily; others will struggle; a few will be left behind. Each system will find its own equilibrium, with the role of the different economic actors changing and reaching a different internal balance that could potentially transform the way economies function and interact internationally. Convergence between systems will facilitate international cooperation; divergence will intensify competition and conflict.
The inspiration for this study group comes from my role of Research Director of the Taskforce on Global Capitalism in Transition that was recently set up by the Trilateral Commission. The Taskforce is co-chaired by Carl Bildt (former PM of Sweden), Kelly Grier (Managing Director of Ernest & Young) and Takeshi Ninami (CEO of Suntory Group). Around 30 prominent business leaders, academics and policymakers are part of the Taskforce. Most sessions of the study group, except the first one, will feature members the Taskforce discussing key aspects of the current capitalist transition. A full list of the Taskforce members can be found here.
Session 1: Is a capitalist peace between China and the US possible? (November 10) (In person)
This first session will provide the analytical framework to think about the future of capitalism from a geopolitical perspective, with a focus on the US-China rivalry. Prevailing theories tend to depict it as an inherently doomed relationship that will inevitably degenerate in some form of hot or cold conflict. The study group will challenge them by exploring the pacifying role of the market, arguing the competition between the two powers is not based on incompatible economic models, but it is taking place within the boundaries of the same economic system. This is a major difference compared to past hegemonic races and it is key for their peaceful coexistence.
Registration is encouraged:
Speakers and Presenters
Edoardo Campanella