Robert Greenstein, the founder and former head of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities who has been a leader in efforts to expand and defend US social programs for the past five decades, will lead a series of three study groups exploring these issues. Attendance at any or all of these sessions is open to anyone interested.
This series is co-sponsored by the Malcolm Wiener Center for Social Policy.
Session 1 of What Succeeds and What Fails Politically in Efforts to Strengthen the US Social Safety Net and Markedly Reduce Poverty -- and What Lessons Can We Draw for the Future?
This session will look at changes in the US social safety net over the past 40-50 years, including both program expansions and program cutbacks. A key focus will be whether the common assumption that universal programs greatly outperform programs targeted by income is supported by what has occurred in the political process. Other key topics will include impacts that program expansions and cuts have had on poverty, including racial disparities, and targeted and universal programs’ effectiveness in reaching their target populations.
This study group / discussion is open to all. Registration is not necessary.
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Speakers and Presenters
Robert Greenstein, M-RCBG Research Fellow