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Date and Location

March 10, 2020
11:45 AM - 1:00 PM ET
T-520 Allison Dining Room


Extra Time: 10 Lessons for an Aging World -  A conversation with author Camilla Cavendish and Lawrence H. Summers Photo

​A discussion between author Camilla Cavendish and M-RCBG director Lawrence H. Summers on Cavendish's new book Extra Time: 10 Lessons for an Aging World. 

"Demographic change is the most neglected shaper of our future. Camilla Cavendish has written the most interesting, perceptive and iconoclastic guide to its many implications. This is a truly important book." – Lawrence H. Summers

Lunch will be served. 

Speakers and Presenters

​Camilla Cavendish, M-RCBG senior fellow, award-winning journalist and commentator who sits as an independent
peer, Baroness Cavendish of Little Venice, in the UK House of Lords.

M-RCBG Director Lawrence H. Summers

