This informational webinar is a chance to learn more the new Goldsmith Prize for Explanatory Reporting, honored at our annual Goldsmith Awards ceremony. Attendees will learn more about the goals of the new prize and the types of reporting it seeks to honor, and will have the chance to ask about the prize specifics.
Speakers will include Mike Greenfield (CEO of Change Research and board chair of the Greenfield Family Foundation, which supports the Goldsmith Awards), Liz Schwartz (Shorenstein Director of Communications and Strategy), and David Rousseau (publisher and executive director of KFF Health News), who will join us to discuss the reporting that won last year’s inaugural Goldsmith Special Citation for Government Reporting, which led to the creation of this new formal prize.
The Goldsmith Prize for Explanatory Reporting honors reporting that focuses on the functioning of government and the implementation of public policy. Exemplary pieces use an explanatory and solutions-focused lens to illuminate a government or public policy implementation process, program, or problem. Submissions for the 2025 prize will open soon.