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Date and Location

February 12, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:15 PM ET
Wexner 434ab + Virtual Via Zoom


Income Inequalities: A Global Perspective Photo

​​​Income inequality has decreased globally over the last two decades, but has increased within nations. This panel will discuss the global dynamics, zooming in on the US economy.

Panelists include: Karen Dynan, Professor of the Practice of Public Policy, HKS and Branko Milanovic, Senior Scholar at the Stone Center on Socio-Economic Inequality at the Graduate Center, CUNY. It will be moderated by Edoardo Campanella, M-RCBG Research Fellow and senior global economist at UniCredit Bank.

This hybrid event will take place in Wexner 434AB for those who wish to attend in person. Others may join us remotely via Zoom. Lunch will be served. Branko Milanovic's book "Visions of Inequality: From the French Revolution to the End of the Cold War" will be raffled off to those attending in person.

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Speakers and Presenters

Karen Dynan, Professor of the Practice of Public Policy, HKS and Branko Milanovic, Senior Scholar at the Stone Center on Socio-Economic Inequality at the Graduate Center, CUNY. It will be moderated by Edoardo Campanella, M-RCBG Research Fellow and senior global economist at UniCredit Bank.
