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Date and Location

October 31, 2022
12:15 PM - 2:00 PM ET
Cgis (south) Building Room S050 1730 Cambridge Street


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​This talk examines the overlooked story of the efforts to manage India’s human and natural resources during the 1960s and ‘70s. In particular, the presentation will discuss how and why a vast sensory infrastructure was established to synthesize subjective experiences and perceptions with on the ground nation-building programs. This multi-disciplinary undertaking attempted to couple celestial and terrestrial technologies to model everything from meteorological activity and agricultural production to peasant rationality and community development. The goal of the collection and interpretation of massive amounts of real-time data was to make informed national and regional planning policies.

Speakers and Presenters

​Anthony Acciavatti, Diana Balmori Assistant Professor,Yale University in the School of Architecture


Additional Organizers