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The low interest rate environment since the Global Financial Crisis has caused economists to claim that major central banks have run out of monetary policy tools to combat major downturns, including the Covid-19 crisis. Megan Greene (Senior Fellow, M-RCBG) and Eric Lonergan (economist and macro fund manager, M&G Investments) think this is dead wrong. Central banks have monetary rocket fuel at their fingertips in the form of dual interest rates. The ECB has pioneered this monetary policy innovation with its TLTROs, but the Bank of Israel and Bank of Japan have already jumped on board. Dual interest rates eliminate the effective lower bound and allow central banks to provide infinite stimulus across the entire economy. As political support for fiscal stimulus in the face of the Covid-19 crisis wanes, central banks can and should step in with overwhelming force. Are dual interest rates really win-win? If so, why isn’t everyone drinking the kool-aid? Stop by for an interactive seminar to discuss the pros and cons of this new tool.
Dual Interest Rates Give Central Banks Limitless Fire Power by Eric Lonergan and Megan Greene
Speakers and Presenters
Megan Greene, Eric Lonergan