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Date and Location

March 8, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:15 PM ET
R-414ab David T. Ellwood Democracy Lab


Tech & Regulation Study Group: Will the UK's Proposed Digital Platform Regulation Confirm or Outperform Europe's DMA ? Photo

​​​​Interested in digital regulation in the U.K. and Europe, and how it will affect the U.S.? Come to this in-person study group to ask questions and have a discussion with experts.

Led by M-RCBG Senior Research Fellow, Gene Kimmelman.

Discussant: Amelia Fletcher,​ Professor of Competition Policy, Norwich Business School, will join us via Zoom. Amelia Fletcher CBE is also Deputy Director at the Centre for Competition Policy, Non-Executive Director of the Competition and Markets Authority and an editor of the Journal of Competition Law and Economics. She was recently a member of the HM Treasury-commissioned Digital Competition Expert Panel, which reported in March 2019.

Lunch will be served.

M-RCBG welcomes individuals with disabilities to participate in its programs. Live captioning will be provided. To request accommodations or ask questions about access provided, please email​

Speakers and Presenters

​Amelia ​Fletcher, Professor of Competition Policy, Norwich Business School
