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Date and Location

February 23, 2022
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM ET


Technology & Regulation Study Group | The International Telecommunications Union: The Room Where it Happened Photo

SPEAKERS:Richard Beaird, Senior Deputy U.S. Coordinator for International Communications (via Zoom)Phil Verveer, former Senior Counselor to FCC Chairman (Moderator)
Dr. Richard Beaird will make a presentation describing the realities of these ITU engagements, including the salient ITU auspices engagements (ITU Council, Conferences, WSIS, WCIT); government-corporate cooperation emblematic of U.S. and aligned countries; and the geopolitical maneuvering vis-à-vis Russia and China, among others.  Dr. Beaird was the senior State Department official responsible for the United States’ engagement with the ITU for more than two decades.

Limited boxed lunches will be available afterward.

Speakers and Presenters

Richard Beaird, Senior Deputy U.S. Coordinator for International Communications (via Zoom)
Phil Verveer, former Senior Counselor to FCC Chairman (Moderator)
