Zoom Registration Link: https://harvard.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcodu2vrTovE9ULKNPcyNdeCH4Opu-Quehy
Theories of innovation point to the critical role of innovation spillovers in driving economic growth and technology innovation, and the empirical study of innovation spillovers dates back to (at least) the 1950s. However, there is little systematic evidence and understanding of the mechanisms by which spillovers occur across technology domains (rather than firms or geographies), partly due to the focus on patent and trade data in many studies. To some extent this has contributed to the fact that public policies that explicitly harness innovation spillovers are limited. In this talk, I will discuss the role of spillovers in the evolution of three key energy technologies (solar PV, lithium-ion batteries and solid state lighting). I will consider the role and location of technology spillovers, show how the spillovers occurred (the mechanisms), and identify opportunities for policy innovation to harness spillovers to accelerate future clean energy innovation. My talk illustrates the existence of spillovers along different stages of the innovation process and the important role of different types of policies and research structures in facilitating boundary-crossing knowledge.
Speakers and Presenters
Laura Diaz Anadon, Cambridge University, Political Science
Additional Organizers
Harvard STS, WCFIA