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Negotiation Strategies: Building Agreement Across Boundaries

Master the strategic, analytic, and communication skills you need to negotiate effectively with Harvard Kennedy School Executive Education.
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Negotiation Strategies: Building Agreement Across Boundaries

Master the strategic, analytic, and communication skills you need to negotiate effectively with Harvard Kennedy School Executive Education.
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Emerging Leaders

Develops and expands the leadership capacity of rising leaders from developed, emerging, newly industrialized, and transitional countries.
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Leadership and Character in Uncertain Times

Teaches you how to lead amidst conflict and disagreement using adaptive leadership tools and strategies you can apply immediately to enact change.
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Evidence for Equity

Engage in data-driven, evidence-based policymaking through an equity lens.
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Nonprofit Management and Leadership: Strategies for Organizational Success

Explores the latest research and best practices in nonprofit management to help leaders run organizations effectively.
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Public Narrative: Leadership, Storytelling, and Action

Strengthens your capacity to lead through learning how to tell a story of self and connect your story to that of your community to motivate commitment to a shared purpose and call to action.
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Nonprofit Financial Stewardship

Learn how to effectively manage and steward financial resources for a nonprofit organization with Harvard Kennedy School Executive Education.
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Investment Decisions and Behavioral Finance

Explores the common biases and irrational investment behaviors that influence financial markets and produce suboptimal outcomes for investors.
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Leadership, Organizing and Action: Leading Change

Teaches leaders of civic associations, advocacy groups, and social movements how to organize communities that can mobilize power to effect change.
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Whether you complete a program on our historic Cambridge campus or through the flexibility of an online offering, your immersive learning experience at Harvard Kennedy School Executive Education will prepare you to take immediate action at your organization. From public policy to nonprofit leadership to economic development, our short, research-backed executive programs empower leaders to meet the present moment.