
  • Bryan Washington
Cover of Lot: Stories

In the city of Houston - a sprawling, diverse microcosm of America - the son of a Black mother and a Latino father is coming of age. Hes working at his familys restaurant, weathering his brothers blows, resenting his older sisters absence. And discovering he likes boys. Around him, others live and thrive and die in Houstons myriad neighborhoods: a young woman whose affair detonates across an apartment complex, a ragtag baseball team, a group of young hustlers, hurricane survivors, a local drug dealer who takes a Guatemalan teen under his wing, a reluctant chupacabra. With soulful insight into what makes a community, a family, and a life, Lot explores trust and love in all its unsparing and unsteady forms. --Provided by publisher.


Washington, Bryan. Lot: Stories. New York: Riverhead Books, 2020.