Ayushi Roy Photo
Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy
Assistant: Beth Tremblay

Ayushi helps build, fund and advise more equitable and inclusive technology to better deliver government services.

Ayushi currently serves as the Deputy Director of the New Practice Lab at New America. Previously, she served at 18F as the Director of State and Local Technology, and more recently, on the leadership team managing investments for the US Technology Modernization Fund, a $1B fund to modernize technology and improve customer experience across the federal government. Ayushi's work focuses on more equitably delivering government services to our most vulnerable constituents – including modernizing Wisconsin’s legacy system for Unemployment Insurance, co-authoring the Unemployment Insurance playbook used by states in response to COVID-19, helping to hire the first cohort of dedicated product managers for the Centers of Medicaid and Medicare Services, securing the historic approval for Login.gov to serve state and local governments for the first time, and improving the grants infrastructure for Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), which provides healthcare for more than 70 million Americans including 9 million children.

Ayushi teaches digital government at the Harvard Kennedy School, and product management for the Government of Canada. She is the co-founder of We Who Engage, a media platform and government consultancy that facilitates civic engagement to strengthen our public’s muscle for democracy. The consultancy has partnered with a variety of state and local partners including the City of Boston on public transportation planning, the City of Poughkeepsie Children’s Cabinet, and the Seattle Foundation on regional business development. Previously, Ayushi helped build Oakland City Hall's first innovation team, co-founded an SMS hotline for campus safety used across the University of California system, and served on the Equity Advisory Committee for the San Francisco Human Rights Commission.

In her personal time, Ayushi competes in the World Marathon Majors, serves as the Commissioner of the Oakland Public Library, and enjoys long hikes to identify birds. She is an alumna of Columbia University and MIT, with additional certifications in conflict mediation. 

Mailing Address

Harvard Kennedy School
79 John F. Kennedy Street
Cambridge, MA 02138