Explore some of the many Harvard Kennedy School initiatives that make our campus more welcoming, promote faculty insights on systemic inequities, and enhance diversity and inclusion. Learn more about Diversity, Equity, and Anti-Racism at HKS.
Mapping HKS: Student Global Diversity
One aspect of diversity that contributes to the vibrancy of the Kennedy School is our global makeup. Over half of this year’s Kennedy School students come from outside the United States. Our current students represent 98 countries and territories, not including the United States. Our students—domestic and international—strive to improve public policy and public leadership in their own communities and all over the world.
Keep an eye out for some digital screens on campus and an online map showcasing students from across the world.

Roughly half of the Kennedy School’s current student population comes from outside the United States. Our current students represent 98 countries and territories, not including the United States. Below is a list of countries our current students represent, along with the number of students from each.
Afghanistan, 1
Algeria, 1
Anguilla, 1
Argentina, 5
Armenia, 1
Australia, 19
Austria, 1
Azerbaijan, 2
Bangladesh, 5
Belgium, 1
Benin, 3
Bolivia, 1
Brazil, 14
Bulgaria, 1
Canada, 27
Chile, 13
China, 28
Colombia, 20
Congo, The Democratic Republic, 1
Costa Rica, 2
Cote D'Ivoire, 1
Cyprus, 2
Denmark, 4
Dominican Republic, 5
Ecuador, 4
Egypt, 11
El Salvador, 2
Eritrea, 2
Ethiopia, 1
Finland, 2
France, 21
Germany, 33
Ghana, 4
Greece, 2
Haiti, 1
Hong Kong, 4
Hungary, 2
Iceland, 2
India, 116
Indonesia, 14
Iran, Islamic Republic of, 1
Iraq, 1
Ireland, 6
Israel, 22
Italy, 12
Jamaica, 2
Japan, 23
Jordan, 5
Kazakhstan, 6
Kenya, 5
Korea, Republic of, 13
Kosovo, 1
Latvia, 1
Lebanon, 3
Macao, 1
Malawi, 1
Malaysia, 3
Mexico, 23
Moldova, Republic of, 1
Mongolia, 4
Morocco, 5
Nepal, 2
Netherlands, 3
New Zealand, 8
Nigeria, 11
Norway, 2
Oman, 1
Pakistan, 25
Panama, 2
Peru, 24
Philippines, 8
Poland, 3
Romania, 1
Russian Federation, 4
Rwanda, 2
Saudi Arabia, 5
Senegal, 1
Serbia, Republic of, 2
Singapore, 5
South Africa, 4
Spain, 13
Sri Lanka, 3
Swaziland, 1
Sweden, 1
Switzerland, 8
Syrian Arab Republic, 1
Taiwan, 6
Tanzania, United Republic of, 2
Thailand, 5
Tunisia, 5
Turkey, 2
Uganda, 1
Ukraine, 2
United Arab Emirates, 1
United Kingdom, 36
Venezuela, 14
Yemen, 1
Zimbabwe, 2
Research on the Justice System
Sandra Susan Smith is the Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Professor of Criminal Justice, faculty director of the Program in Criminal Justice Policy and Management, and director of the Malcolm Wiener Center for Social Policy. One of the country’s leading sociologists in urban poverty, joblessness and criminal justice, Smith is currently researching racial inequities in case processing in the justice system. To further this work, she created the Roundtable on Racial Disparities in the Massachusetts Criminal Courts, which convenes policymakers, practitioners, academics, and formerly incarcerated people to address long-standing biases in the court system in Massachusetts.
Smith has also conducted research on the negative effects of pretrial electronic monitoring and on legislation that would delete the standard box on a job application asking about a criminal record. In a recent HKS Executive Education Lessons in Leadership seminar, Smith shares how pretrial incarceration—even for just one day—can eliminate accountability and true justice for anyone awaiting trial.
Fall Heritage and History Months
Throughout the year, we recognize heritage and history months not only through events and other programming, but by sharing the words and lived experiences of our faculty, students, and staff. We amplify these voices in our HKS Daily email, on KNet, on digital screens around campus, and on social media.
From mid-September to mid-October, the Kennedy School recognized Latinx Heritage Month, also called Hispanic Heritage Month. In October, we are recognizing LGBTQ+ History Month. See some of the perspectives we have shared from our community.

“Growing up, I often struggled with my intersecting Latina and Native-American identities. I’ve grown to appreciate and embrace these two cultures so I can be the voice in higher education spaces where Latinx and Indigenous folks are often absent. I chose a career in higher education, particularly in financial aid, to provide access and support to first-generation college students like myself who are navigating a challenging space alone.”
Briana Gomez
Assistant Director of Admissions and Financial Aid
“I can openly be who I am thanks to the sacrifice of countless fighters. Commemorating LGBTQ history is to recognize the past struggles for our freedom and the right to love that the community had endured through centuries of oppression. It is a reminder that acceptance is not complete, and liberties are not yet guaranteed. It is as well an opportunity to learn about us beyond West-centered frameworks, highlighting the contributions and conditions that we experience all over the world.”
William Jensen Diaz
MC/MPA student
“The history of sexuality and gender identity rights is the history of humanity-the history of a kaleidoscopic belief in love, chosen family, and the indivisible right each person has to live their truth. Living in pursuit of love and freedom takes courage, as well as community and solidarity with all who fight systems of oppression.”
Zoe Marks
Lecturer in Public Policy
Banner photo by Kayana Szymczak; heritage and history month portraits by Martha Stewart and courtesy of the subjects