June 24, 2020

In what ways has gender inequality been exacerbated during the coronavirus pandemic in the United States and around the world? How does the intersection of race and gender compound these issues? How have women leaders responded to the pandemic? These were just a few of the topics addressed at a June 24 Dean’s Discussion on gender and the pandemic. The faculty panelists were Hannah Riley Bowles, the Roy E. Larsen Senior Lecturer in Public Policy and Management at Harvard Kennedy School; Kimberlyn Leary, an associate professor at the Harvard Medical School and at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health; and Zoe Marks and Janina Matuszeski, both lecturers in public policy at Harvard Kennedy School. The Dean’s Discussions are a series of conversations hosted by HKS Dean Douglas Elmendorf and moderated by his chief of staff, Sarah Wald, adjunct lecturer in public policy.

Harvard Kennedy School faculty discuss how the COVID-19 crisis has intersected with gender and race, both in a U.S. and international context.


Hannah Riley Bowles Photo

Hannah Riley Bowles

Co-Director, Center for Public Leadership
Co-Director, Women and Public Policy Program
Roy E. Larsen Senior Lecturer in Public Policy and Management

Zoe Marks Photo

Zoe Marks

Lecturer in Public Policy


Sarah Wald Photo

Sarah Wald

Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy


Douglas Elmendorf Photo

Douglas Elmendorf

Lucius N. Littauer Professor of Public Policy; Harvard University Distinguished Service Professor