Policies and procedures that codify our community values are respected and enforced at Harvard Kennedy School. Our values promote campus inclusiveness, non-discrimination, information security, physical safety, and an environment free of harassment. Our shared values are regularly communicated to members of our community and are aligned with the policies and values of Harvard University.
Learn more about Harvard Kennedy School’s community values and policies by following the links below.
Non-Discrimination and Anti-Bullying (NDAB)
Non-Discrimination and Anti-Bullying (NDAB)
The University has adopted new policies and procedures to address discrimination and bullying in our community.
Diversity Statement
Diversity Statement
One of Harvard Kennedy School’s greatest assets is the breadth of talent in our community. The School is committed to embracing that diversity and taking full advantage of the opportunities for training enlightened leaders and solving critical public problems.
Emergency Information
Emergency Information
Review the instructions for members of the Harvard Kennedy School community given an emergency. Always call 911 for any situation that requires immediate police, fire or medical response.
Privacy Statement
Privacy Statement
Review a disclosure of information-gathering and dissemination practices for the Harvard Kennedy School’s website.
Title IX Policies & Procedures
Title IX Policies & Procedures
Sexual and gender-based harassment is discriminatory, unlawful, denies respect for the rights and dignity of others and is clearly inconsistent with the nature of our community.
Open Debate, Protest, and Dissent at HKS
Open Debate, Protest, and Dissent at HKS
Harvard Kennedy School is committed to open and civil discussion. Listening to and learning from others is fundamental to the educational process and essential to our mission of improving public policy and leadership.
Digital Millennium Copyright Act
Digital Millennium Copyright Act
Review policies regarding the dissemination of copyrighted material.
Trademark Notice
Trademark Notice
Harvard Kennedy School trademark issues are managed by the Trademark Program, which oversees the registration of Harvard’s trademarks and guards against their unauthorized use.
Annual Security and Fire Safety Report
Annual Security and Fire Safety Report
Review the Harvard University Police Department's Annual Security Report.
Transparent Engagement
Transparent Engagement
Read the Harvard Kennedy School policy on reporting outside professional activities and financial interests, and HKS implementation plan for Harvard University Individual Financial Conflict of Interest.
Building Access and Visitor Policy
Building Access and Visitor Policy
During regular weekdays, the HKS campus is accessible through all entrances by HUID card swipe.