Dean’s Council

Harvard Kennedy School’s Dean’s Council comprises leaders from various sectors who believe in improving public policy and public leadership around the globe. Members provide financial support and practical advice that allow the School to advance positive change at the local, state, national, and international levels, all to help people live in safer, freer, more just, and more sustainably prosperous societies.

Dean’s Executive Board

The Harvard Kennedy School Dean’s Executive Board is a small group of business and philanthropic leaders who serve as trusted advisors to the Dean and are among the most committed financial supporters of the School. Drawing on the wide-ranging experience and expertise of its members, the Executive Board helps the Dean to advance the School’s mission in multiple ways. In particular, members of the Executive Board: advise on strategies, business plans, and funding opportunities; facilitate relationships with important constituencies in order to enhance the visibility of the School’s achievements and promote its impact; contribute financially to the School in a leadership manner; and introduce potential financial supporters to the School. Members of the Executive Board are invited to join the Board by the Dean and often rotate out after a period of time.

Advisory Boards for Centers and Projects

Advisory Boards members care deeply about the mission of Harvard Kennedy School as well as its Centers and projects. Members provide practical advice—and in many cases financial support—to improve public policy and leadership so people can live in safer, freer, more just, and more prosperous societies.

At the links below, you will find listings of advisory board members.

Center Advisory Boards

Project Advisory Boards


Community Expectations

All members of any Harvard Kennedy School advisory board must adhere to our community expectations.

Harvard Kennedy School alumni and donors participating in programs and volunteer opportunities respect the rights, differences, and dignity of others and adhere to the Harvard Kennedy School Code of Conduct. Those taking part in HKS activities are expected to demonstrate honesty, integrity, and civility; agree to handle sensitive information with care and only use it for its intended purpose; and are accountable for their conduct there with all alumni, students, parents, volunteers, employees, and invitees. Harvard Kennedy School reserves the right to suspend alumni benefits and services to, and to exclude from HKS community events or campus, any person whose behavior adversely affects the safety, enjoyment and well-being of any HKS alumni, donors, employees, students, guests, or invitees.