The Harvard Kennedy School Dean’s Executive Board is a small group of business and philanthropic leaders who serve as trusted advisors to the Dean and are among the most committed financial supporters of the School. Drawing on the wide-ranging experience and expertise of its members, the Executive Board helps the Dean to advance the School’s mission in multiple ways. In particular, members of the Executive Board: advise on strategies, business plans, and funding opportunities; facilitate relationships with important constituencies in order to enhance the visibility of the School’s achievements and promote its impact; contribute financially to the School in a leadership manner; and introduce potential financial supporters to the School. Members of the Executive Board are invited to join the Board by the Dean and often rotate out after a period of time.
David M. Rubenstein
Geraldine Acuña-Sunshine AB 1992, MPP 1996
Gabrielle Bacon
Julian Baker AB 1988
Marla Beck MPA/MBA 1998
Anita Bekenstein
Joshua Bekenstein MBA 1984
Laurence D. Belfer AB 1988
Hazem Ben-Gacem AB 1992
Adrian Cheng AB 2002
Karen Frank MBA 1997
Charles Grice MPP 1985
Rita E. Hauser HLS 1958
Bijan Mossavar-Rahmani MC/MPA 1982
Alejandra Segura
Enrique Segura
Cathleen Douglas Stone
Christen Sveaas
Robert S. Taubman
Howard Wolk MC/MPA 2002