Stay in touch with your classmates and peers
1959 / 1961 / 1966 / 1967 / 1970 / 1971 / 1974 / 1975 / 1976 / 1977 / 1978 / 1980 / 1981 / 1982 / 1983 / 1984 / 1985 / 1986 / 1987 / 1988 / 1989 / 1990 / 1991 / 1992 / 1993 / 1994 / 1995 / 1996 / 1997 / 1998 / 1999 / 2000 / 2001 / 2002 / 2003 / 2004 / 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017
Knud Krakau MPA, full professor of North American history at the Free University of Berlin since 1974 and emeritus since 2002, has written more than 100 publications in the fields of U.S. political and constitutional history, U.S. foreign policy and its cultural and intellectual foundations, and U.S.–Latin American relations. His major work was The American Sense of Mission and International Law, published in 1967.
Peter Barratt MCRP writes, “In my eighties and have taken on the task of designing the Museum of Grand Bahama. I spent most of my professional life as a planner in the Bahamas.”
Wayne Sherwood MCRP worked for 15 years for various planning consultants and government organizations in Massachusetts preparing local and regional plans. “Spent 25 years as research director for a national organization lobbying for affordable housing in Congress. Continue to put out an e-mail newsletter from home about low-and-moderate-income housing programs and needs. Currently on the board of Montgomery Housing Partnerships in Montgomery County, Maryland, and work on local affordable housing issues. Live in Takoma Park, Maryland.”
Stephen Trachtenberg MPA writes, “My most recent book on leading colleges and universities was just released by the Johns Hopkins University Press. I was the only member of our class that showed up for the 50th reunion.
Douglas Johnston MC/MPA, after graduation, served another three years in nuclear submarines, then seven years in government (last job as deputy assistant secretary of the navy). Returned to the Kennedy School as founding director of its first executive program (in national and international security). Also taught and completed a PhD in political science. After 12 years as EVP/COO of CSIS, founded the International Center for Religion & Diplomacy to bridge religion and politics in support of peacemaking. Among Douglas’s publications: Religion, the Missing Dimension of Statecraft (Oxford, 1994) and Religion, Terror, and Error: U.S. Foreign Policy and the Challenge of Spiritual Engagement (Praeger, 2011).
Tom McNaugher MPA writes, “Went from Kennedy School to the Army and Vietnam. Later, got my PhD in government (in 1977) and spent most of my career in think tanks—Brookings and RAND. Seven years ago, I moved to Georgetown University to teach in the Security Studies Program, and will retire from that program at the end of this semester.
Sonia Ingram MCRP writes, “I and a group collaborated and convinced The Riverside Church in New York City to divest its portfolio out of the largest fossil fuel exploration and production companies. I am advising a church to develop a new mixed-use real estate acquisition and control an entire city block. I recommended bankers to acquire acquisition financing. As a landowner, I am recommending carbon sequestration, natural resource development and marketing projects. I am developing a program to support people who want to pursue strategies that build community resilience.”
Roland Castaneda MPP writes, “I served as general counsel to the Dallas Area Rapid Transit Agency from 1994 to 2002. I was founder and chairman emeritus of the Texas General Counsel Forum (, a statewide peer-to-peer networking organization for 600-plus corporate general counsel that focuses on law department management practices. Currently, a founder and CEO of the Cyber Law Consortium, a statewide two-tiered networking organization for in-house legal and information security personnel who report to C-level executives. A distinct program is designed for general counsel, C-level executives, and boards of directors that focuses on governance-level strategic issues.”
Susan Leicher MPP writes, “While continuing to work professionally as a social policy analyst for a range of New York City philanthropic, nonprofit, and government institutions (most recently, the New York Women’s Foundation), I have somehow managed to write a novel, Acts of Assumption, that will be published sometime in early 2019. Watch out for it— it is a splendid read!”
Stephen Salyer MC/MPA writes, “After 25 years in public television (SVP WNET/NYC) and public radio (CEO, PRI) I joined Salzburg Global Seminar in 2005 as CEO. Started by three Harvard grads in 1947 as a “Marshall Plan for the mind,” we convene multi-year strategic projects in health, media, law, environment, arts innovation, etc. where opportunities exist for leveraging present and emerging leaders and ideas across borders. Our network includes over 35,000 fellows in 170 countries, with anchor programs year-round at Schloss Leopoldskron (the castle in Salzburg, Austria, made famous by the film “The Sound of Music”). Visit to find out more. Offices in Washington, London, and Salzburg.”
Xavier Suarez MPP writes, “My son, Francis Xavier Suarez, followed in my footsteps and was elected mayor of the City of Miami last November. He and I served simultaneously in the city commission and county commission, respectively, for five years prior to that. Francis’s wife, Gloria, just gave birth to a daughter in April of this year; she is our 10th grandchild. I currently serve on the Miami-Dade County Commission, which has 13 county commissioners and handles a $7.2 billion budget as well as the world’s largest passenger port and the airport with the largest number of airlines.”
Phil Scanlan MPA has had a career spanning diplomacy, public policy, education, global enterprise leadership, and NGO entrepreneurship. Phil and Julie Singer Scanlan have seven children and seven grandchildren. Through President George H.W. Bush in 1992, Phil founded the bipartisan Australian American Leadership Dialogue (AALD), described as “the most creative and productive exercise in private diplomacy in Australian history.” Phil was Australian consul general in New York from 2009 to 2013. In 2014 Phil founded the New York Global Leaders Dialogue. He serves on private equity advisory boards in London and New York and chairs Lifejourney International.
William Ballenger MC/MPA writes, “Since 1977, I have served as director of the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulation, state racing commissioner, and publisher of a subscription newsletter, Inside Michigan Politics. I now publish and do a lot of TV and radio and public speaking.”
1978 | 40th Reunion
Richard Broinowski MPA writes, “Since Harvard, I’ve been Australian ambassador to Vietnam, then to the Republic of Korea, then to Mexico, Central American Republics, and Cuba. I was also general manager of Radio Australia from 1990 to 1992. Since retirement in 1998, I’ve been an adjunct professor at University of Canberra, then Sydney University, sending media students to work as journalists in Asian and Middle East countries. I’ve written four books: A Witness to History (MUP, 2001), Fact or Fission (Scribe, Melbourne, 2003), Driven: A Diplomatic Auto Biography (HarperCollins, 2009) and Fallout from Fukushima (Scribe, 2012). I’m at present working on a fifth book.”
William Collins MCRP writes, “Cheers to all my MCRP classmates. I’m retired to North Attleboro, Massachusetts, after an academic career at California State University. I continued to develop the Rural Planning Program at California State after leaving the GSD. Later I shifted my career emphasis to anthropology and archaeology, receiving a second PhD at UC Berkeley in 2005. I taught archaeology in California and excavated in the Middle East. Though I retired in 2013, I continue to teach online classes and volunteer teaching in local high schools. I was recently elected to the Town of North Attleboro Planning Board. I wish the best to you all.”
Roger Sharpe MC/MPA reports that more than 80 friends and family gathered recently at the Lincoln Cottage in Washington, D.C., for his 70th birthday. Roger is a former North Carolina state senator and university professor. The seated luncheon was held in the room where President Lincoln drafted the Emancipation Proclamation. Tributes were offered by historian and Presidential Medallion recipient Gabor Boritt of Gettysburg; Alexandria Mayor Allison Silberberg; and Jim Warlick, business owner of White House Gifts. Vermont poet Peter Money wrote of the honored guest, “One leads by loving kindness, by teaching what is good, by sympathetic joy in any season.”
Patti Early White MPP writes, “We moved to Virginia after 22 years in London. It has been an interesting homecoming. I continue to serve on boards of cultural organizations—the English National Opera—and I have just been elected to the board of the National Museum of Women in the Arts. We are reconnecting with friends from HKS in the D.C. area.”
Lisandro Bril MPA is progressing with venture capital investing in tech companies from Argentina that target global markets in big data, the internet, and biotech. He also actively participates in the business and public policy agenda to foster innovation, entrepreneurship, and venture capital in the country.
William “Bill” Hamilton HKSEE has a new book out titled The Wit and Wisdom of William Hamilton: The Sage of Sheepdog Hill. Available now in large-print paperback and Kindle at Amazon, the book is a special collection from his more than 2,000 Central View newspaper columns and articles spanning his 35-year writing career. Over these years, Bill has shared interesting views from his extensive experience in the military, government and politics. He was inducted into the Oklahoma Journalism Hall of Fame.
Phillip Karig MCRP is managing director of Mathelin Bay Associates LLC, an international consulting firm serving companies and investors in the plastics industry. Mathelin Bay launched in May as the first blockchain-enabled service in the plastics industry.
Joe Leitmann MPP is now serving on the boards of Bikes for the World, the U.S. chapter of The International Emergency Management Society, and the University of California’s Humanitarian Network. He continues to lead work on resilient recovery and urban resilience at the World Bank’s Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery.
James McGuinness MC/MPA writes, “Following mandatory retirement in 2015, I was recalled to the bench and sat for an additional two-and-a-half years. Finally stepped down for good last August. Down- sized to Cambridge, enrolled at the Harvard Institute for Learning in Retirement, travel whenever possible, and am working on becoming a more proficient artist. Greatest pleasure is found watching my two kids establish their own families and otherwise thrive. Save for bearing witness to our shockingly dark national politics, life indeed is good.”
James Sheffield MC/MPA has a new author website at “You can read more about my first novel, Lasso the Moon, and my upcoming one, Cables From a Restless Heart, plus some selected short stories. Let me know what you think and please share with others. With gratitude.”
Teresa Cader MC/MPA writes, “I served as the first associate director of the Innovation in Government Program at HKS, funded by the Ford Foundation. I then received a poetry fellowship from the Bunting Institute at Radcliffe. I’ve published three books of poetry and won awards from the Poetry Society of America, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Massachusetts Cultural Council, the Bread Loaf Writers Conference, and the MacDowell Colony. My poems have appeared in The Atlantic, Slate, Harvard Magazine, the Harvard Review, and elsewhere. I’m working on a memoir and a new collection of poems. My husband taught at HKS for 28 years. We have two grown daughters.”
Eric-Fenn Elbot MC/MPA writes, “The ‘82 Potato Heads’ 2018 Election ‘October Surprise Subgroup’ in spring applied Schelling’s brilliant game theory simulations to false flag motivators, 340 air-defense sorties, and U.S. power grid blowback in a U.S./Israeli/Saudi war on Iran. We are also supporting President Lawrence Bacow MPP 1976 PhD 1978 to establish an ongoing war-prevention backchannel project with Tsinghua University, based on Graham Allison’s excellent Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides’s Trap (perhaps on neutral turf at Harvard’s new Johannesburg Center). Join the conversation at”
Robert Griffiths MPP writes, “I retired from the State Department Foreign Service in 2016, but continue to be involved in matters foreign. After moving to Utah and building (literally) a new home, I have been teaching political science courses on China and Southeast Asia at the University of Utah and Brigham Young University. My wife and I continue to spend part of the year in Thailand.”
Mohan Guruswamy MC/MPA writes, “I am pretty much retired in the nice southern Indian town of Secunderabad. I write a widely read weekly column, and am very frequently a guest on television panel discussions. I am also involved in two Track 2 dialogues between India and China and India and Pakistan. When I am not traveling, I indulge in my passion for wildlife photography and tiger spotting. To find out more, visit my Facebook wall.”
David Kirk MCRP writes, “After Harvard, I spent a year studying in Australia on a Rotary scholarship, then worked as a planner for the Atlanta Regional Commission until just after the 1996 Olympics. I then went to University of Michigan Law School and returned to Atlanta in 1999 to work as an attorney at Troutman Sanders LLP. I have been a partner here since 2006. My practice focuses on land use, zoning, development and redevelopment, and other governmental issues. I married Lori Leland, a planner and urban designer, in 1993, and we have two daughters, one of whom is a freshman at Michigan (Go Blue!) and the other a high school junior. We live in Decatur, Georgia.”
Linda Niessen MPP is currently serving as dean and a professor at Nova Southeastern University College of Dental Medicine in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. “MPP Class of 1982 are welcome to visit!”

1983 | 35th Reunion
Rita Leitel Bartczak MPP writes, “Negotiation captured my attention in my second year as an MPP student learning from the best—Jim Sebenius, Larry Susskind, Roger Fisher. I applied my new skills representing Pan Am flight attendants in tense labor negotiations. Getting an MBA in 1989 led me to my newfound love—marketing and market research, studying customers, and applying the science of research to the art of marketing. You can find me at Chestnut Hill Advisors, a client and employee insight and analytics firm I founded in 2006.”
Elliot Gordon MPP has joined JAMS, the nation’s largest private dispute resolution provider, as a mediator and arbitrator, with an emphasis on health care, employment, and business litigation.
Karen Handmaker MPP writes, “For nearly a year, I have been at 4sightHealth, founded by our classmate David Johnson MPP. While on different paths in healthcare pretty much since we graduated, we are now ‘having a blast’ combining our experience and perspectives to highlight a better way and support organizations that want to be part of solving U.S. health care’s ailments. Looking forward to seeing our classmates at our 35th reunion soon!”
Ron Heifetz MC/MPA writes, “After graduation, I stayed on at the Kennedy School to develop courses in leadership. It’s been a real blessing to teach generations of students from all over the world and to watch the school grow in every way.”
Muhammad Siddiqi MC/MPA writes, “For the last 10 years I have been teaching management subjects to MBA/MPA students at School of Management Sciences, QA University, in Islamabad. It was exciting to share my experiences from around the world with the students—cultivating a global perspective. I have also been writing poems, reflecting different thoughts, feelings, and experiences. I got my poetry booklet, Heights of Sublimation, printed this year. The name Harvard clicks wherever I go!”
Dick Tofel MPP since 2013 has been president of ProPublica, of which he was the first employee back in 2007. The investigative news nonprofit has won four Pulitzer Prizes and been a finalist for five others. It now has a full-time staff of more than 100 and an annual budget of $24 million. ProPublica had more than 34,000 donors in 2017.
Roy Watson MC/MPA writes, “After more than 40 years running a successful law practice specializing in U.S. immigration law, I have accepted a position with the Department of Homeland Security, USCIS. It is most enlightening now working on the ‘other side’ of the table. My practice was almost exclusively employment-based immigration, which has now become a focus of USCIS. My two children graduate this year from UMass Amherst. One looks to grad school as a physician’s assistant. The other aspires to be a foreign service officer with the Department of State. My wife, Chela, a native Venezuelan, teaches at a local private school. Both children speak Spanish as a first language.”
Lucie Edwards MC/MPA is currently based at the Balsillie School of International Affairs. “I teach public policy and international affairs at Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier universities. My research explores the use of science and technology for the poor, with a particular focus on initiatives to support the ‘bottom billion’ in Africa and Asia. Still very active in development advocacy, notably with Partners in Health Canada. I left the foreign service in 2009, with great memories of my appointments as Canadian ambassador to Kenya, South Africa, and India. Tom, our three dogs, and I savor our free time at Doggie Heaven, our cottage in the Gatineau Hills.”
Fred Martin HKSEE was in Seoul, South Korea, in April as the kickoff speaker for the Abraham Lincoln Society of South Korea. “My book, Abraham Lincoln’s Path to Reelection in 1864: Our Greatest Victory, is being used by members. Koreans are interested in Lincoln as a path to their ultimate reunification and development. Thought this might interest the Senior Managers in Government Program, especially as I am a graduate of that program.”
David Owen MC/MPA writes, “I retired from local government management service at the end of May, after 11-and-a-half years as town manager in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, and 35-plus years in local government town management. I will be residing in retirement with my wife, Mary Sortal, in Newburyport, Massachusetts, where we would be happy to have visitors. My cell is 603-630-7721 and e-mail is”
Michael Smith MC/MPA is working in the Office of Strategic Initiatives in the president’s office at Rhode Island College; serving as president of the Cranston, Rhode Island, City Plan Commission; and president of the Rhode Island College Alumni Association.
Ken Davies MC/MPA writes, “Ecstatic to share that our daughter Emma Elisabeth Davies will be joining the HKS MPP class of 2020 this autumn, following her two years in the Peace Corps in rural Guinea, West Africa. Her parents, Ken and Margrethe, continue to reside in Jinja, Uganda. Warm greetings to all classmates and friends.”
Tom Gardner MC/MPA is still a professor of communication at Westfield State University, and now a proud grandfather. “Daughter and son-in-law are both with the Department of State. Son about to graduate from Clark, then on to a master’s there in environmental science and policy. Happily married to Karen in Amherst, Massachusetts, tending chickens and an aging dog, and holding fond memories of the Mid-Career Class of 1985.”
Jim Gruber MC/MPA writes, “The HKS MPA program is a lifelong gift. Besides meeting my wonderful wife, Patience, at the Divinity School, the classmates I met in 1984 are still good friends and colleagues. I will soon retire from Antioch University New England as a professor and chair of the Environmental Studies Department. Throughout 34 years of working locally and globally on democracy building, civic sector capacity building, and environmental conservation, the wisdom, values, and norms of HKS inform nearly all my work, my values, and my ability to contribute. Thank you for this gift. We are now starting a New Hampshire vineyard!”
Alison Hughes MC/MPA writes, “Retirement from paid work has meant a continuity of volunteer work. Both equally joyous. Thank you Ronnie Heifetz for inspiring me in 1984–85 with your leadership ideas and insights. They have carried me through all these years. I transferred your ideas to graduate students during my university teaching years. Now I share them with high school students who live at the Arizona–Mexico border. They especially enjoy participating in the eye-contact exercise you taught to many in our class of 1985. Last year one of the high school student groups explained the eye-contact training to members of the Douglas City Council at a public meeting!”
Barbara Lamont MC/MPA is running a multi-lingual contact center for government agencies in more than 35 states, including the Job Corps, various state health and social service agencies, and housing authorities. “Putting my public administration degree to good use!”
Andrea Waldman Lockwood MPP writes, “I’m currently deputy assistant secretary for Europe, Eurasia, Africa, and the Middle East at the U.S. Department of Energy and served as acting assistant secretary for international affairs for nine months during the transition. I do a lot of traveling, trying to open markets for U.S. energy technology and strengthen U.S. energy security. I still see a fair number of classmates but it would be great to see more!”
Clarke Camper MPP writes, “I live with my wife, Naomi MPP 1997, and three teenage kids in Chevy Chase, Maryland. We recently were at the Kennedy School for the first time in years and were impressed by the terrific new buildings—and how happy and engaged the students seemed!”
Jim Doane MC/MPA writes, “I have been retired from the foreign service since March 2000. I consulted with the Department of State for 10–11 years and taught Junior Officer Training for six of those years. I worked at our embassies in Bogota, Asmara, and Baghdad, usually for two months of temporary duty, and my focus was management issues and narcotics control. I moved to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, 10 years ago and am enjoying playing golf, reading, and enjoying my grandchildren.”
Nadine Hack MC/MPA was shortlisted by Ethical Corporation as Responsible CEO of the Year with the CEOs of Patagonia, Danone, Accenture, Yes Bank, Globe Telecom, and Firmenich. “It was particularly meaningful as all the other CEOs head multinational corporations.”
Alasdair Roberts MPP became director of the School of Public Policy at the University of Massachusetts Amherst in September 2017. “My newest book, Can Government Do Anything Right?, was published by Polity Books in March.”
Torsten Thiele MPA writes, “The deep ocean provides the largest living system on our blue planet but is increasingly stressed by human activities. My efforts continue to focus on researching ocean governance challenges at the London School of Economics and the IASS-Potsdam and to promote solutions through Global Ocean Trust and its 501c3. I spoke at the Economist World Ocean Summit in Mexico and the Ocean Risk Summit in Bermuda. The United Nations negotiations for a new High Seas Biodiversity Agreement and the Paris Agreement offer important opportunities to address the challenges faced in inter-national waters and coastal habitats.”
Felisa Tibbitts MPP writes, “I’ve been living in New York City for a few years and loving it! I teach international education development at Columbia, a nice follow-up to my time as a Human Rights Fellow at the HKS Carr Center. Would love to catch up with HKS classmates in the city!”
Beth Knobel MPP PhD 1992 writes, “I’m happy to announce that my new book, The Watchdog Still Barks: How Accountability Reporting Evolved for the Digital Era, came out in March from Fordham University Press. It’s a study of how American news- papers are fulfilling the watchdog role despite significant challenges, and it is very much inspired by my studies of press-politics at the Kennedy School. I also have been promoted to associate professor of communication and media studies at Fordham University in New York. I still also help CBS News with its Russia coverage.”
Javier Trevino-Cantu MPP was appointed Mexico’s deputy secretary of education in 2014. “For more than three years, I have been working on the design and implementation of education reform in Mexico. It has been the most ambitious transformation of our education system in decades. I am implementing a new education model for K–9 based on five pillars: new curriculum, pedagogy and materials; new school system with better infrastructure and stronger leadership abilities for principals; professional development of teachers based on merit; quality inclusive education with equity for everyone; a new governance of the education system.”
1988 | 30th Reunion
Volker Baas MC/MPA writes, “Wishing you a joyful reunion. I wanted to share with you that I am still enjoying the legal world as partner with the law firm TaylorWessing in Frankfurt, Germany. I still maintain strong ties to Harvard as president of the regional Harvard Alumni Club for the past eight years. Life is offering much more, so I am also engaging as a member of the supervisory board of a German Premier League soccer club. My spare time I spend with my family in our vacation house at the Baltic Sea shore, going sailing and mountain biking as often as I can.”
Laura Bailey MPP writes, “September 2017 found me back in D.C. as lead social development specialist after eight years overseas leading World Bank programs in Armenia and Papua New Guinea as country manager. I’m returning to work I’m really committed to—development in fragility and conflict situations—and loving it! Lots of chances to connect with HKS grads in my professional life, and happy to be closer to my core MPP 1988 pals. Outside of work, I’m investing my time with family and friends (beach, mountains) and making incremental progress in two books at various stages of disarray and rewrites.”
Carol Becker MC/MPA retired from the State Department in 2003. “The last 10 years were at passport services, where I ended up in IT and facilities management. Since then I volunteered, until recently, most notably at the National Archives on Civil War records. Still living in Alexandria, Virginia, only 40 minutes away from all children and grandchildren. Life is good!”
John Carlson MPP serves as chief of staff of the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center (FS-ISAC), a 7,000-member nonprofit that focuses on ensuring the resilience and continuity of the global financial services infrastructure against cyber and physical threats. He previously served in a variety of leadership roles at BITS, Morgan Stanley, the U.S. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the U.S. Office of Management and Budget, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. He has been married to Mona Yacoubian MPA 1989 for more than 30 years and has three adult daughters.
Ellie Cohen MPP has been CEO of Point Blue Conservation Science, based in California, since 1999. She and Point Blue’s 160 scientists strive to reduce the impacts of climate change, habitat loss, and other environmental threats to wildlife and people while developing nature-based solutions. Ellie represents Point Blue at the UN’s global climate change body (UNFCCC), speaks regularly on nature-based solutions, is a contributing author to the national Climate-Smart Conservation guide (NWF) and serves on her town’s sustainability commission. She lives north of San Francisco with her wife and two children.
Rosalina De la Paz Magat MC/MPA writes, “My experience at HKS as an Edward S. Mason Fellow broadened my horizon and my network. It opened up many opportunities, which propelled me to rise quickly to the top of the corporate ladder. I retired as a full-time economist/banker in 2010. However, I ended up being busier than ever before in consultancy, socio-civic community activities in my home city of Pasig, Metro Manila, Philippines, where I sit on the board of the Pasig Peace & Order Council, Pasig Development Council, Pasig Anti-Nuisance Board, Countryside Builders MPC, Bankers Institute of the Philippines, Public Relations Society of the Philippines, Zonta International, and Rotary International.
Taher Farahat MC/MPA writes, “Dear colleagues, my career in diplomacy and foreign affairs included postings in Vienna, Brasilia, Tokyo, and a tour as consul general in Shanghai. I served as ambassador to Kuwait and then the Netherlands. I retired last in April. Unfortunately, I was diagnosed early this year with cancer of the colon. I am now under chemotherapy, which sadly prevents me from our reunion. But I wish everybody participating lots of fun and wonderful memories. Hoping to see you at our next reunion. Wish you all the best.”
Anne Hamre MPP writes, “I’m still working at the Minnesota legislature for the House DFL Caucus (DFL is the Minnesota version of Democrat). Because the legislative session ran through May 21, I couldn’t make it to the reunion, but I traveled to Boston/Cambridge in early June—my first trip back in 30 years (!). How did three decades just zip by??”
John McLaughlin MC/MPA retired from state law enforcement and joined the federal government conducting national security investigations for the United States. In his last state assignment, he was chief of the fugitive unit and a member of the FBI Bulger Task Force. John oversaw the Whitey Bulger fugitive investigation. Bulger was apprehended in 2011 by John’s former squad. John accepted an appointment as assistant professor of criminal justice and law (tenure track) at a local private college in the Boston area. Currently, he spends his time teaching and serves as president of McLaughlin & Associates, a firm he established in 2009.
Chris Sturgis MPP is living in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Her consulting firm MetisNet (“metis” means “local knowledge”) has worked with foundations big and small in shaping strategies. For the past eight years, the focus has been on developing next-generation education. She cofounded CompetencyWorks to help public schools learn about and make the transition to mastery-based learning.
Eduardo Rodriguez Veltze MPA writes, “Public service can be an exciting journey. Looking back 30 years after HKSG, life exceeded most “case studies.” Trained as a lawyer and bureaucrat, I was appointed to the Supreme Court, from where, unexpectedly, I became president of Bolivia in stormy times. Survived collateral damage from political exposure and returned to teach law. For the last five years I was back in service as ambassador of Bolivia to the Netherlands, posted as an agent before the International Court of Justice in a challenging case about Bolivia’s access to the Pacific Ocean. Hopefully the journey will be completed at a good port!”
Sue Battle-McDonald MPP is enjoying new responsibilities at the Maryland Department of the Environment, has survived both early breast cancer and the hardest years of single parenting, is relishing having her youngest at home for two more years, and has recently fallen in love with contra dancing. She is also extremely psyched about the great seat she has to see Springsteen on Broadway on October 13.
Jim Brett MC/MPA, New England Council president and CEO, was recently honored by the American Academy of Develop-mental Medicine and Dentistry with the organization’s 2017 Katie Beckett Award. Jim was presented with the award at the academy’s annual conference in Houston. The Katie Beckett Award is presented annually to the person who best personifies the spirit and passion of the Beckett Family. Jim is a former chairman of the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities and is currently chairman of the Governor’s Commission on Intellectual Disabilities.
Dermod Dwyer MC/MPA resides in Dublin with his wife, Helen, and nearby son Denis. Dermod is executive chairman of The Convention Center Dublin—awarded the title of World’s Best Convention Centre in 2017. He is a board member of many profit and nonprofit organizations, including The National Gallery and IMMA. After a nine-year battle with cancer they lost their married daughter, Caroline, in 2013. Caroline had been a strong public advocate for cancer research. In late 2013 Helen set up, a single-purpose Irish charity to raise funds to pay the salaries of additional cancer researchers in Ireland. Almost $1 million raised to date, and new trial successes imminent.
Natalie Jaresko MPP is serving as the executive director of the Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico, established by the U.S. Congress in response to the debt and fiscal crisis in Puerto Rico. Taken together with the humanitarian and infrastructure devastation created by Hurricanes Irma and Maria, the challenges are deep and broad. “All my experience and education are being utilized daily to work toward solutions that enable Puerto Rico to rebuild and grow again.”
Ross Love MPA writes, “After a term as chief of staff to the premier of Western Australia, I have been at BCG for 25 years, the last three as head of the New York office after heading the Australian business, and before that BCG’s global airline practice. Now, more than ever, we all need to work to reinforce the increasingly fragile bonds between doing business with integrity and excellence, doing government with honor and purpose, and doing philanthropy with innovation and effectiveness. I have been lucky to work in all three arenas from BCG - and look forward to more from wherever! Best wishes to you all.”
Ali Webb MC/MPA writes, “I retired from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation in July 2017 after 20 years. My final job was director of Michigan, with an annual grant-making budget of about $65 million. Since then I’ve founded Ali Webb Strategies and I’m doing some college-level teaching as well. Check out my recent NonProfit Quarterly blog post on the seven deadly sins of philanthropy. I’ve also expanded my travel writing as The Indulgent Traveler, and look for my first novel to be published, Killer Politics. My husband, Keith, and I are returning to Windmill Point in Virginia after two decades in Michigan.”
Joseph Wilson MC/MPA remains active in anti-fossil fuel and local politics around energy issues. “Helped push utility in our area into halting pipeline plans in favor of non-fossil fuel alternative. Also active, as a former high school principal, in gun law reform.”
Bob Cole MC/MPA reports that after more than 40 years of reasonably successful public service, he and Janice are fully retired in Loveland, Colorado, near their sons, who are in Denver. “We make full use of the cornucopia of outdoor recreation amenities and travel frequently, mainly throughout the western United States. We are disturbed at what passes for ‘governance’ of our beautiful country and occasionally yell at the TV. We hope Servant Leader Patriots regain control of our government soon. Would be thrilled to hear from any of our classmates!”
Robert Dodge MPA had his seventh nonfiction book published, Tempest Tost: The Refugee Experience Through One Community’s Prism. It’s about what refugees have experienced and how they have been received since resettlement in the United States.
Linda Killian MC/MPA is working on a history PhD at American University focusing on the origins of American democracy.
Larry “Bud” Meyer MC/MPA was featured in a November 2017 Columbia Journalism Review article on the role of personal philanthropy in news nonprofits. He is a cofounder and the chair of Foothills Forum in rural Rappahannock County, Virginia.
Roy Norton MC/MPA writes, “I’m a Canadian diplomat, inspired by the HKS experience (including being named a Littauer Fellow) to complete a PhD (albeit at Johns Hopkins, not Harvard). Subsequent to HKS, I represented Canada for 14 years (not consecutively) in the United States (eight in D.C., including as minister at the Canadian embassy), six in the Midwest (consul general of Canada in Detroit, then Chicago). Worked six years in Toronto for the Ontario government (assistant deputy minister for international relations; ADM export development). Currently chief of protocol of Canada, based in Ottawa, responsible for all our prime minister’s and governor general’s international relations activity.”
Julie Ames MC/MPA writes, “Loving my new role as vice president of communications at Biocom, California’s large life science trade association. Chris (rear admiral, U.S. Navy, retired) is thriving at General Atomics and in Europe all the time. Kids are both in college, on the East Coast and in Scotland. Please be sure to call if you are in sunny San Diego. Got to see John Duncan MC/MPA last summer, and going to see Marianne Lee MC/MPA in June. Love my classmates!”
Joanne Sadler Butler MC/MPA writes, “Last job was in George W. Bush administration at the Labor Department. Since then, I have been writing an op-ed column for the Daily Caller website (founded by Tucker Carlson). I feel fortunate to have the opportunity as a conservative woman to address many economic and policy issues. HKS taught me the importance of how to speak my mind. Google ‘Daily Caller’ and ‘Joanne Butler’ to see my work. Agree or disagree with my views, but I think you’ll find my work worth reading.”
Ray Campbell MPA writes, “I have been back in Massachusetts state government for the past two years, first as the acting executive director of the Group Insurance Commission, and for the past 18 months as the executive director of the Center for Health Information and Analysis, the state’s lead agency for health data and analytics.”
Noreen Dunne MC/MPA writes, “I am no longer in formal teaching of undergrads and postgrads, in Darjeeling, India, but am into a mentoring program for dedicated teachers in neighborhood public schools, to bring about sustained changes and develop value systems in a pervasively corrupt, unequal, and hopeless educational environment. Not from merely altruistic but realistic motives, if we want genuine development to take place in poor areas like mine. The focus is on women and youth. The aim: to support good people to do something, not get paralyzed by the not-so-good that is endemic. The method: quarterly inputs. The hope: that this legacy will be passed on.”
Barry Sloane MC/MPA writes, “I’m proud to report that my freshman son, Marshall, is rowing for the Harvard heavyweight crew team, 43 years after I last launched from the boathouse.”
Jacquelyne Weatherspoon MC/MPA writes, “In between my first love, working on getting women elected, I am co-teaching at the famed Harlem Children’s Zone, Promise Academy 2, and volunteering for Black Girls Code! What a gift to be working with the next generation of leaders. I am so happy to see so many folks post 2016 elections supporting the next generation. Excited to be in this space until the next campaign!”
Evelyn White MC/MPA is happily in Halifax, Nova Scotia. “Writing this and that, including recent feature profiles of the first black woman judge in Canada (Corrine Sparks) and the incomparable singer/activist Buffy Sainte Marie. All good.”
Nasim Zaidi MC/MPA writes, “In India, I worked in the provincial government of Uttar Pradesh at the policy and implementation level in surface transport, providing accessible, safe, and affordable means of transport in the public and private sectors, and in the reduction of poverty levels through rural and agriculture development. At the federal level, I worked to provide affordable, accessible, and safe air transport and development of airport infrastructure and ICAO level. Later, as chief election commissioner of India, worked on conducting free, fair, and credible elections for 850 million voters over 1 million polling stations with 1.5 million electronic voting/audit trail machines—a satisfying job.”
Mary Josie Blanchard HKSEE was selected as the Department of the Interior’s director for Gulf of Mexico restoration. She coordinates and advises the department on policies and programs related to Gulf restoration efforts as a result of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
Mark Brimhall-Vargas MPP is working as the CDO at Brandeis University and living in Saugus, Massachusetts. “I’d love to reconnect with local HKS people.”
Chuck Flacks MPP relocated to Santa Barbara, California, in 2015. He is director of programs for PATH, a housing-first-focused homeless facility. His daughter Olivia is graduating from Barnard College this year, and his son Maurice is continuing his education this fall. In May, Chuck married an old and dear friend, Charla Bregante.
David Greig MPA writes, “I will finish as strategy director in the New Zealand Ministry of Transport in August 2018, then do a two- month road trip in the United States and Canada, joining dots where I know people, including Boston of course. Then a month or so in South America (my first time) on the way home. After that I’ll be in Wellington. Look me up! The best time to visit is mid- January to mid-April, second best October to mid-December, unless you’re a skier (then it’s mid-July to mid-September).”
Charlotte Pierce MC/MPA writes, “I enjoy rowing on the Charles River in my single sculling shell, in between looking for new publishing projects in alternative education, and publishing children’s and travel titles at my independent press, The Peeragogy Project ( also welcomes contributions for The Peeragogy Handbook v4, the public domain project currently in development for a January 1, 2019, publication date. I recently took on the job of managing editor at the online creative magazine, where I invite classmates to submit short works of literature, poetry, and audio, video, and visual art.”
L. Seth Statler HKSEE was recently selected as the director of government affairs for the National Fire Protection Association after completing a 30-year federal career that included service as the head of legislative affairs for NASA and for U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Statler also serves as treasurer of the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation.
Peter Wilson MPA writes, “I moved from the UN in New York to be the United Kingdom’s ambassador to the Netherlands in September 2017. Here in The Hague, I’m also the UK permanent representative to the Organisation for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons—a convention increasingly under threat, in Syria, Iraq, Malaysia, and now the UK itself. The Hague is also the home of many international courts—the legal capital of the world. Ensuring accountability and safeguarding the Chemical Weapons Convention is an issue for all of us, and something a lot of HKS graduates are in a position to actively support!”
1993 | 25th Reunion
Xavier Briggs MPA writes, “I’m currently vice president for Inclusive Economies and Markets at the Ford Foundation, based in New York City, with a broad global and domestic portfolio. After HKS, got a PhD and spent nearly 20 years either as a professor (HKS, then MIT Urban Studies and Planning) or serving in the U.S. government, most recently in the Obama White House. I moved to Ford in 2014 for a new leadership adventure and because times like this demand that we go all out. Look forward to teaching and writing again at some point and helping others develop creative social change strategies, doing more media work and creative storytelling. We need culture, meaning, and public will for justice.”
Elsa Chen MPP and her husband Ken Tsunoda MPP 1994 live in Los Gatos, California, with their sons K.C. (17) and Owen (15). Elsa is vice provost for academic affairs and professor of political science at Santa Clara University. She also serves on the executive board of the American Society of Criminology.
Katia Hetter MPP is now a senior producer at CNN Digital, focusing most on travel and the occasional story about books, music, and parenting. She also co-chairs the Online News Association’s Student Newsroom. Her family is based in Atlanta, where her 10-year- old Girl Scout plays every team sport offered in her neighborhood.
Daniel Jaouiche MPP writes, “Over the past 25 years I’ve been working in the strategy consulting arena with energy and resource companies. Lisa and I just celebrated our 20th anniversary. We’ve moved several times across the United States and to London. We have two daughters. Alexandra is a rising sophomore at Tulane studying public health and pre-med. Samantha will spend her junior year of high school on a yearlong exchange to Germany through a Department of State scholarship funded by the U.S. Congress and Bundestag. We’ve recently relocated back to Charlotte, North Carolina, where I work with Ernst & Young in mergers and acquisitions.”
Peter (Piotr) Dmochowski Lipski MC/MPA runs the European Satellite Telecommunications Organization EUTELSAT IGO with headquarters in Paris, as its executive secretary, elected by 49 member states. He is the censeur on the board of directors of Eutelsat S.A. Piotr is also a UN commissioner on the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development. Working under the chairmanship of Paul Kagame, the president of Rwanda, and Carlos Slim, the ITU/UNESCO Broadband Commission aims at boosting the importance of broadband on the international policy agenda, to accelerate progress toward sustainable development goals.
Mia MacDonald MPP writes, “Brighter Green, the New York City–based nonprofit ‘action tank’ I started in 2008, is turning 10. (Time flies!) Our work in global climate, environmental, and development policy processes continues to expand, and we have a great set of partners working on food systems’ sustainability and the impacts of industrial animal agriculture in a number of countries. I serve on the boards of the Green Belt Movement–U.S., the Culture & Animals Foundation, and the Africa Network for Animal Welfare–U.S. I wrote a biographical essay on Wangari Maathai, environmentalist, Nobel laureate, and my mentor, for Key Thinkers on the Environment (Routledge, 2018).
John Park MPP writes, “I’m a professor of Asian American studies at UC Santa Barbara, my wife, Gowan, and I have three daughters, and they’re all about to start college. I’ve published four books, all on immigration law and policy, and I’ve been a professor for about 18 years. I’m sorry to miss the 25th reunion for our class, but I do wish everyone well, and if ever you’re visiting Santa Barbara, please do let me know.”
Victor Ramos MC/MPA writes, “I served as the secretary (minister) of environment and natural resources of the Philippines from 1995 to 1998. Among many initiatives with my team, I am most proud of giving back to the indigenous peoples more than 2.6 million hectares of forest lands, covered by 180 certificates of ancestral domain. This was institutionalized with the passage of the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act of 1997. Upon retirement, I set out to plant trees that are vulnerable to extinction in the wild. It is now a living museum of native trees—the first in my home province. I am still active in NGO work advocating good governance and sustainable development.”
Sally Tyler MC/MPA writes, “I’m still sticking with the union, as senior policy analyst at the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. Will be 20 years next year. I got a law degree a few years back, and use it to represent individuals in asylum cases. My interest in the politics and culture of Southeast Asia has led me to publish both scholarly and popular articles, including “Of Temples and Territory: The ICJ’s Preah Vihear Decision and Implications for Regional Dispute Resolution,” and articles in New Mandala, ANU’s Policy Forum, and The Mekong Review. Have loved seeing classmates in cities around the world. Say hello anytime.”

John Hlinko MPP is living in Washington, D.C., where he runs LeftAction, an online activist community fighting for progressive candidates and causes (when he is not procrastinating with Words with Friends).
Theo Lubke MPP was elected chair of the New Jersey SEEDS Board of Trustees in March. Theo joined the board of SEEDS in 2013, and was appointed vice chair in 2015. New Jersey SEEDS is a nonprofit that provides educational access to high-achieving, low-income students. Since SEEDS’ founding in 1992, nearly 2,500 scholars have graduated from its programs. Learn more at
Andrew Yarrow MC/MPA writes, “My new book, Man Out: Men on the Sidelines of American Life, will be published by the Brookings Institution Press in September.”
Leela Padmini Batuwitage MC/MPA has three master’s degrees, in engineering, science, and public administration. Her PhD is on “Sustainable Production and Consumption.” She has been actively involved in sustainable development issues representing Sri Lanka in many UN international and regional conferences and also representing the Asia and the Pacific region on several occasions. She is presently working as a freelance consultant in environmental policy and management after retirement from the Ministry of Environment in 2011. Padmini believes that learned societies should sustain efforts toward complete synchronization to see a healthy planet with smiling people.
David Manero MPP just finished up two rewarding and challenging years at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow as the senior defense official. “Next stop is London (in case any alumni are in the area!) as the quest continues for improved international relations. Hope all are well!”
Joshua Mendes MC/MPA asks, “Do you know what are the world’s worst humanitarian crises? Do you know how much they are being covered in the news? Those are two key questions I am seeking to address in this project: Any input or collaboration with fellow HKSers on this project would be most welcome!”
Patrick Corrigan MPP writes, “My consulting firm is growing. Recent topics include strategic planning, governance and boards, leadership, coaching, project management, positive psychology, collective impact, fighting human trafficking, reducing recidivism, strengthening trust in U.S. elections, improving refugee resettlement, and tightening collaboration in global health supply chains. Clients include private sector, universities, nonprofits, and the U.S. government. Looking to grow private sector client base.”
Richard (Rick) Garcia MC/MPA served as an elected regional transportation district board member and two-term Denver city councilman, and more recently was a senior executive in the western region’s office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in Colorado during the Obama administration. He currently resides in New York City with his wife and two daughters.
Mark Bonchek PhD writes, “In 1997, a PhD about the Internet and political participation seemed quite obscure. Not anymore! Now my focus is on how to help leaders develop the mindset to understand the nature of exponential change and design the strategies that can achieve real transformation in strategy, organization, and engagement.”
Patrick Coleman MC/MPA writes, “I attended the Kennedy School via a Pickett Fellowship in Criminal Justice and a Robert C. Seamans Fellowship in Technology and Public Policy, hoping to influence positive change in justice. I accepted the position of principal deputy director of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance, and focused on issues still critical today: racial profiling, excessive use of force, mental health courts, crisis intervention, hate crimes, and victim services. I’ve continued this work in the private sector for more than 20 years. Currently, I am vice president of child welfare, justice, and behavioral health at Westat. Thanks, all, for enduring friendship, and teaching me much.”
Rachel Flynn MC/MPA writes, “After HKS, I became a planning and building director in Lynchburg, Virginia, Richmond, Virginia, and Oakland, California. In between Virginia and California, I did a brief stint in Abu Dhabi, consulting for the Urban Planning Council. While in Oakland, I was asked to join FivePoint, a real estate development company (an offshoot of Lennar), to oversee a large mixed-use development in Concord, California. I was then approached by Google to join their real estate development team. So I’m now working and living in Sunnyvale, California (in Silicon Valley). HKS afforded me opportunities I never could have imagined, and I’ve been fortunate to be able to apply and share so much of what I learned.”
Yasukazu Fuse MC/MPA has published 17 books so far. “The books are mainly on history and philosophy. Three more are coming soon.”
Michael Jandl MPA, after various positions with different IOs and NGOs, has been working since 2007 as a research officer for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). He works primarily on quantitative research on crime and criminal justice and runs the annual UN Crime Trends Survey. As part of his job, he supports countries to improve the quality of their crime and justice statistics and to carry out surveys on victimization, corruption, and access to justice. He travels frequently around the world and would love to hear from his classmates to meet up for a coffee.
Christopher Nicholls MC/MPA enjoyed the chance to return to Harvard during his sabbatical leave in the fall of 2016 as a Fulbright Scholar and visiting professor of law at Harvard Law School, co-teaching comparative corporate law, finance, and governance. The second edition of Securities Law, Chris’s sixth book, was published in March 2018. In addition to his position as professor of law at Western University in London, Ontario, he serves as chair of the board of directors of the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada, the national self-regulatory organization for the distribution side of Canada’s mutual fund industry.
Jamie Smarr MPP is senior vice president at the National Housing Partnership (NHP) Foundation, where he leads its affiliate program. The affiliate program engages in joint venture development to create or preserve affordable housing with tenants’ organizations, faith-based institutions, and other community-based organizations nationwide.
1998 | 20th Reunion
Nicolas Ducote MPP writes, “Since leaving HKS, I cofounded CIPPEC, the premier think tank in Argentina and one of the top three in Latin America, which I directed for 10 years. After a fellowship at Yale, I went into politics, holding office as undersecretary of government in the City of Buenos Aires. In 2013, I ran for office in my hometown city of Pilar, and got elected to the local council. Two years later, after a brief fellowship at Stanford, I ran for mayor of Pilar and got elected, so I am currently serving my first term until 2019, when I intend to run for re-election. I am married to Laura, a journalist and fact-checking activist, and we have three kids.”
Sybel Galvan MPP writes, “I spent my first years after graduation working at Mexico’s Central Bank. From 2002 until 2012, I was appointed counselor for Mexico’s Ministry of Finance at the OECD in Paris, where I had the opportunity to be involved in a lot of negotiations regarding best practices setting and design of public policies. In 2012, I was appointed director general of analysis and statistics at CONSAR, the National Commission for the Savings for Retirement System. I have been doing a lot of research regarding pensions systems as well as enhancing collaboration with other pensions’ institutions. Mother of two children.”
Stephanie Geosits MPP is the executive director of Burlington Youth Soccer Club, one of the largest amateur sports clubs in Canada. “Located in the Greater Toronto Area, 6,000-plus players of all ages and abilities enjoy the ‘Beautiful Game’ with us year-round. Through soccer (and for fun!) I’ve attended women’s and men’s World Cups and Summer Olympics, with trusty travel companions Luxman Nathan MPP, Naheed Nenshi MPP, and Eric Henson MPP. I volunteer with the Adoption Council of Ontario, which believes that every child deserves a forever family. I reside in Toronto (where I’ve been since 2002) with my roommate Belle, a Cane Corso I rescued in 2016.
Roger Goodman MPA is completing his sixth term in the Washington State Legislature, serving as chair of the House Public Safety Committee. “Brokered an historic agreement this year between police and under-represented communities to reform the law related to the use of deadly force and to expand police training in de-escalation. Held up as a national model for building trust between police and the community and reducing needless lethal shootings by police.”
Jenny Korn MPP is a fellow at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University.
Beverly Lindsey MC/MPA writes, “I have retired from government and politics but still answer the call of interesting projects when available. I serve on the board of IREX, an international NGO engaged in education and civil society exchange and programs promoting education, leadership, information, and youth. My four grandchildren occupy most of my time and attention, and I enjoy extensive travel with my SO.”
Charles Mannix MC/MPA retired as a colonel from the U.S. Air Force’s Judge Advocate, is associate dean and COO emeritus of Dartmouth Medical School, and is engaged in private law practice in northern New England.
Arthur Navarro MPA was nominated by Harvard University Alumni to lead a discussion on art and conflict at the Gathering on the Arts Conference at Harvard University in 2017. Since then, he has been selected to lead a high-level discussion on art and conflict at the U.S Air Force Academy’s War, Literature & the Arts Conference in Colorado in September 2018. In addition, Arthur is producing a motion picture feature film about the story of the Third Secret of Fatima and Sister Lucia. Arthur is also leading a multi-focused effort to produce the first-ever World Epilepsy Forum at the United Nations in 2020 with Columbia University Medical School and CURE.
Naheed Nenshi MPP, in October 2017, was re-elected to his third term as mayor of Calgary, Canada’s third-largest municipality and one of the world’s five best cities to live in, according to the Economist. Naheed was named best mayor in the world in 2014 and has dealt with disasters both natural and economic while championing inclusion, resilience, economic development, and community. He also wears purple every day (combination of red and blue, get it?), kisses a lot of babies, and tries to figure out better ways to fill potholes.
Peter Owen MPP married his partner of 10 years, Robert Wood, on March 11 near their home in Arlington, Virginia. Peter has enjoyed a 20-year career in federal intergovernmental relations and legal policy. He also volunteers on a local board of zoning appeals (a subject of his PAE). Robert is a freelance opera conductor and directs his own D.C.-area opera company, UrbanArias.
Luis Fernando Pfeil MC/MPA writes, “I have been practicing in Brazil what I learned at Harvard, i.e. analyzing investment projects considering economic, environmental, and social perspectives, despite tremendous resistance. During the left-wing government, the criterion for investment approval, generation of income (NPV), had less importance than a large amount of resources allocated. What a puzzle! In 2014, a huge corruption mechanism was unveiled. Eighty politicians were convicted, including former president Lula, who was sentenced to 12 years in prison. Moving forward, I want to keep on assisting the country making better investment decisions toward sustainable development.”
Marian Bayer MC/MPA is the founder of the Institute of Spirits, a thought leader shifting our paradigms from the material to the energy perspective. Her book, Keep Talking, They Can Hear You, came out in June. She created the Spirit to Spirit Communication program that guides and challenges participants to experience life from the spirit perspective. Marian uses her remarkable blend of academic, professional, and meta-physical work to teach our business and community leaders the art and science of tuning in to the greater existence. The Green Zone, our least understood and most under-utilized natural resource.
Bill Carlson MC/MPA was appointed to the City of Tampa’s Charter Review Commission, which is proposing changes to the city’s charter for the first time in 20 years.
Cristina Lopez MPA writes, “I am leading the launch of the Mayor’s Scholars Program, Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh’s free community college scholarship program for all Baltimore city youth who graduate from public high schools. The Mayor’s Scholars Program is part of the mayor’s strategies to create pathways for all youth, promote economic development, and reduce violence. The promise program is modeled on other innovative promise initiatives nationwide, adapted to the needs of Baltimore’s youth. The program partners with Baltimore City Community College and will welcome students to a summer bridge program, which started in June.”
Joe Mulligan MC/MPA is concluding his three-year fellowship in the Transformative Development Initiative (TDI) with MassDevelopment, a quasi-public state finance agency that is seeking innovative ways to maximize the Commonwealth’s investment in “Gateway,” or post-industrial, cities. TDI is a new start-up that partners with public, private, and nonprofit sectors in downtown urban districts. The TDI Fellows provide robust technical support, including consultants, experts, academia, technology, and application of the latest trends in planning, real estate, and placemaking strategies to provide additional capacity and advance the city’s and its residents’ goals.
Cynthie Tin-Oo MC/MPA writes, “I am happily living in beautiful Santa Barbara with my husband, Dr. Dan Fishbein, and involved in the Harvard Club of Santa Barbara activities. Once or twice a year, we’ve been going back to Myanmar, providing pro bono technical assistance on public health programs. Please contact me if you are in southern California. Looking forward to meeting classmates in 2019 May at the reunion.”
John Beatty MC/MPA is a trial attorney and partner at Kramer Diloff Livingston and Moore in New York City, where he represents victims seriously injured by negligence and medical malpractice. John and Whitney love spending time with Kennedy School friends who come through New York City or their farm in the hills of Connecticut.
Debra Isaacson MPP has been promoted to senior associate dean for degree programs and student affairs at Harvard Kennedy School. Debbie, who previously was the associate dean in the same department at HKS, had been in the role of senior associate dean on an interim basis since last fall. She has worked for the School in various capacities since 2004, including as director of the MPP program. “As senior associate dean, Debbie is instrumental to supporting and enhancing the experience of students at the Kennedy School,” said Dean Doug Elmendorf. “She is a crucial member of my leadership team. Debbie oversees a department of more than 50 staff members, and has significant strategic and operational responsibilities, supervising admissions, financial aid, the registrar’s office, student services, degree programs, and the office of career services.” Debbie hopes that alumni will continue to refer potential students to the Kennedy School. She says, “Alumni know what it takes to be successful here, so please recommend the Kennedy School to the passionate change-makers in your world!”
Robert La Mont MC/MPA writes, “I am finishing a USAID program in the Philippines. Working with the Supreme Court, we have automated the courts in 10 cities and are working on two more. This case management system now covers about 40 percent of the national caseload and is already reducing backlogs and case processing times. By the end of this year I will semi-retire to Hawaii with my husband, David. I may do short-term work, but I look forward to swimming, hiking, gym, and yoga. I also intend to travel and hope to visit some Kennedy School classmates.”
Tim Mathern MC/MPA was endorsed for the North Dakota Senate campaign of 2018. First elected in 1986, this grandfather of seven recognizes continued need to change the world!
Juan Carlos Pitarque MC/MPA writes, “I have been in the private sector in Ecuador for the past 15 years, as CFO of a local food manufacturer (PRONACA). I have also set up a foundation, The Ecuador Institute, so as to get back to public policy issues. I miss my dear friends from the Kennedy School years, and do hope to see you all at the next reunion.”
Lisa Screeton MPA writes, “Greetings from beautiful Natchez, Mississippi! I have accepted a dream job as director of music for St. Mary Basilica in one of the most beautiful and friendly cities in America. I also continue to advocate for Alzheimer’s research funding and to be a resource for full-time family caregivers struggling to provide end-of-life care for their loved ones. Gus the Wonder Dog continues to hold my heart, and there is plenty of room for friends to come for a visit! Much love and warm wishes to all!”
Suzi Siegel MPP says her first book, Tiny New York, is a guide to the smallest things in the biggest city. The tiniest standouts in the Big Apple range from a baby dinosaur at the Museum of Natural History to a dinky basketball court in the Village that has produced some of sport’s biggest legends. Other tiny stars include the NYPD’s smallest bomb-sniffing police dog (45 pounds), the shortest first name (just one letter!), and an itsy-bitsy topless bar (1,200 square feet). Her website is
Paul Becker MC/MPA, upon retirement from the Navy as rear admiral in 2016, founded and has served as CEO of a successful business, The Becker T3 Group, a consultancy and motivational keynote speaker services platform. Paul connects military leadership principles of “teamwork, tone, and tenacity” with corporate pillars of “performance, productivity, and profit.” He also shares a unique “patient’s perspective” with health care audiences as a stage four bone marrow cancer survivor.
Marissa Jones MPP married William Friedman on August 20, 2017, at the Chicago History Museum, in the company of good friends and classmates. The couple met at the wedding of classmate Heather Rieman MPP to Thaddeus Furber—an unexpected gift of Kennedy School friendships!
Rick Minor MC/MPA serves as the CEO of Second Harvest of the Big Bend, a food bank that delivers 7 million pounds of food annually to food-insecure families and individuals within an 11-county area. He is also a candidate for the Leon County Commission, with a primary election in August. He and his wife, Jessica Lowe- Minor, have a four-year-old daughter and are expecting another child in November 2018. They also have a horse, two dogs, and a Siamese cat.
John Monaghan MC/MPA writes, “Hi Friends, my first novel, Head On: NYPD Takes on ISIS, a fast, fun read published by Global History Publishing Co., highlights the shared humanity with Muslim ‘terrorists’ (‘Ibrahim’s revelation’ is based on real life).”
Koji Oki MPP writes, “Hello, I hope you guys are doing well. It is nice to keep myself connected to my classmates this way. I live in London and work for the Kuwait Investment Office as a fund manager, managing their investments in Japanese equities.”
Carlos Osorio MPP, a cofounder of Chile-based Yuken Impact Research Lab, coauthored the methodology for enabling innovation learning (defi)2, which received the Wharton QS Reimagine Education Award for best innovation in teaching delivery. This approach synthesizes 30 different innovation, design, and development processes, and works with the cognitive and emotional determinants of technical performance under highly risky, uncertain, and ambiguous environments. Also a graduate of MIT with a PhD, he just finished a year as International Faculty Fellow at the Sloan School of Management.
Swarnim Wagle MPA/ID left his staff position as senior economist at the World Bank in Washington in 2014 to return to his native Nepal to become a senior policy-maker in the government of Nepal’s National Planning Commission. He served as a member of the commission for two terms before rising to head the institution as vice-chair until February 2018.
Hyung Du (Daniel) Choi MC/MPA writes, “Thanks to the numerous case studies, leadership discussions, and practical policy courses, I could become a public servant from being a journalist. In addition to my two-decade career as a journalist, my Harvard degree seemed to draw much attention from the public sector. Firstly, I was offered the position of deputy minister in the prime minister’s office—a position responsible for public relations planning. After that job, I was picked up by the president’s office as secretary of public affairs. Lastly, I became the spokesman for the National Assembly. It was an unprecedented career path, which has spanned the most important cores of executive and parliamentary branches.”
Ernest Goodson MC/MPA just landed a $80,000 grant to address the issue of access to orthognathic surgery for people with cleft palates and facial deformities. Success requires state legislation and meetings to persuade insurance companies to comply with the law.
2003 | 15th Reunion
James Aguirre MPP writes, “Sorry to miss this year’s reunion as we wrap up our three years in Rwanda. Moving to Germany in August, which will make six countries since graduation after Honduras, Cuba, England, and Iraq, not counting a few years in the States. Another adventure with wife (Kayrn) and kids (Ali, Lina, and AJ) putting my degree to good use through the U.S. foreign service. Love running into other Kennedy School grads either through diplomatic work or doing other great things around the world. Have a great reunion, God bless, and hope to see you all at our 20th!”
Nehad Chowdhury MPA/ID writes, “My wife, Ashna, and I are enjoying living in New York City with our two-year-old toddler, Ardeen. We haven’t had the pleasure of visiting Cambridge recently but have been fortunate to meet classmates in other cities around the world. I wish everyone in the MPA/ID 2003 class peace and good health, and hope to see as many of you as possible in 2018!”
Marcelo Drago MPA says hi to everybody! “I am currently serving as president of the Chilean Transparency Council, an independent public office in charge of Freedom of Information Act enforcement. I was proposed by President Michelle Bachelet and confirmed by the Senate in 2014 for six years. Before that I served as legislative and senior public policies advisor at the National Congress, participating directly in legal reforms related to pension, labor, health, elections, and the constitution, among other things. However, my most rewarding role is to be husband to Carmen Gloria and father of three great kids (and expecting a fourth!!).
Jack Schnirman MPP, previously Long Beach City manager, was elected Nassau County comptroller. He vowed to bring independent reform, transparency, and accountability to Nassau County upon taking office in January. Schnirman ran on a platform focused on fixing the county’s finances and its contracting process, contending that demands for reform have long been ignored. He prioritized modernizing the county’s financial operations; auditing agencies to target waste, fraud, and abuse; and making the comptroller’s office more accessible to residents.
Vlad Spanu MC/MPA has joined the U.S. Postal Service, holding the position of manager of trade policy and process in the international operations division.
Melissa Brandt MPA recently joined East Bay Community Energy (EBCE) as director of regulatory and legislative affairs and deputy general counsel. EBCE is a newly formed public agency, called a community choice aggregator, that will be supplying energy with high renewables and greenhouse gas–free content to the businesses and residents in Alameda County, California, helping local cities meet their climate action goals and reinvesting earnings directly back into the community. In her new role, Melissa interfaces with state agencies and the California legislature to support EBCE’s mission of leading the state toward decarbonization.
Stephen Frost MPP writes, “I’m working on my third book on diversity and inclusion—how to build inclusive organizations. Now running a team consulting to boards and ExCos worldwide. See In an age of polarization, our work is more important than ever. Would be interested in hearing from fellow alumni working in a similar space.”
Lindy Miller MPA/ID is running for public service commissioner, a statewide position that decides how much Georgians pay for utilities and guides future infrastructure investments. Lindy earned degrees from Penn and Harvard, worked at Deloitte during a 15-year business career, and started her own renewable energy company—all while raising three young boys with her husband, Jon, a rabbi and professor at Emory. Lindy’s message has gained significant support, breaking fundraising records and gathering endorsements from community leaders across Georgia. Lindy won the Democratic primary in May.
Jo Guzman MPP, with the opioid crisis mounting in the United States, recently took over as director of the Counter Narcotics Operations Center at Joint Inter Agency Task Force–West (JIATF-W), the lead agency for counter narcotics in the Indo-Pacific region. When not trying to stem the flow of fentanyl, heroine, meth, and their precursor chemicals into the United States, Jo attempts to play ukulele and catches a wave from time to time. He and Joanna are expecting baby number two in November!! “Any HKS grads who find themselves on O’ahu, please let us know so we can host you for dinner. Mahalo and a hui ho!”
Ashley Stewart MPP recently joined the Baltimore City Public Schools as their executive director for talent and organizational development. In this capacity, Ashley provides leadership for system-wide organizational effectiveness and capacity building strategies that are fundamental to large-scale change and increased student achievement. He oversees professional learning for a staff of more than 11,000. Most recently Ashley served at the Annie E. Casey Foundation in talent and leadership development for nearly seven years.

Robin Hamilton MC/MPA, owner of ARound Robin Production Company, completed her second documentary, Dignity and Defiance: A Portrait of Mary Church Terrell. The film documents the life of the famous suffragette and civil rights activist in Washington, D.C., at the turn of the century. To learn more, go to
Liz Hartman MPP writes, “My two little boys are now two and five. We moved to Ithaca, New York, in 2014 for my husband’s job and love it here. I’ve been keeping busy with the boys and getting a congressional race off the ground in New York’s 23rd congressional district. The candidate is now the front-runner in a DCCC Majority Makers District! I’m so thankful for all of the help from the HKS community and hope to return the favor in the future. In my ‘free time’ I’ve been active in my town and county Democratic committees and three local community-centered nonprofits. I’d love to get together with anyone who’s planning a visit to the Ithaca, New York, area!”
Angela Joo-Hyun Kang MC/MPA, founder and executive president of Global Competitiveness Empowerment Forum (GCEF), has become a task force member of 2018 B20, Argentina’s Integrity and Compliance Cross Thematic Group, and 2018 W20 Argentina’s South Korean delegate, as her continued global activities as 2017 B20 Germany, 2016 B20 China, and 2017 W20 Germany. Additionally, she is currently an OECD BIAC (Business and Industry Advisory Committee) Anti-Bribery/Corruption Task Force Group member.
Robbin Peach MC/MPA has retired from a long career in public service where she most recently developed and ran an award-winning program on climate resilience for the Massachusetts Port Authority. While she continues to consult part-time on climate resiliency, she has added a new passion to her portfolio—the F.M. Alexander Technique. Currently enrolled at The Alexander Educational Center’s three-year teacher training course in Berkeley, California, she is interested in using the technique’s principles to help policymakers, managers, and entrepreneurs better address and redirect harmful habitual actions to reach increasingly better capacity as leaders.
Clare Sanford MPP writes, “I was named one of the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal’s 2018 Women in Business Award winners for my work as a lobbyist and advocate for high-quality early childhood education. I find this flattering but mostly hilarious since the last thing I have ever considered myself is a businesswoman.”
Timothy Sommella MC/MPA, U.S. Coast Guard commander, is currently commanding officer of the U.S. Coast Guard cutter Dauntless. He will be in New York City area for the summer as the ship undergoes major repairs.
2008 | 10th Reunion
Kanayo Awani MC/MPA writes, “After HKS, and in pursuit of Africa’s development, I joined the African Export-Import Bank in 2009 as head of trade finance. The job ensured financial/policy interventions aimed at increasing Africa’s rather inconsequential share of global trade. In the period to 2016 we achieved remarkable growth in loans/advances from about $1 billion to $10 billion. In 2016, I became managing director of the Intra-Africa Trade Initiative, operating as a one-stop shop for lending, advisory/advocacy, and multiple interventions aimed at export development and trade facilitation toward increasing intra-African trade and deepening Africa’s integration.”
Charles de Segundo MPA writes, “Hi all! Spent nine of the last 10 years working at PIMCO, an investment management firm focused on bonds. Left in August 2017 to take a year off and travel with Courtney (married in 2009) and Adele (5.5) and Imogen (1.5). We have visited Iceland, Italy, Switzerland, France, Thailand, New Zealand, and Australia so far, and are aiming for Indonesia, China, and Japan before returning to New York City in July. Haven’t got a job yet for my return, but am looking at another chapter in asset management, or perhaps work in advisory/consulting. Am very sorry to miss you guys next month. I have so many happy memories and am so grateful for the friendships HKS gave me.”
Rreze Duli HKSEE works as executive director for the Regional Development Agency North, in the northern region of Kosovo—a most sensitive region covering seven municipalities, four of which are majority Serbian and three of which are majority Albanian. “In this sensitive region, we work in supporting municipalities in developing projects and supporting private sector with grants and capacity building. I have learned that good governance starts with constructive mind set.”
Donna Hockey MPP writes, “In May 2018, my husband and I founded Surreal Brewing Company, dedicated to creating non-alcoholic craft beer. We live in the San Francisco Bay area with our three children, now four, six, and eight. I also have a new children’s book out called The When Before When. I have been writing stories that champion diversity and include tales about Muslim celebrations in the United States.”
Gebhard Ottacher MPA writes, “After school I was let back into management consulting in handcuffs. I was one of the few who experienced Lehman Brothers as a liberation. I was free to start up my own enterprise together with other Harvard grads. We failed spectacularly. Some things require (much) more than just brains. After some time serving the great Mammon at an Austrian conglomerate, I found my calling (and a lot of meaning) in building up Teach For Austria, which I have been doing for the last six years.”
Tai Sunnanon MPP reports that his mission-driven consulting firm, the si3 Group, is now The Strategic Insights Group, working with clients who are making a difference in their communities. “And we are hiring for project-based consultants. Inquire at” In addition, Tai is proud to be the interim executive director for Independent Cities Association, a membership-based legislative advocacy organization for cities across southern California.
Jean-Baptiste Blanc MC/MPA has transitioned back to law, returning to the Paris bar and joining as of counsel the leading African law firm Anjarwalla and Khanna and its alliance, Africa Legal Network. Based out of Nairobi for the past seven years, he has been chair of the Harvard Club of Kenya since 2017 and hopes to build more bridges with HKS and Harvard alumni friends. “Whoever comes on this side of the world, our door is wide open.”
Kimberlyn Leary MPA writes, “Splitting my time between the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health (where I direct the Enabling Change leadership program) and McLean Hospital, where I am an executive director of policy outreach. Privileged to serve as co-director of a task force with the Vera Institute and the City of New York aimed at ending girls’ incarceration in the juvenile justice system and on several boards. Looking forward to seeing MC-MPA friends from 2008 at reunion.”
David Martinez MPP remains in the U.S. foreign service and currently leads instruction and redesign of the State Department’s negotiation training programs, which he is undertaking in collaboration with HKS professor Brian Mandell. From 2015 to 2017, David served in Bogota, traveling regularly to Havana to work on the Colombian peace process. He was recently named an Atlantic Council Millennium Fellow, a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and the 2017 University of Arizona Honors College Alumnus of the Year.
Diego Osorio MC/MPA writes, “I am honoured to have been elected to the Harvard Kennedy School Alumni Board of Directors (2018–2022).”
Hassan Tetteh MC/MPA, U.S. Navy commander, most recently served as command surgeon for the National Defense University in Washington, D.C., and completed coursework at the National War College to obtain a master of science in national security strategy. He was selected for promotion to captain and will remain in the national capital region to serve the military health system and joint forces.
Josh Archambault MPP writes, “Some growth on both the personal and professional side. My wife and I added another member to Team Archambault in March by adoption, a two-year-old little boy from foster care. He has been a delight. At work, I have been busy helping with welfare reform efforts in Congress and at the White House, and pushing health care reform that lowers costs at the state level.”
Armando Barrera Barrios HKSEE is currently an adjunct professor at the Incarnate Word University in Mexico City and promoting his first book by giving lectures and attending conferences in different universities in Mexico and abroad.
Tasce Simon Bongiovanni MPP and Zack Bongiovanni MPP 2006, along with their children Lucas and Caroline, welcome the birth of their daughter Ayla, born December 2017.
John Coleman MPA writes, “I’m living in Atlanta with my wonderful wife, Jackie, and our kids Wyatt (five) and Olive (three). We’re having our third (a little girl) in August. I work as an asset manager and volunteer on education issues. Jackie is a teacher (and an HGSE grad). I’m spending part of my time this year as a Presidential Leadership Scholar—a program all HKS alums should check out. I miss arguing with everyone at Shay’s! Please reach out when you are in Atlanta.”
Nizar Farsakh MC/MPA writes, “Let’s see … been training and consulting on leadership, negotiations, and advocacy in the United States and the Arab world; finally bought a house in a lovely part of Arlington; and have embarked on a project to establish the Museum of the Palestinian People in Washington, D.C.!”
Zachary Gingo MC/MPA writes, “I continue to work at Harvard in the FAS Office of Physical Resources and Planning. I serve as the senior director of operations, overseeing all the buildings in the FAS, and more recently, helping with the construction of the new School of Engineering and Applied Sciences flagship building in Allston. I had the pleasure of watching the construction of the new HKS facilities from my office window on JFK Street.”
Josh Stephens MPP writes about urban planning for the California Planning & Development Report and other city-related publications. He is board president of the Westside Urban Forum, a nonprofit dedicated to urban issues in Los Angeles.
Sebastian Burduja MPP writes, “I am so excited to share with all of you that Holly and I are expecting our second child in August. Over the past year, I have continued building PACT for Romania, the political movement we started two years ago. We are very optimistic in preparation for European elections next year. I also founded RISE Consortium, a global company specializing in bringing foreign investors to Romania, particularly from the United States, through a one-stop solution. We focus on energy, real estate, and technology. Last but not least, I have continued efforts to bring back home Romanians abroad, including through a EU-funded program for entrepreneurs. Onward and upward!”
Christopher Oosterhuis MPA/ID passed away on June 29. He collapsed while running. He is survived by his wife, Jana, and by his two daughters, Jaya (four) and Varra (one). Chris had been working at Convexity Capital in Boston. In August, a memorial service was held to celebrate his memory. Donations may be made to OosterHealth Charitable Foundation, Inc, which will be dedicated to research on health, exercise, and nutrition, three of his passions.
Sheikh Mohammed Belal MC/MPA writes, “Diplomacy is what I have been practicing since and before I was at HKS. With newfound insights from HKS, I have been working with renewed zeal for the cause of disarmament and peace. At this time, I am Bangladesh’s ambassador to the Netherlands, which enabled me to work with organizations like the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, the International Criminal Court, the Permanent Court of Arbitration, the International Court of Justice, and more as permanent representative of my country. I will be on the lookout for your help to make incremental but permanent peace. Payback time, Bro.”
Jay Bhatt MPA launched the American Hospital Physician Alliance to bring together administrative and clinical leaders to advance health in America together. Join at Also led the launch of the Institute for Diversity and Health Equity including partnerships with the National Urban League and UnidosUS. Check it out at Jay serves as senior vice president and chief medical officer of the American Hospital Association. He was a Crains Chicago 40 under 40 award winner in 2016.
Ulrick Gaillard HKSEE, as CEO and president of the Batey Relief Alliance (BRA), helped launch the organization’s first Women’s Empowerment Initiative, providing rural women in the Dominican Republic with skills training, education, and micro loans to engage in agricultural cooperative activities in order to become economically self-sufficient for the growth of the community. Under his leadership, BRA developed into a competitive NGO and helped raise more than $120 million to carry out high-impact programs that improved more than 2 million lives and attracted partnerships with various institutions including Procter & Gamble, Clinton Global Initiative, and more.
Alejandra Vargas Garcia MPP and Ben Rankin MPP tied the knot on April 28 in a lovely ceremony in Mexico. The Canadian-Mexican couple met in negotiations class in 2011 and were surrounded by their HKS family to celebrate this Harvard-made union.
Aarya Nijat MPA writes, “Hey everyone, past six years have been interesting. I returned to Afghanistan; spearheaded an institutional reform at the local governance ministry with 14,000-plus civil servants; published policy papers on governance, local governance, and leadership; cofounded Duran, a research firm in Kabul that pioneered knowledge base development on water governance, and particularly transboundary waters in Afghanistan; and in the past year or so joined a research team at UC San Diego that supports the Afghan government in financial digitization—that is, changing how civil servants are paid, from a cash-based manual system to digitized and thus auditable mobile payments.”
Joe Selvaggi MC/MPA writes, “I am still happily living in Boston advising not-for-profits, foundations, and family offices on ways to use values to inform investing choices. I enjoy connecting with classmates when they pass through Cambridge/Boston. It is also a treat to crash a lecture in the Forum when time permits.”
Ruddy Wang MC/MPA is in Sao Paulo as general manager for Uber in central Brazil. “More importantly, I have been smitten by a new member of the family—Richard! He is a miracle of nature, a creepy crawler who’s really gotten under my skin, and I feel very attached to him.”
Daniel Young MPP began working for the Norfolk division of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Virginia in October 2016 and prevailed in his first federal jury trial this past January. He recently transferred to the Alexandria, Virginia, office to work on white-collar and appellate matters.
Tom Blathwayt MC/MPA and his wife, Iona, welcomed a baby boy, Geordie, to their family in October 2017. He joins Clover, who was born in Mumbai in 2014, and Maya, a midterm addition to the class of 2013. After a couple of years working for Monitor and FSG in Mumbai, Tom moved back to London as executive director of enterprise development at Nesta. He is currently working with the mayor of London on a new drinking water fountain strategy for the city.
Jeanne Dietsch MC/MPA writes, “2018 is the year we will turn this nation from a path of shortsighted selfishness and greed to a future worthy of our ancestors and our children. Our actions at the state level have the most impact. That is why I’m running for state senate in New Hampshire’s District 9. New Hampshire is a state in flux. Your support now can bring to bear the power of HKS to make this state a better role model by the time presidential candidates head there for 2020.”
Cristina Garmendia MPP writes, “Hello from St. Louis! On September 15, 2017, the day of the Stockley verdict, I was asked to join the City of St. Louis Mayor’s Office to manage the Equity Indicators Project. The Equity Indicators Project aims to quantify racial equity goals for the St. Louis region and to identify specific opportunities for institutional reform in both formal policies and informal practices. This project responds to a call to action from the Ferguson Commission for a racial equity benchmarking process. I am humbled by the responsibility I have been given and am so grateful now more than ever to have the HKS community to lean on.”
Piyush Jain MPP, after graduating from the HKS, moved to Asia and worked at BCG for two years. “In 2015, I cofounded, incubated at the Harvard i-Lab, now one of India’s top donation crowdfunding platforms. We have raised $16 million since our inception to help individuals and organizations fundraise online for health care and nonprofit projects. Our strategic partnership with the U.S.- and UK-based crowdfunding platform GlobalGiving enables tax benefits for donors in the United States and the UK and helps garner Indian diaspora funding support to the causes we showcase. It is a privilege to work on a project I worked on for my PAE in the MPP program.”
Anya Malkov MPP lives in Washington, D.C., with her husband, Noah Baerveldt, and their wily cat, Harlie. Anya has recently joined Amazon as a public policy manager and is thrilled to be sharing the company’s values of customer obsession, curiosity, and invention with state and local policymakers from Michigan all the way to the Dakotas and down to Kansas and Missouri. She’ll be on the road quite a bit and would love to connect with any HKS-ers working in state capitals or major cities in the Midwest. On the personal front, Anya married Noah in May!
Gianna Montinola MC/MPA continues to work at Far Eastern University in the Philippines as vice president for corporate affairs handling marketing, communication, and external relations. “I am also the current president of Hands on Manila Foundation, Inc., a volunteer NGO. I recently coauthored and published a book called Laws for Life 2, a sequel to Laws for Life. Both are guides to everyday law written for the layman. Laws for Life won a National Book Award for being the best book in the professions category in 2017.
Jon Murad MC/MPA writes, “Over the past year and a half, I’ve been in the private sector, working as chief of staff to the former NYPD police commissioner Bill Bratton. We’ve started a division within an existing consultancy, called Teneo Risk, focusing on non-economic risk and crisis response for CEOs and C-suite clients. It’s been a heckuva ride: exciting, fast, profitable, and unlike anything I’ve done. But I miss the satisfaction and fulfillment of public service, and I hope all of you still serving others know the deep, deep value of what you do—perhaps now more than ever, considering the polarity and dysfunction that we face and must overcome to move forward.”
Ami Valdemoro MPP recently signed on as the managing partner of The Cool Kids, a collective of consultants, entrepreneurs, and advisors committed to improving people’s lives by developing the tools to ensure responsible stewardship of emerging technologies. Through strategic advisory, localizing transformative solutions, and an ecosystem that architects real-world solutions on emerging technologies, The Cool Kids enables resilient individuals, communities, and country to achieve real social impact. Since graduation, she has been based in Manila when she isn’t traveling around the world.
Jonathan Chang MC/MPA writes, “I am the executive director of Lien Centre for Social Innovation (LCSI) and an adjunct professor of social innovation and social entrepreneur-ship at Singapore Management University. LCSI was endowed by the Lien Foundation (two of the Lien family members are Mason Fellows). LCSI focuses on social issues facing Singapore and Southeast Asia through applied research, capacity building, design thinking, and community empowerment. LCSI has one summer internship spot for an HKS student every year. I am also the HKS alumni ambassador to Singapore and an elected member of the HKS Alumni board of directors. I host a new admit event in Singapore every year.”
Marlysa Gamblin MPP writes, “Hi Class! I’ve been working on racial and economic inequality in various roles, including with the NAACP and White House Faith-Based Council on Poverty. Most recently, I designed the Racial Wealth Gap Learning Simulation, an interactive tool that helps people understand how the racial hunger, income and wealth gaps were created in America. It’s been effective in helping people start talking about structural racism. It has reached nonprofits, churches, schools, and policymakers across the country, and has helped them understand the importance of implementing a racial equity lens in their policies, advocacy, and program designs in multiple sectors.”
Halimatou Hima MPP writes, “This has been a year filled with growth and a milestone toward completing my doctoral studies. During my fieldwork in Niger, every day has been a reminder of the gift that is education. I got to spend significant time with my family in Niamey, and that was priceless. I recently joined the Next Einstein Forum as Niger’s new ambassador until 2019. NEF brings together some of the finest minds of Africa, pushing the frontiers of knowledge in their fields and doing some great work. It is an honor to be part of the NEF family. The initiative that I am working on, ilimiAfrika, hopes to transform educational systems in Niger and beyond.”
Michael Koehelr MPA keeps growing his company KONU in the field of leadership development with Kennedy School alumni Elisabeth Heid MPA 2013 and Netaly Ophir Flint MC/MPA 2013, as well as HKS lecturer Tim O’Brien. Their work builds from the adaptive leadership and immunity to change frameworks: growing (and provoking) leadership in mission-driven organizations through training, coaching, and consulting. He and his colleagues are based in Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, and Berlin, Germany.
Marina LeGree MC/MPA and her husband, Larry, have, since graduating, welcomed two sons, Charlie and Sam. Their third baby is Ascend, the nonprofit organization Marina founded just after finishing at HKS. Marina divides time between home (Washington, D.C.) and trips to Afghanistan’s mountains. And she thanks the many classmates and friends who helped make Ascend a reality.
Nate Mackinnon MC/MPA was appointed as the first vice chancellor for community colleges in the Nevada System of Higher Education. He and his wife, Kaitlyn, moved from Boston to Reno, Nevada. His work includes providing leadership and coordination for Nevada’s four community colleges.
Dan Bowles MPP writes, “My wife, Megan, and I welcomed a baby girl in mid-February, Kathleen Suzanne Bowles. Baby Katie is growing like a weed, loves smiling, naps, and her big sister, Annie (our black lab).”
Daniel Dobrygowski MPA was appointed head of governance and policy at the World Economic Forum’s new Global Centre for Cybersecurity in February. Daniel continues to be based in New York.
Fatima Dominguez HKSEE has created, a digital platform where foreigners share, in their own words, how to overcome migration procedures, culture shock, tips, etc. for foreigners arriving in Mexico and useful information for those who are deported and Dreamers. “One year after creation: more than 5,000 visits per month! I studied the course Strategic Framework for Nonprofit Organizations. Big thanks to HKS.”
Cristina “Nina” Hernandez MC/MPA transitioned from technical analysis to policy writing after HKS. She made a second transition when she left private industry and the national security sector to become a White House Fellow at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. “I might be making a third transition pretty soon. I’m very passionate about helping underprivileged youth and am considering pivoting toward domestic policy. We’ll see if I can make that transition coming off the White House Fellowship. Fingers crossed!”
A daughter, Anjali Moon Landis Jha, was born June 6, 2018, to Kumar Anuraj Jha MC/MPA (who passed away in November 30, 2017 in Sudan) and Jill Landis Jha. Anjali joins older sisters Anusha and Navya.
Alexa Milanytch MC/MPA is serving as the director of development for Chase Brexton Health Care, a community medical center that provides a continuum of care to a diverse and often medically underserved community. Alexa lives and works in Baltimore and volunteers on several community boards.
Rodrigo Perez-Alonso MPA writes, “Since graduation, I returned to Mexico and set up my own law and public policy firm, specializing in regulated industries. Since November of 2017, I was invited to work in the National Air Transport Association in Mexico as its executive director. I also appear weekly on a national TV news show giving an analysis of business current events and a radio show doing the same. My time at HKS was transformational: I learned leadership skills, opened my professional scope, and even learned how to do TV interviews. My wife, two kids, and I had a great time at HKS and we wish to return. We miss our HKS and Boston friends.”
Scott Snider MC/MPA writes, “The behavioral health company I cofounded and lead, Proven Behavior Solutions, has been selected as a “Best Place to Work” for 2018 by Boston Business Journal, recognizing us as one of the Top 20 Small Companies in Massachusetts! This is a huge win for our growing team of 60 that works to help children and adolescents with autism in southeast Massachusetts.”
Josh Stiefel MPP, Will Denn MPP, Dina Shahrokhi MPP, Olivia Zetter MPP, and Chris McGuire MPP have all recently joined the board of directors of the Council of Emerging National Security Affairs (CENSA)! The organization is a nonpartisan member- ship organization of mid-career national security professionals examining current and future trends in national security. As members of the board of directors, Josh, Will, Dina, Olivia, and Chris are responsible for managing, organizing, and guiding the organization’s growth and activities. All five are enjoying the opportunity to utilize skills learned at HKS for this dynamic organization.

Dongyoun Cho MC/MPA, a policy-briefing officer at the Republic of Korea Army Headquarters, has been named a 2018 World Fellow, one of only 16 people chosen for this prestigious global leadership development program at Yale University, one of the most elite universities in the United States. Dongyoun joins a network of 327 fellows representing 90 countries. World Fellows is Yale University’s signature global leadership development initiative and a core element of its ongoing commitment to internationalization. Each year, the university invites a group of exemplary mid-career professionals for an intensive four-month period of academic enrichment.
Shaniece Criss MC/MPA, an assistant professor of health science at Furman University, was elected to the Travelers Rest City Council in South Carolina in March. She officially took office on April 19, 2018, and is looking forward to serving her community.
Salem El Nimri HKSEE is privileged to be part of a NASA team that went to Antarctica and managed to successfully demonstrate a “technology that can enable the future interplanetary Internet.”
Diogo Faria MC/MPA writes, “My main professional occupation, before and after HKS, is consulting. After graduating, I came back to Brazil, where I joined KPMG as a partner-director within the government and infrastructure area. While this is a very challenging position by itself, I have decided to start a not-for-profit group, reuniting high-level executives (60 so far) from both private and public sectors in order to contribute, pro bono, to a better country. The group is called infra2038 and aims to put Brazil among the first 20 positions of the WEF infrastructure rank within 20 years (up from the 73rd spot).”
Okendo Lewis Gayle MC/MPA writes, “I have been helping Mark and Priscilla Zuckerberg explore investment opportunities across Africa, in my capacity as Africa advisor at the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.”
Amit Khosa HKSEE writes, “As an alumnus of Harvard Kennedy School, one of my primary goals is to ‘Effect Positive Global Change.’ In this pursuit I am currently a partner and strategic advisor at SECINDEF (Security, Intelligence and Defense). The firm is dedicated to consulting, training, and the provision of services in the fields of security, intelligence, and defense. As an engineer, entrepreneur, and policymaker, I am currently working at the intersection of public policy and technology with a special focus on the new frontier—cybersecurity.”
Jeffrey Lamb MC/MPA writes, “Since graduating I’ve gone into two new fields, climate change with UNDP, and impact investing with the Palladium Group. From a home base in Mexico, I work as part of the UNDP team to help developing countries put together funding proposals for climate change adaptation projects. The role has exposed me to a new world (climate change, environmental issues, international development, multilateral organizations) and enabled me to visit unique places such as Kiribati and Tonga. As a member of Palladium’s investment oversight committee, my work entails reviewing grant proposals for water and energy companies in Cambodia on behalf of the Australian government.
Adnane Meziane MC/MPA writes, “After more than 10 years in the United States, my family has decided to relocate to France for the foreseeable future. I will continue to work in mergers and acquisitions for UBS Investment Bank, but from the Paris office and with greater responsibilities. Our move was prompted by professional opportunities, political arbitrage (Macron’s “Make Our Planet Great Again” seemed more appealing than “MAGA”), and family reasons (we recently welcomed our second child, and mother-in-law as nanny was too appealing). HKS friends, please come visit Paris, and when you do, our home is your home.”
Katie (Katharine) Parry MPA/ID is working for McKinsey in London, with a focus (gloriously) on the public sector. “It’s a pretty interesting time to be in the UK thinking about the role of the state, and of national governments, and I’m really enjoying the opportunities that McKinsey is giving me to be part of the conversation. Reach out and say hi if you’re passing through.”
Jason Peuquet MPP moved to Denver after graduation and is loving life in the Rockies.“I’m working as an economist for the Colorado Public Utilities Commission and enjoying wrestling with the challenges and opportunities facing the power sector in the 21st century.”
Richard Trojanski HKSEE was appointed civil service commissioner of the City of Maple Heights, Ohio, in January by Mayor Annette Blackwell. Richard is an HKSEE alum from the Senior Executives in State and Local Government in 2016.
Peter Forkpayea Zogolee Zaizay HKSEE writes, “I am doing fine in Liberia and currently working with the Senate cochair on defense, security, and intelligence as an advisor. Prior to this assignment I worked as deputy commissioner-general in charge of administration at the Liberia Immigration Service. I am also currently working to strengthen a private firm called Today-Tomorrow Centre for Strategic Security and Development Studies, also known as The Centre.”
Vikram Janardhan MC/MPA writes, “I am currently the founder and CEO of a biotech company called Insera Therapeutics, Inc. I lost three out of four grandparents to stroke and so decided to start this company with the goal of finding new treatments for stroke. The early years of our journey were paved with many difficulties. Today, I am the co-inventor of 48 awarded patents in minimally invasive neurosurgery. Our flagship product has been approved for commercial launch in 32 European countries and we are currently conducting a clinical trial in Europe with the goal of earning FDA approval within a year from today. Along the way we have won grants from the NSF and NIH.”
Yasmin Radjy MPP writes, “Soon after graduating from HKS, I joined MobilizeAmerica as Virginia state director, where I worked to support the field efforts of 10 successful Democratic House of Delegates candidates in the most competitive districts of the 2017 cycle. After the election, I began working for Planned Parenthood Action Fund and Planned Parenthood Federation of America as director of organizing and training, and am currently based in Washington, D.C. Earlier this year, I also joined the Truman National Security Project as a political partner.”
Kirsten Rulf MPP writes, “One year after graduation, a classmate and I have put some of our core classes into practice and have co-founded a new research center at HKS under the guidance and leadership of Professor Mark Fagan: We have launched the Autonomous Vehicles Policy Initiative (AVPI), an effort to build the first independent think-and-do-tank on the numerous policy and social challenges that cities, states, and national governments will face during and after the arrival of fully autonomous vehicles on streets all over the world. It has been an exhilarating and exhausting endeavor and seemed impossible a year ago. But now that it’s done, AVs can arrive!”
Mildred Voon MPP writes, “I am currently seconded in the prime minister’s department in Putrajaya, Malaysia—overseeing education and human capital development policy initiatives under the National Transformation Programme. If you are ever in Kuala Lumpur or Malaysia, drop me a note! Would love to meet up. Also, shout out to all MPP 2017 Deltas!”
In Memoriam
Christopher Oosterhuis MPA/ID 2011