“I thought about the millions of victims, how at times it seemed the war would go on forever,” said Pearl. “But I also saw it as a new day and a chance for Colombia finally to realize its potential.”

A global community mourned the passing of Juma, Harvard Kennedy School professor and a leading voice among interdisciplinary scholars and practitioners working to harness science, technology and policy in the service of sustainable well-being.

From the Class of 1961 to the Class of 2017, Kennedy School alums check in with their stories and achievements

“What’s truly remarkable is that Jerry Rappaport has contributed to improving the governance of the Greater Boston area in seven decades,” said Jeffrey Liebman, faculty director of the Rappaport Institute, “ranging from his role in the 1949 campaign, to the impact today, where students who receive Rappaport summer fellowships are 50 percent more likely to go into public service simply from having this one-summer experience.”

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