Harvard Kennedy School alumni are making lasting impact across industries, sectors, and national borders.
Our alumni are invested in solving the many challenges our world faces.
They come to HKS to learn, grow, and understand how to innovate and shape solutions through public policy, research, and implementation. And they go on to become effective leaders, managers, communicators, innovators, advocates, and analysts in government, nonprofit organizations, and business.
Learn about our most recent graduates in our Class of 2023 Employment Snapshot and read our previous employment snapshots below.
2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Host a Summer Intern
Host a Summer Intern
Make this summer smarter at your organization. Hire an HKS student as your intern.
Become a PAE Client
Become a PAE Client
Submit a proposal and use the knowledge and skills of our MPP students to help solve your organization’s challenges.
Hire HKS
Hire HKS
Recruit and interview talented students, participate in our career fairs and events, and lead informal discussions—all remotely.