In 2023, 688 graduates left Harvard Kennedy School for professional destinations spanning the globe, eager to apply their talents to the HKS mission of building communities that are safe, free, just, and sustainably prosperous.
Our graduates did so in a world that, while largely recovered from the COVID pandemic, wrestled with new and emerging economic, political, and social challenges. They fanned out to address them, lending their talents to public, private, and nonprofit organizations in service of a better world.
Many entered positions focused on climate change, technology, community economic development, and international development. More entered government and intergovernmental organizations than in recent years, while private sector employment fell.
Their story is one of continued impact on the lives of others. We are proud to share it with you.
Read about each degree program
Graduates by Degree Program

Graduates' Post-HKS Employment by Sector

688 Graduates
230 | Master in Public Policy |
84 | Master in Public Administration / International Development |
139 | Master in Public Administration |
235 | Mid-Career Master in Public Administration |
Public and IGO |
36% |
National / Federal Government | 22% |
State / Provincial Government | 4% |
City / Local / Regional Government | 4% |
IGO | 6% |
Nonprofit and NGO |
24% |
Private |
35% |
Unspecified |
5% |
Settled Graduates Reporting Employment

Knowledge rate: The HKS Office of Career Advancement (OCA) collected data from November 2022-2023 using a variety of techniques, including an exit survey and follow-up survey, individual email inquiries, and publicly available sources.
Settled refers to those who are employed, pursuing further education, running for office, or not seeking employment.
Employed refers to those who started a job with a new employer, are returning to a previous employer, self-employed, or launching a new venture. Of the 88% graduates settled, 84% were employed (55% with a new employer; 23% returning to their pre-HKS employer; 4% launching new ventures; and 2% self-employed); 2% were continuing their education; 1% were running for office; and 1% were not seeking employment.
The U.S. federal government continues to be the top employer of our graduates. The top federal government employers include the U.S. military,* U.S. Department of State, and U.S. Department of Defense.

*U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Navy, and U.S. Space Force
45 HKS graduates accepted roles in international governments around the world, including 23 national governments, 5 state/regional, and 2 city/local.

131 of our graduates engaged in areas such as: climate change, community/economic development, education, health, technology, workforce development, housing/homelessness, and human rights.
The two-year Master in Public Policy (MPP) Program prepares students to understand complex global and local policy problems and construct concrete solutions.
Through courses, exercises, and fieldwork, MPPs master a conceptual tool kit that draws on the social sciences but is adapted for action. They arrive at HKS committed to improving the world and equip themselves by developing broad-spectrum analytic competency. This translates into intellectual honesty, a hunger for evidence, and the capacity to extract answerable questions from the messy clutter of real-world public problems.
Highlights for the MPP Class of 2023*
- 53% had 3+ years of professional experience before entering HKS
- 73% took on new jobs with new employers, 10% returned to their previous employers, and 2% launched new ventures
- Nearly all MPPs took up summer internships in policy areas, including the U.S. federal government, state/local/regional governments, and nonprofit and nongovernmental organizations
*of reporting
MPP Class of 2023 Post-HKS Employment by Sector

Unspecified employment sector is 3 percent. Numbers have been rounded up/down when necessary to help simplify reporting.
Public and IGO |
37% |
National/Federal Government | 25% |
State/Provincial/Regional Government | 5% |
City/Local Government | 3% |
IGO | 4% |
Nonprofit and NGO |
28% |
Private |
31% |
Unspecified |
3% |

The salary range of MPP 2023 graduates who took positions in the public sector or at international governmental organizations after graduating from HKS. Explanation of salary data plots.
City of Boston, MA |
City of Rochester, MN |
City of San Francisco, CA |
City of Seattle, WA |
Commonwealth of Massachusetts |
Connecticut State Government |
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development |
Government of Bangladesh |
Government of Canada |
Government of Japan |
Government of South Africa |
Government of the Republic of Korea |
Government of the United Kingdom |
Illinois Department of Human Services |
International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP-UNESCO) |
Michigan Bureau of Elections |
New York City Department of Parks & Recreation |
Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Office of Senator Edward Markey |
Oklahoma City Government |
State of Hawaii |
UCLA Health |
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) |
U.S. Army |
U.S. Department of Agriculture |
U.S. Department of Commerce |
U.S. Department of Defense |
U.S. Department of Energy |
U.S. Department of Homeland Security |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development |
U.S. Department of State |
U.S. Department of the Treasury |
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania |
U.S. Federal Judiciary |
U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) |
U.S. Mission to the European Union |
U.S. Space Force |
The White House |
World Bank Group |

The salary range of MPP 2023 graduates who took positions in the nonprofit sector or at nongovernmental organizations after graduating from HKS. Explanation of salary data plots.
ACLU of Southern California |
Boston Medical Center |
Bridgespan Group |
Center for International Forestry Research, World Agroforestry Centre |
Center for Strategic and International Studies |
Children's Institute |
Civic Nation |
Climate Policy Initiative |
Denver Health |
Education Resource Strategies |
Environmental Defense Fund |
Episcopal Community Services |
Equal Justice Initiative |
Equal Justice Under Law, in partnership with the DC Public Defender Service |
Every Texan |
Ford Foundation |
Franklin Cummings Tech |
Future of Life Institute |
Growald Climate Fund |
Harvard Kennedy School |
Harvard Kennedy School, Bloomberg Center for Cities at Harvard University |
Harvard Kennedy School, Center for Public Leadership |
Harvard Kennedy School, Government Performance Lab |
Harvard Kennedy School, Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy |
Harvard Kennedy School, Taubman Center for State and Local Government Fellowship |
Harvard Kennedy School, The Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs |
Harvard University |
Massachusetts Cannabis Coalition |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Investment Management Company |
National Endowment for Democracy |
One Acre Fund |
Progressive Change Campaign Committee |
RAND Corporation |
Results for Development |
Right to the City Boston |
Social Finance |
Stanford University |
Summit United |
TechCongress |
The Ford Family Foundation |
World Economic Forum, Centre For a Trustworthy Technology |
Yale School of Medicine |

The salary range of MPP 2023 graduates who took positions in the private sector after graduating from HKS. Explanation of salary data plots.
Accial Capital |
Blue Garnett |
Boston Consulting Group |
BrightUp |
Chemonics |
Civic Roundtable* |
Copper |
Covington & Burling LLP San Francisco, CA |
Crosstree Real Estate Partners LLP |
Deloitte Consulting LLP |
Elias Law Group |
Energix North America |
Energy and Environmental Economics |
Ernst & Young |
Etsy |
Galaxy |
Gates Ventures |
Glints |
Grove Partners |
Guidehouse |
Hillhouse Investment |
Macro Advisory Partners |
McKinsey & Company |
Our Next Energy (ONE) |
Pathways |
Raytheon |
REI Systems, Inc. |
S&P Global |
Skadden LLP |
TikTok |
U.S. Innovative Technology Fund |
Vannevar Labs |
Whiteshield |
*new venture
Defeats EATS Campaign |
Joe Vogel for Congress |
Josh Stein for North Carolina |
Livvi* |
Tana* |
*new venture
Senior Associate/Associate/Consultant at a top-tier strategy consulting firm |
Analyst at a U.S. federal government agency |
Policy Analyst at an international city |
Data Analyst at a nonprofit organization |
Performance Analyst at a large U.S. city |
Senior Consultant at a government consulting firm |
Consultant at a development bank |
Executive Director at a U.S. city department/initiative |
Foreign Service Officer |
Research Fellow at a top university |
Reaching for the stars, a new graduate heads for U.S. Space Force
A rocket enthusiast and marathon runner, Megan Cordone MPP 2023 combines her strengths in physics and policy to pursue a public service career.
The two-year Master in Public Administration/International Development (MPA/ID) Program trains the next generation of leaders in international development.
This economics-centered multidisciplinary program provides meticulous training in analytic and quantitative methods with an emphasis on policy and practice. MPA/IDs demonstrate talent in economics and quantitative analysis as well as leadership potential in international development. Most have at least three years of development-related work experience before coming to HKS, typically in developing or transitional economy countries.
Highlights for the MPA/ID Class of 2023
- Of the class, 86% came to HKS from countries and territories outside of the United States
- Of those reporting, 86% had at least three years of professional experience before entering HKS
- Of those employed, 37% returned to their home countries
MPA/ID Class of 2023 Post-HKS Employment by Sector

Unspecified employment sector is 1 percent. Numbers have been rounded up/down when necessary to help simplify reporting.
Public and IGO |
30% |
National / Federal Government | 14% |
State / Provincial Government | 1% |
City / Local / Regional Government | 0% |
IGO | 15% |
Nonprofit and NGO |
25% |
Private |
42% |
Unspecified |
1% |

The salary range of MPA/ID 2023 graduates who took positions in the public sector or at international governmental organizations after graduating from HKS. Explanation of salary data plots.
Bank of Japan |
Central Bank of Chile |
Central Reserve Bank of Peru |
Commonwealth of Massachusetts |
Fideicomisos Instituidos en Relación con la Agricultura (FIRA) |
Government of Japan |
Government of Jordan |
Government of Mongolia |
Government of Republic of South Korea |
Inter-American Development Bank |
International Finance Corporation |
Reserve Bank of Australia |
World Bank Group |

The salary range of MPA/ID 2023 graduates who took positions in the nonprofit sector or at nongovernmental organizations after graduating from HKS. Explanation of salary data plots.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation |
Brookings Institution |
Clinton Health Access Initiative |
Development Data Lab |
Evidence for Policy Design |
GiveDirectly |
Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI) |
Harvard Kennedy School, Bloomberg Center for Cities at Harvard University |
Harvard Kennedy School, Government Performance Lab |
Harvard Kennedy School, Growth Lab |
Harvard University |
Imago |
Innovations for Poverty Action |
New America |
Sanitation and Health Rights in India |
Save the Children |
The Nature Conservancy |

The salary range of MPA/ID 2023 graduates who took positions in the private sector after graduating from HKS. Explanation of salary data plots.
Adam Smith International |
Almond Fintech |
Analysis Group |
Bain & Company |
BlackRock |
Boston Consulting Group |
Causal Design |
Deutsche Bank |
Keystone Strategy |
Lazard |
Macquarie Capital |
McKinsey & Company |
Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) |
Microsoft |
Moody's |
NewGlobe Education |
Nomura |
Pegasys Consulting |
Pollination Group |
Rebel |
Sustainable Growth Lab, Think Policy Advisory |
Trustible |
Graphyte* |
*new venture
Consultant/Associate at a top-tier strategy consulting firm |
Consultant at a development bank |
Research Fellow at a top university |
Manager at a large, international nonprofit organization |
Economist at a nongovernmental organization |
Project Manager at a Fortune 500 company |
Preparing for a future in technology policy design
Siew Sanz Ng MPA/ID 2023 plans to explore the intersection between technology and public policy by using data analytics to address pressing development issues. During her five years at Axiata, a telecommunications conglomerate, she completed rotations across its South Asia and Southeast Asia operating companies, focusing on using analytics in audit, finance, and fraud prevention.
The two-year Master in Public Administration (MPA) Program equips professionals for positions of significant responsibility in the public, nonprofit, and private sectors.
Before coming to HKS, students demonstrate academic distinction, professional accomplishment and promise, graduate-level training, and at least three years of work experience. MPAs have significant latitude in designing their academic experience and take courses in a range of disciplines. Many pursue concurrent degrees in business, law, medicine, design, or another field with our partner institutions, including other schools at Harvard.
Highlights for the MPA Class of 2023
- Of those reporting, 75% had 3+ years of professional experience as they entered HKS
- Of those employed, 36% accepted positions in government, intergovernmental, or nonprofit organizations while 59% joined the private sector
- 11 graduates launched new ventures
MPA Class of 2023 Post-HKS Employment by Sector

Unspecified employment sector is 5 percent. Numbers have been rounded up/down when necessary to help simplify reporting.
Public and IGO |
21% |
National / Federal Government | 13% |
State / Provincial Government | 0% |
City / Local / Regional Government | 4% |
IGO | 4% |
Nonprofit and NGO |
16% |
Private |
59% |
Unspecified |
5% |

The salary range of MPA 2023 graduates who took positions in the public sector or at international governmental organizations after graduating from HKS. Explanation of salary data plots.
City of Boston, MA |
Government of Japan |
Government of New Zealand |
Harris County, Texas |
Indonesia Financial Services Authority |
Metropolitan Area Planning Council |
North Atlantic Treaty Association (NATO) |
Office of the Mayor, St Louis, MO |
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) |
U.S. Army |
U.S. Department of Commerce |
U.S. Department of Defense |
U.S. Department of Homeland Security |
U.S. Department of Justice |
U.S. Department of State |
U.S. Navy |
World Bank Group |

The salary range of MPA 2023 graduates who took positions in the nonprofit sector or at nongovernmental organizations after graduating from HKS. Explanation of salary data plots.
Arrow Impact |
Bridgespan Group |
Center for AI and Digital Policy |
Climate Power |
Clinton Health Access Initiative |
Columbia University |
Community Economic Defense Project |
Correctional Association of New York |
Harlem Children's Zone |
Harvard Kennedy School, Bloomberg Center for Cities at Harvard University |
Harvard University |
Housing Association of Nonprofit Developers (HAND) |
King Philanthropies |
Korea International Trade Association |
Lemann Foundation |
Project Together |
Shared America* |
Sustainable Development Solutions Network |
*new venture

The salary range of MPA 2023 graduates who took positions in the private sector after graduating from HKS. Explanation of salary data plots.
1Climate* |
Advent International |
Afinidata |
Agoda |
Alpaca VC |
Alpine Investors |
Andurand Capital |
Azimuth Capital Management |
Barclays |
Behavioral Communications LLC |
Black Opal Ventures |
Blue Power Partners |
Boston Consulting Group |
Checkr, Inc. |
Crest Investment Company |
Cruise AV company |
Dalberg |
Deloitte Consulting LLP |
Dignitize* |
Dion Training Solutions |
Dua AG |
Eki Agrivoltaics* |
Ernst & Young |
Evercore |
Ginkgo Bioworks |
Goldman Sachs |
GSR Ventures |
Guggenheim |
Kodai Investment Management |
Lowercarbon Capital |
Ludis Analytics |
Lumen Energy |
McKinsey & Company |
Metrea |
Nature's Fynd |
Pathways* |
The Vistria Group |
Thinking heads |
TLcom Capital LLP |
Vision Ridge Partners |
Zanskar Geothermal & Minerals, Inc. |
*new venture
AIKUA, Ltd.* |
AugMend Health* |
DetoXyFi* |
Shepherd's* |
*new venture
Senior Consultant at a large government consulting firm |
Associate at a top investment firm |
Consultant at a top strategy consulting firm |
Senior leader at an international nonprofit organization |
Director at a U.S.-based nonprofit organization |
Director of an international national government agency |
Re-envisioning a new Black agenda for Boston
David Corbie MPA 2023 is sparking a new conversation about how to shift the paradigm in Boston and strengthen opportunities for the city’s Black community.
The one-year Mid-Career Master in Public Administration (MC/MPA) Program trains highly accomplished mid-career professionals to learn how to tackle the world’s most complex public challenges.
MC/MPAs hone their skills, redefine their career goals, and pursue specialized interests through a flexible curriculum either at HKS, other Harvard graduate schools, or schools in the Boston area. They come from professions in the public, nonprofit, and private sectors, and many become heads of state, cabinet ministers, military officers, diplomats, journalists, chief executives, and nongovernmental organization directors.
Highlights for the MC/MPA Class of 2023
- Of those reporting, 42% returned to their previous organizations either by preference or contract/prior agreement
- Of those employed, 72% accepted positions in the public sector or with nonprofit/nongovernmental organizations
- Many took up leadership roles in emerging areas such as climate change, technology, environmental sustainability, and community economic development
MC/MPA Class of 2023 Post-HKS Employment by Sector

Unspecified employment sector is 8 percent. Numbers have been rounded up/down when necessary to help simplify reporting.
Public and IGO |
47% |
National / Federal Government | 28% |
State / Provincial Government | 7% |
City / Local / Regional Government | 5% |
IGO | 7% |
Nonprofit and NGO |
25% |
Private |
20% |
Unspecified |
8% |

The salary range of MC/MPA 2023 graduates who took positions in the public sector or at international governmental organizations after graduating from HKS. Explanation of salary data plots.
Abu Dhabi Family Care Authority |
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank |
Ayalon Highways |
California Office of the Attorney General |
City of Boston, MA |
City of Cape Town, South Africa |
City of Lancaster, PA |
City of New York Police Department |
Commonwealth of Massachusetts |
Government of Argentina |
Government of Australia |
Government of Bangladesh |
Government of Brazil |
Government of Canada |
Government of Egypt |
Government of Germany |
Government of Haryana, India |
Government of Himachal Pradesh, India |
Government of India |
Government of Israel |
Government of Kerala, India |
Government of New Zealand |
Government of Nigeria |
Government of Pakistan |
Government of Saudi Arabia |
Government of Sindh, Pakistan |
Government of Singapore |
Government of Taiwan |
Government of Telangana, India |
Government of Thailand |
Government of Ukraine |
Islamic Development Bank |
New York Police Department |
Ouray County, CO |
South African Reserve Bank |
United Nations |
United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean |
United Nations International Organization for Migration |
U.S. Air Force |
U.S. Army |
U.S. Coast Guard |
U.S. Congress |
U.S. Department of Defense |
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development |
U.S. Department of Treasury, FinCEN |
U.S. Navy |
U.S. Office of Management and Budget |
U.S. Office of Personnel Management, Presidential Management Fellow |
U.S. Space Force |
World Bank Group |

The salary range of MC/MPA 2023 graduates who took positions in the nonprofit sector or at nongovernmental organizations after graduating from HKS. Explanation of salary data plots.
Arkanum Inc |
Asia Society Policy Institute |
Draper Labs |
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston |
Good Jobs First |
Hack.Diversity |
Harvard Kennedy School |
Harvard Kennedy School, Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation |
Harvard Kennedy School, Center for International Development |
Harvard Kennedy School, Center for Public Leadership |
Harvard Kennedy School, Government Performance Lab |
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health |
Harvard University |
India House Foundation |
Junior Achievement Zimbabwe |
Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences |
Mahidol University |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Massachusetts Technology Collaborative |
Middle East Institute |
National Caucus of Environmental Legislators |
National Democratic Institute |
Next Century Cities |
Oxfam America |
Singapore Sustainable Finance Association |
Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center's Dana-Dwek Children's Hospital |
The Future of Free Speech, Vanderbilt University |
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria |
Ukraine Global Scholars Foundation |
Union Square Main Streets, Inc. |
World Economic Forum |
World Economic Forum, Centre for the Fourth Revolution Rwanda |
Yesodot, The Center for Torah and Democracy |

The salary range of MC/MPA 2023 graduates who took positions in the private sector after graduating from HKS. Explanation of salary data plots.
Amazon Web Services |
Baiterek National Managing Holding |
Bluebeam |
BNP Paribas |
BrightNight |
Dalberg |
Deloitte Consulting LLP |
Defense Technology Foundation |
Ernst & Young |
Freedom Capital Markets |
Freya Savings* |
Fujitsu Research Institute |
Healr Solutions |
Impact Investment Exchange (IIX) |
Integrative Medicine Center of Ithaca* |
Kaya Partners |
Kunumi |
Lightsource BP |
Ophthalmic Associates/CallDR |
Pendleton Properties, LLC* |
RA Capital Management |
REI Systems, Inc. |
Sauro Investments |
Taste of Kenya |
Tesla |
The National Public Transport Authority, Ministry of Transportation |
The Propel Labs |
ThinkHat Software Inc. |
Uber |
VMCA Advogados* |
Walmart |
Weinberg & Co Law Office |
* new venture
Search Fund* |
Stealth Startup (YC W24)* |
The JCN Group* |
XR Ventures* |
* new venture
Senior Executive of a nonprofit organization |
Executive Director of an international nonprofit organization |
Director of a national government agency |
Director of a city government department |
Fellow/Visiting Scholar at a top university |
Head of Public Policy at a Fortune 100 company |
Senior Manager at a large, international bank |
Officer within the U.S. Military |
The two-year MPP, MPA/ID, and MPA programs allow a combined (joint or concurrent) degree track for students to earn a second graduate degree—an MBA, MD, or JD, for example—from a professional school either at Harvard or at a partner academic institution.
Twenty-six percent of the Class of 2023 two-year graduates earned a combined degree.
Post-HKS Employment Sector Comparison

Sole HKS Degree Graduates
Public and IGO | 38% |
Nonprofit and NGO | 28% |
Private | 31% |
Unspecified or Campaign | 3% |
Combined Degree Graduates
Public and IGO | 10% |
Nonprofit and NGO | 14% |
Private | 72% |
Unspecified or Campaign | 4% |
Public Sector and International Governmental Organizations
City of Seattle, WA |
New York City Department of Parks and Recreation |
UCLA Health |
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania |
U.S. Federal Judiciary |
Nonprofit Sector and Nongovernmental Organizations
ACLU of Southern California |
Boston Medical Center |
Denver Health |
Equal Justice Initiative |
Equal Justice Under Law, in partnership with the DC Public Defender Service |
Harvard Kennedy School, Center for Public Leadership |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Investment Management Company |
Yale School of Medicine, Emergency Medicine |
Private Sector
Accial Capital |
Boston Consulting Group |
BrightUp |
Civic Roundtable |
Copper |
Covington & Burling LLP San Francisco, CA |
Crosstree Real Estate Partners LLP |
Elias Law Group LLP |
Galaxy |
Gates Ventures |
Glints |
McKinsey & Company |
Skadden LLP |
U.S. Innovative Technology Fund |
Vannevar Labs |
Livvi |
Tana |
Private Sector
BlackRock |
Boston Consulting Group |
Macquarie Capital |
McKinsey & Company |
Microsoft |
Trustible |
Public Sector and International Governmental Organizations
Metropolitan Area Planning Council |
U.S. Department of Commerce |
U.S. Department of Homeland Security |
U.S. Department of Justice |
U.S. Navy |
Nonprofit Sector and Nongovernmental Organizations
Arrow Impact |
Bridgespan Group |
Harlem Children's Zone |
Harvard Kennedy School, Bloomberg Center for Cities at Harvard University |
Housing Association of Nonprofit Developers (HAND) |
King Philanthropies |
Private Sector
1Climate |
Alpaca VC |
Alpine Investors |
Andurand Capital |
Azimuth Capital Management |
Barclays |
Behavioral Communications LLC |
Black Opal Ventures |
Boston Consulting Group |
Checkr, Inc. |
Deloitte Consulting LLP |
Dignitize |
Dion Training Solutions |
Ernst & Young |
Evercore |
Goldman Sachs |
GSR Ventures |
Guggenheim |
Kodai Investment Management |
Lowercarbon Capital |
Ludis Analytics |
Lumen Energy |
McKinsey & Company |
Metrea |
The Vistria Group |
TLcom Capital LLP |
Vision Ridge Partners |
Zanskar Geothermal & Minerals, Inc. |
DetoXyFi |
Strengthening public institutions and empowering public servants
Austin Boral MPP/MBA 2023 wants public officials to retain and share what they learn tackling the most complex public problems—from election administration to homelessness response—and build government’s institutional memory along the way.