Research Insights are bite-sized, usable takeaways from HKS faculty working papers, peer-reviewed articles, and other publications. We include a sample here that cover different policy topics—from the link between education and pay to the connections between political affiliation and housing policy. You can find more Research Insights on our Policy Topics page.

There is a difference between feeling heard and being heard. HKS Associate Professor Julia Minson and colleagues conducted studies that found people overestimate the attentiveness of listeners.


Assistant Professor of Public Policy Michela Carlana and a coauthor studied 2000 middle school students to examine the role of parents in encouraging gender-stereotyped academic paths.


A team of researchers, including Professor Rema Hanna, worked with large amounts of data from a Jakarta bus system to holistically design a more user-friendly transport network.


Researchers including Associate Professor of Public Policy Anders Jensen found that globalization can generate more tax revenues for developing countries.


Researchers, including Associate Professor Elizabeth Linos and Jessica Lasky-Fink from Harvard Kennedy School’s People Lab, found that government communications using a more formal design and tone were seen as more trustworthy and important than less formal messages.

Illustration by Bailey Meadows