Global Student Community

Harvard Kennedy School is one of the University’s most international schools, welcoming students from around the globe each year. The map shows the countries of citizenship of our current degree program students who hail from outside of the United States.

Voices from the HKS Class of 2024

Imprisoned and now exiled for his opposition to the Venezuelan government, Freddy Guevara is working to stem the growing tide of authoritarianism.


Alejandra & Andrea Guardia, who are twins, talk about their time at HKS and share their plans after graduation.


Grace Lam shares what public service means to her. 


From City Hall to the streets of Boston, Maya Alper highlights service delivery’s role in promoting democracy.


Luke Schields on why he's drawn to public service. 

This is where your passion and aspirations meet the urgent needs of the world.
Bring your ideas and research to life. Prepare for a future in academia or policymaking.