Get to know our PhD candidates entering the job market and their job market paper titles, research fields, and faculty committees.

Contact Matthew Baum (political science) or Marcella Alsan (economics) with questions about our PhD in Public Policy (PPOL) and Political Economy and Government (PEG) candidates, and Nicole Tateosian about our PhD in Social Policy candidates.

Anthony Bald (economics track)

Job market paper title: The Birth of an Occupation: Professional Nursing in the Era of Public Health
Fields: Labor economics, health economics, economic history
Recommenders: Marcella Alsan (chair), Christopher Avery, Peter Blair, Claudia Goldin

Matthew Dodier (economics track)

Job market paper title: Smoke Signals: Examining the Impact of Smoke Plumes on Hospital Care Use in the State of Oregon
Fields: Environmental and health economics
Recommenders: Marcella Alsan (chair), Joseph Aldy, Gordon Hanson

Roman Klimke (economics track)

Job market paper title: The Value of Partial Unemployment Insurance: Evidence from Short-Time Work
Fields: Public economics, labor economics
Recommenders: Jeffrey Liebman (chair), Maria Polyakova, Mark Shepard

Kadeem Noray (economics track)

Job market paper title: Selecting for Diverse Talent: Theory and Evidence (with Neil Natarajan
Fields: Labor economics, AI & machine learning, public economics, economics of education
Recommenders: David Deming (chair), David Autor, Lawrence Katz, and Nathaniel Hendren 

Savannah Noray (economics track)

Job market paper title: The Trade-Off Between Social Tasks and Workplace Flexibility: Implications for Gender Gaps
Fields: Labor
Recommenders: Claudia Goldin (chair), Michela Carlana, Gordon Hanson

Akshay Dixit (government track)

Job market paper title: The Impact of Welfare on Inter-group Relations: Caste-based Social Insurance and Social Integration in India
Fields: Comparative politics, political economy
Recommenders: Melani Cammett (co-chair), Torben Iversen (co-chair), Gautam NairPia Raffler

José Ramón Enríquez (government track)

Job market paper title: Accountability under Polarization
Fields: Political economy, development economics
Recommenders: Rema Hanna (chair), Susan Athey, Erik Brynjolfsson, Horacio Larreguy

Martin Koenen (Economics Track)

Job market paper title: Social Ties and Residential Choice: Micro Evidence and Equilibrium Implications
Fields: Labor economics, political economy, public economics
Recommenders: Raj Chetty (chair), Edward Glaeser, Nathaniel Hendren

Brian Highsmith (Government and social policy track)

Job Market Paper Title: Governing the Company Town (forthcoming at Stanford Law Review)
Research fields: Local government law, political/economic geography, historical institutionalism, democratic theory  
Recommenders: Danielle Allen (chair), Yochai Benkler, Nikolas Bowie, David Schleicher,  Kathleen Thelen

ALEXANDRA MITUKIEWICZ (sociology and social policy track)

Job Market Paper Title: Job Search and Work Among Older U.S. Workers
Research fields: Work, inequality, social policy, demography, aging, retirement.  
Recommenders: Alexandra Killewald (co-chair), David Pedulla (co-chair), Jason BeckfieldNicole Maestas

Elizabeth Thom (Government and social policy track)

Job Market Paper Title: Social Programs and the Political Consequences of Extractive Industry Decline
Research fields: American politics, social policy, climate change, mixed methods 
Recommenders: Theda Skocpol (chair), Stephen Ansolabehere, Daniel Carpenter, Stephanie Ternullo

Recent PhD in PPOL, PEG, and Social Policy graduates have accepted academic positions at top institutions such as: Columbia University, Dartmouth College, Duke University, Harvard Business School, the London School of Economics and Political Science, New York University, Penn State University, Princeton University, Stanford University, Tufts University, University of California, San Diego, Vanderbilt University, and Yale University.

Others pursued analyst or policy careers at the Federal Reserve Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, International Monetary Fund, Millennium Challenge Corporation, United Nations Development Programme, World Bank, nongovernmental organizations, and in the private sector.