HKS Authors

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Book Abstract: For more than a decade, the Brookings Trade Forum has provided comprehensive analysis on current and emerging issues of international trade and macroeconomics. This timely issue focuses on one of the most pressing policy challenges of our day—climate change—and its impact on international trade. New climate change policies are likely to be developed and implemented in the next few years. It is thus critically important to understand the interaction of international trade and climate change policies both in terms of the role of border adjustments in climate change policies and the role of international trade and investment in facilitating mitigation and adaptation. And as policymakers strive toward a post-2012 climate change framework, the success of the trading system in building a relatively successful international institution might provide lessons for the climate change system. Climate Change, Trade, and Competitiveness: Is a Collision Inevitable? examines the relationship between climate change and trade and lays out the complex decisions facing policymakers.


Frankel, Jeffrey A. Addressing the Leakage/Competitiveness Issue In Climate Change Policy Proposals. Climate Change, Trade, and Competitiveness: Is a Collision Inevitable? Ed. Isaac Sorkin and Lael Brainard. Brookings Institution Press, 2009.