
While the concept of generations or generational differences can be useful in some instances, the report says it can also lead to prejudice, bias, and stereotyping in the workplace. Managers should avoid labeling a group of workers by attributes that may not apply to all, or that could change as workers age or as the nature of their work changes. An employer’s best management options are those consistent with its mission, employees, customer base, and job requirements, and should be flexible enough to adjust to changing worker needs. The report recommends employers use a thorough assessment of their own work environments, job requirements, and human capital to guide how their practices and policies should shift, and have processes in place to regularly re-evaluate employment practices such as recruiting, training, diversity and inclusion, and retention.


Born, Dana, Committee on the Consideration of Generational Issues in Workforce Management and Employment Practices, eds. Are Generational Categories Meaningful Distinctions for Workforce Management? National Academy of Science, 2020.