
Book abstract: Early Adulthood in a Family Context provides insight on a contemporary cross-section of families that are diverse in terms of class, ethnicity, immigrant status, and economic circumstances. Focusing on family characteristics and dynamics that promote successful transitions to early adulthood, the book presents new theories, methodologies, and findings about the familial experiences and behaviors of young adults with their parents, partners, and offspring. Contributors also warn against oversimplified conclusions by emphasizing the variety of pathways to adulthood and recommending public policy supports for young adults.


Edin, Kathryn, and Laura Tach. "Becoming a Parent: Social Contexts of Fertility During Young Adulthood." Early Adulthood in the Family Context. Ed. Alan Booth, Susan L. Brown, Nancy S. Landale, Wendy Manning, and Susan M. McHale. Springer-Verlag, 2011.