Academy of Management Proceedings
Vol. 2022, Issue 1
August 2022
This presenter symposium engages scholars from a variety of perspectives to discuss, develop, and further build upon the key predictors of both failure and success within social entrepreneurship. The authors address timely and relevant topics, such as hybrid organizing, governance, institutional diversity, and enculturation processes as well as processes for increasing client engagement to reduce mission drift. Further, the authors discuss emerging topics within the social entrepreneurship literature including the hidden role of purpose, beneficiaries’ role as value consumers, and potential non-receptivity toward social value through institutional avoidance.
Bailey, Ryan C., G. T. Lumpkin, Ryan C. Bailey, Silvia Dorado, David Gras, Anne-Claire Pache, Julie Battilana, Isobel O'Neil, Jared Mitchell Poole, Bogdan Prokopovych and Channing Spencer. "Conditional Success? The Failure Factors of Social Entrepreneurship." Academy of Management Proceedings 2022.1 (August 2022).