HKS Faculty Research Working Paper Series
HKS Working Paper No. RWP13-038
October 2013
Many organizations have budgets that expire at the end of the fiscal year. Faced with uncertainty
over future spending demands, these organizations have an incentive to build up a
rainy day fund over the first part of the year. If demand does not materialize, they must rush to
spend these resources on low quality projects at the end of the year. We test these predictions
using data on procurement spending by the U.S. federal government. Using contract-level
data on a near-universe of federal contracts, we document that spending in the last week of
the year is 4.9 times higher than the rest-of-the-year weekly average. Using a newly available
dataset that tracks the quality of $130 billion in information technology (I.T.) projects, we show
that quality scores for year-end projects are 2.2 to 5.6 times more likely to be below the central
value. Allowing agencies to roll over unused funding into the subsequent year can improve
efficiency. We calibrate a dynamic model of spending and show that allowing rollover leads to
welfare gains of up to 13 percent, and that intermediate policies can achieve a large portion of
these gains. We document that the one federal agency that has the ability to roll over unused
funding for I.T. projects does not exhibit a year-end spike in spending or drop-off in quality in
this category of spending.
Liebman, Jeffrey, and Neale Mahoney. "Do Expiring Budgets Lead to Wasteful Year-End Spending? Evidence from Federal Procurement." HKS Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP13-038, October 2013.