HKS Faculty Research Working Paper Series
HKS Working Paper No. RWP15-020
April 2015
The largest and most important flow of scientific talent in the world is the
migration of international students to the doctoral programs offered by
universities in industrialized countries. This paper uses the opening of China in
1978 to estimate the causal effect of this flow on the productivity of their
professors in mathematics departments across the United States. Our
identification strategy relies on both the suddenness of the opening of China and
on a key feature of scientific production: intra-ethnic collaboration. The new
Chinese students were more likely to be mentored by American professors with
Chinese heritage. The increased access that the Chinese-American advisors had
to a new pool of considerable talent led to a substantial increase in their
productivity. Despite these sizable intra-ethnic knowledge spillovers, the
relatively fixed size of doctoral mathematics programs (and the resulting
crowdout of American students) implied that comparable non-Chinese advisors
experienced a decline in the number of students they mentored and a concurrent
decline in their research productivity. In fact, the productivity gains accruing to
Chinese-American advisors were almost exactly offset by the losses suffered by
the non-Chinese advisors. Finally, it is unlikely that the gains from the supply
shock will be more evident in the next generation, as the Chinese students begin
to contribute to mathematical knowledge. The rate of publication and the quality
of the output of the Chinese students is comparable to that of the American
students in their cohort.
Borjas, George, Kirk B. Doran, and Ying Shen. "Ethnic Complementarities After the Opening of China: How Chinese Graduate Students Affected the Productivity of Their Advisors." HKS Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP15-020, April 2015.