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Emergency provisions of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) will expire at the end of 2022, which, if not renewed, will have adverse effects on the US health care system. ARPA increased the generosity of subsidies (premium tax credits) and reduced premiums for those purchasing individual market insurance, which largely includes households that do not receive employer-sponsored insurance and are not eligible for Medicaid. For households with incomes between 100% and 150% of the federal poverty level (FPL; $13?590 for an individual and $27?750 for a family of 4 in 2022) or that are receiving unemployment insurance, ARPA provides a zero-premium plan that covers 94% of expected medical care costs. ARPA also eliminated the Affordable Care Act subsidy phaseout (“cliff”) at 400% FPL and capped out-of-pocket premiums at 8.5% of income for all enrollees.


Hsu, John, Vicki Fung, and Joseph P. Newhouse. "Expiration of Pandemic-Related Marketplace Insurance Policies: Implications for Affordability and Coverage." JAMA 327.22 (June 2022): 2187-2188.