The Global Enabling Trade Report 2010 is being released
at a time when global trade is recovering from the
deepest slump it has experienced since World War II.
Events over the past half decade have tested the international
trading system in many ways. Trade flows reached
historic highs in April 2008, only to see their sharpest
drop in generations a few months later. Yet, despite initial
concerns, determined not to repeat the mistakes of the
Great Depression, governments for the most part resisted
protectionist pressures. As a result, the turnaround has
been remarkable. Following a decline of 12.2 percent in
2009, the World Trade Organization (WTO) estimates
that trade will rebound by 10 percent in 2010.
Lawrence, Robert Z., Margareta Drzeniek Hanouz, John Doherty, and John Moavenzadeh, eds. The Global Enabling Trade Report 2010. World Economic Forum, 2010.