HKS Authors

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Wyoming’s longstanding strengths in resource extraction provide much of its livelihood, including its private earnings and public finances. However, its lack of activity in other sectors exposes Wyoming to economic shocks. As part of the Growth Lab's Pathways to Prosperity project, this paper examines the state’s binding constraints to growth and identifies opportunities for diversification. The authors propose that Wyoming look to its advanced services and manufacturing sectors, which lag behind those in other states. The state has made critical investments in education to help generate the necessary pools of skilled labor, but the exodus of young people and families makes it exceedingly difficult.


Protzer, Eric, Thao-Nguyên Bùi, Tim Freeman, Ricardo Hausmann, Sophia Henn, Farah Kaddah, Lucas Lamby, Tim O’Brien, Alejandro Rueda-Sanz, and Ricardo Villasmil. "How Wyoming’s Exodus of Young Adults Holds Back Economic Diversification." Growth Lab Working Paper Series, October 2024.